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1.1. Practise reading of the following.

Right, try, merrier, rhyme, daring, curable, rural, wrest, wrist, wreck, wrap, shame, dish, she, ship, shape, shave, fish, shine, that, this, than, them, theme, thick, thin, pass, classes, telephone, photo, monograph, thus, father, with, thought, breathing, breathe, thick, bath, tenth.

2. Робота з опорним текстом “State System of Ukraine”. Контроль мовленнєвих навичок.

3. Пояснення граматичного матеріалу “Утворення множини іменників”. Таблиця утворення множини іменників

Форми множини

Закінчення основи іменника в однині







I. – s

1. голосний звук

2. у після голосної

3. дзвінкий приголосний звук

4. глухий приголосний звук





metre – metres

radio – radios

alloys – alloys

ray – rays

friend – friends

tube – tubes

scientist – scientists

unit – units

ІІ. – es

1. у після приголосної переходить в і

2. після шиплячих і свистячих звуків (буквосполучення ch, sh, ss, x)

3. o

4. – f/fe переходить в v





library – libraries

factory – factories

inch – inches

bush – bushes

watch – watches

class – classes

box – boxes

tomato – tomatoes

knife – knives

leaf – leaves

life – lives






Зміна кореневої голосної

foot – feet

man – men

woman – women

IV. – en

Додавання суфікса і зміна кореневої голосної

ox – oxen

child – children


Форма однини і множини збігаються

sheep – sheep

cod – cod

deer – deer

fish – fish

Salmon – Salmon

Приклади іменників латинського та грецького походження

datum – data

medium – media

minimum – minima

phenomenon – phenomena

basis – bases

nucleus – nuclei

radius – radii

3.1. Виконайте тренувальні вправи.

3.1.1. Give the plural form of the following nouns.

Motto, toe, Negro, berry, cliff, valley, belief, hero, carpet, play, wolf, photo, manifesto, thief, match, mosquito, knife, piano, handkerchief, safe, tomato, potato, lady, wife, chief, loaf, spy, Swiss, hoof, memory.

Maid-servant, major-general, man-of-war, hotel-keeper, mother-in-law, pocket-knife, schoolgirl, passer-by, fisherman, text-book, sister-in-law, bus-drives, arm-chair.

3.1.2. Give the plural form of the following sentences.

1. She has a good room in a new house.

2. This girl works at a mill.

3. The student is sitting at his desk.

4. I have an English book at house.

5. This is an English dictionary.

6. The roof of the house was covered with snow.

7. There is a sheep in the field.

8. Their child studies very well.

9. In our country a woman is equal to a man.

10. There is a deer near our cottage.

4. Аудіювання тексту “An Arab and His Sons”.

An Arab and His Sons

4.1. Listen to the text.

Far to the East there lived in old days an Arab who had 3 sons, whom he dearly loved. He had seventeen beautiful horses that he loved.

One day the old man became very ill. Feeling that the end was near, he called his sons to give to the eldest son one half of his horses, to the second son one third, and to the youngest one-ninth.

The sons met to divide the horses but they didn't know how to divide them.

“How can I take one half of seventeen horses?” said the eldest son, “I can't divide a living horse in two. And how can I,” asked the second, “take one third of seventeen horses? But this is what my father wanted me to do”.

“I also want to do what my father wanted us to. But what is one ninth of seventeen horses?”

At that time an old man, came riding on a horse. “May be he can tell us”, they said hopefully. They told their story to him.

The man began to think. Several minutes passed before he spoke. At last he said, “Take my horse and there will be eighteen”.

They did so. The elder son took one half of the horses. Then the second son called the horses which he loved best and the six animals came running to him. And the youngest son took two horses. The sons said to the man: “You divided the horses wonderfully. Say what you want us to give you for it”.

“I shall take all the horses that are left”, said the old man and he rode away with his own horse.