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3.1. Виконайте тренувальні вправи.

3.1.1. Use the bold-typed nouns in the genitive case.

Model: the room of my friend – my friend’s room.

1. A coat for a man

2. Coats for men

3. A novel by Dickens

4. The room of my neighbour

5. The hammer of Smith

6. A book which belongs to James

7. The rights of a judge

8. Rights of judges

3.1.2. Use the nouns in the genitive case.

A meeting of students, the flat of my mother-in-law, the rays of the sun, a distance of two miles, the joys of life, the house of his parents, the theatres of Kyiv, the children of my sister Mary, the rights of the women.

4. Перевірка навичок монологічного висловлювання з теми “The Geographical Position and Climate of Ukraine”.

5. Відпрацювання мовленнєвих формул “Запрошення”.

Forms of invitations.

Are you engaged? – Чи зайняті Ви? Чи запрошені Ви куди-небудь?

May I invite you to…? – Дозвольте запросити Вас до…?

May I invite you for a dance? – Дозвольте запросити Вас на танок?

May I take you out? – Чи бажаєте Ви піти куди-небудь (кіно, цирк, театр)?

Shall I take you out? – Чи бажаєте Ви піти куди-небудь (кіно, цирк, театр)?

Will that suit you? – Це Вас влаштовує?

Will it be all right for you? – Це Вас влаштовує?

Would you care to…? – Чи бажаєте Ви…?

Let us … – Давайте… .

What do you say to …? – Що Ви скажете щодо...?

What are you doing …? Які у Вас плани на…?

What have you (got) on…? Що Ви робите…?

Some of the Positive Replies to Invitations.

All right Добре

With pleasure З задоволенням

Yes, I don’t mind Не заперечую

That’s fine Чудово

That’s a good idea Гарна думка

Not a bad idea Непогано

That suits me very well Це мене цілком влаштовує

That’s settled Вирішено

I happen to be at a loose end Я не маю певних планів

5.1. Translate the following.

  • Давайте сьогодні сходимо до музею.

  • Гаразд, ходімо.

  • Що Ви робите сьогодні ввечері?

  • Я не маю певних планів.

  • Давайте сходимо в кіно.

  • Непогана ідея.

5.2. Make up situations with an offer to a friend of yours according to the following models:

  • I am feeling rather low tonight. What about having some light music?

  • How about taking our umbrellas? It looks like rain.

5.3. Offer your friends:

  • to do some shopping together;

  • to have a cup of tea;

  • to go to see some friends of yours;

  • to do some gardening or household together;

  • to go out to have dinner.

5.4. Make up very short dialogues containing an invitation and an acceptance or rejection of the invitation. Invite your friend:

  • to dinner on a week-day;

  • to your birthday party;

  • to watch a TV programme at your place;

  • to a house-warming party.

6. Виконання квізів.

7. Опрацювання тексту за фахом.

8. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу:

  • виконати тренувальні вправи;

  • опрацювати опорний текст “An Episode From the History of Ukraine”;

  • підготуватись до диктанту.

1. Тренувальні вправи.

1.1. Translate from English into Ukrainian or Russian.

1. They sometimes, after fifteen hours’ work, sat down to read.

2. The two ladies in the dining-room were surprised with Sir Pitt’s offer and Rebecca’s refusal.

3. Where are your brother’s children?

4. Is your friend’s father old?

5. Their parents’ flat is in an old house.

6. His friend’s mother is dead.

1.2. Translate into English.

Дім вашого викладача, картини сучасних художників, проекти молодих інженерів, нові плани цих робітників, прізвища цих студентів, син мого брата, дочка моєї сестри, лист мого друга, бібліотека інституту, старі стіни цього будинку, стіни цього старого будинку.

Сестра мого друга заміжня.

Батько цих дітей – архітектор.

Мати цієї дівчинки хвора.


An Episode from the History of Ukraine

1. Review the following words.

Independenceнезалежність; to realizeусвідомлювати; to appeal звертатися з проханням; to admitприймати; embassyпосольство; to convokeскликати; layerверства; to vowклястися; fidelityвірність; to promoteсприяти; to assistсприяти, допомагати.

2. Read and translate the text.

I'd like to tell you about one of the episodes from the history of Ukraine. During the war of independence of the Ukrainians in 1648-54 the leaders of the war realized, that without the military help of Russia the complete victory over Poland was impossible. That's why in 1648 B. Khmelnitsky appealed to Russia with the request to admit Ukraine as a part of Russia.

The tsar's government started to give some military and economic help to Ukraine. In 1654

B. Khmelnitsky came to Pereyaslav, where he met Russian embassy headed by boyarin V. Buturlin. General Rada was convoked on the city's square. All layers of the population participated in it. Khmelnitsky in his speech on Rada explained the necessity of the union of Ukraine and Russia. All participants of Rada vowed fidelity to Russia. Buturlin handed to B. Khmelnitsky the tsar's order about the consent to admit Ukraine. He also handed to Khmelnitsky the signs of getman's power: military banner, getman's bulava and hat.

Political and judicial status of Ukraine was determined by the terms of the treaty – so called March articles. B.Khmelnitsky vowed fidelity in the cathedral. The population vowed in their towns and villages.

Economical, political and cultural relationships promoted the union. This union weakened the political role of Rech Pospolitaya, the plan of Batican to catolize Ukraine. It assisted the further development of Ukrainian nation.