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4. Робота з текстом для читання та лексикою. Контроль. George Washington, the Father of the usa

4.1. Read and translate the text.

George Washington is unusual in that he combined in one career many outstanding achievements in 1) ..., warfare, and government. He took 2) ... in three great historic events that extended over a period of 20 years. After 1775, he was animated by the purpose of creating 3) ... dedicated to the rights of 4) ... . His success in fulfilling that purpose, places him in 5) ... among other historical figures of world history.

After the war, Washington took a leading part in making 6) ... and the campaign for its ratification. Its success was assured by 1797, at the end of the second term of his 7) ... . In 1799, the country included nearly all its present-day territory between the Atlantic coast and the Mississippi River.

A national army and 8) ... came into being.

George Washington was a brilliant leader. As he inspired his soldiers through two wars, he saw himself serving his country. Not leading it. When he accepted two terms as president, he saw himself serving God and his 9) ... in peacetime. He turned down a third term as president, wishing only one thing, to retire to his family home, Mount Vernon.

Americans celebrated George Washington's 10) ... while he was still alive. They were grateful for a strong leader who had proven that democracy was a feasible way to govern the growing country.

4.2. Fill in the gaps with the words given below:

  1. Presidency f) the first rank

  2. Birthday g) man

  3. The Constitution h) business

  4. the leading part i) a new nation

e) country j) navy

4.3. Answer the questions:

1. What is George Washington's career unusual in?

2. When did Washington take a leading part in making the Constitution?

3. Did George Washington lead or serve his country?

4. Did he accept the third term of presidency?

5. What were the main events that happened during the two terms of presidency of George Washington?

5. Робота з опорним текстом “The Outstanding Cultural and Historical Places of the USA”.

6. Виконання квізів.

7. Опрацювання тексту за фахом.

8. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу:

виконайте тренувальні вправи;

– опрацюйте опорний текст “ The Holidays of the USA”;

– підготуйтесь до диктанту;

− опрацюйте текст за фахом.

1. Тренувальні вправи.

1.1. Make up degrees of comparison.

Suddenly – late −

strangely – freshly −

briefly – gratefully −

terribly – regularly −

coldly – greatly −

1.2. Translate into Ukrainian and illustrate.

Those do least who speak most.


The Holidays of the USA

1. Review the following words.

Рriest священик, Druids друїд, to observe святкувати, відмічати, to deceive обманювати, integral невід'ємний, pumpkin гарбуз, witch чаклун, відьма, evil злий дух, lantern ліхтар, carnival карнавал, fa11 – (ам.) осінь, sauce соус, to permit дозволити, feast пир, cranberries журавлина, сornbread хліб з кукурудзи (маїсовий хліб), Pilgrimпілігрим, прочанин, arbor dayдень деревосадіння, scantilyбідно, conservationзбереження, to urge – переконувати, purpose мета, observance дотримання, annual щорічний, to beautify прикрашати, alarmedстурбований, to superviseнаглядати, пильнувати, hearty snack багата закуска, eggnog гаряче пиво, tournament of Roses турнир троянд, household сім'я, festivity святкування, соnсосtіоn варево, Mummer's Parade парад мімів, to treat пригощати, to dedicate присвячувати, to raise виховувати, promoter тут – ініціатор, carnation гвоздика, to attend відвідувати, service (церк.) служба, cemetery кладовище, цвинтар, barbecue пікнік, to observe- дотримувати, святкувати, to issue the order видати наказ, origin походження, to honour ушановувати, cemetery цвинтар, Armed Forces Збройні Сили, grave могила, Liberty Bell Колокол Свободи, to honour ушановувати, firework фейерверк, water-melon кавун, to proclaim проголошувати, community община, громада, official – чиновник, урядовець, content змагання.