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3. Remember the following word combinations. Translate them into Ukrainian.

Sovereign state, state flag, countries relations, mixed forests, raw materials, heavy industry, consumer goods, ancient history, original culture, political system, one-chamber Parliament.

4. Write the following sentences in the interrogative and in the negative.

1. Ukraine has made tremendous strides toward establishing a stable, tolerant and open democratic society in its years of independence.

2. Northern and Western Ukraine are hilly, forested areas with many picturesque mountain resorts.

3. Crimea is a favourite destination for citizens of many countries.

4. Approximately 5 million Ukrainians live in Europe, North and South America and Australia.

5. The Constitution of Ukraine plays an important role in the political history of the country.

6. Life of youth in Ukraine is determined by the economic, social and political situation of the country.

7. Ukrainian government took special measures for the foundation of youth organizations.

5. Make up questions to which the following sentences are the answers.

1. Yes, there are. There are 24 administrative regions in Ukraine.

2. It is washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.

3. I don’t remember exactly, but it is approximately 46 million people.

4. Yes, they do. Representatives of different countries live in Ukraine.

5. The Ukrainian political system has a popularly-elected President, a 450-person Parliament and a Prime Minister.

6. Yes, it does. Nowadays Ukraine faces a lot of economical problems.

7. Yes, it does. Ukraine participates in the work of many international organizations.

6. Translate into English.

1. Різниця в кліматі в різних частинах України сприяє багатству національної економіки.

2. В Україні існує демократична політична система.

3. Народ України обирає Президента на п’ятирічний строк.

4. Карпати – один з найбільш чарівних куточків України.

5. У Карпатах можна побачити традиційну народну архітектуру.

6. Нарешті мрії Т.Шевченко здійснилися, Україна стала незалежною.

7. 24 серпня було проголошено незалежність України, почалась нова ера в історії країни.

7. Make up the plan of the text. Retell the text according to the plan using such phrases.

This text is about …(the text deals with the problem of …).

At the beginning of the text it goes about … .

In the next paragraph we read about … .

Further on it is pointed out … .

I’d like to say that … .

8. Retell the text using the following situations.

- Imagine that you are writing an article about Ukraine for the book “European Countries”. Give the facts about Ukraine’s population, territory, climate, national flag, etc.

- Imagine that you have been invited to an English school and you have been asked to tell the students about your country and its place in Europe.

- You work in a travel bureau. Write a short prospect giving the main information about Ukraine.

9. Do you agree with the proverb “East or West, home is best“? Give your reasons.

Питання для самоконтролю.

1. Перевірка розуміння змісту опорного тексту за допомогою запитань.

Where is Ukraine situated?

What is the population of Ukraine?

What is the territory of Ukraine?

What countries does Ukraine border on?

What is Ukraine washed by?

How many mountain ranges are there in Ukraine?

Is Ukraine the largest country in the Europe?

What big cities of Ukraine do you know?

Representatives of what nationalities live in Ukraine?

What mineral deposits is Ukraine rich in?

What do Ukrainian industries produce?

What is an agricultural product of Ukrainе?

What do you know about the political system of Ukraine?

2. Перевірка засвоєння лексичного мінімуму за темами кредиту №1.

3. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за фахом за допомогою запитань або виконання завдань до тексту.

4. Перевірка засвоєння лексико-граматичного матеріалу шляхом виконання тестових завдань до модуля 1.2.