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3. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English.

Найстаріше поселення, торгівельний шлях, завойовувати, православна віра, розквіт, встановити первородство, племена, уламки собору, величний собор.

4. Translate the following words and word-combinations into Ukrainian.

A leader of the tribe, one-tenth of income, to maintain the church, to contribute, an architectural centre, to be named after, ethnic and cultural community, an amber road, to reach the apex, to ensure the unity.

5. Agree or disagree to the matter of these statements.

1. Prince Yaroslav the Wise baptised Rus.

2. Varangian prince Rurik invaded Rus and became a ruler of Kyiv.

3. Kyiv Rus stretched from the Carpathian Mountains to the Volga River, from the Black Sea to the White Sea.

4. Primogeniture was introduced by Yaroslav the Wise in order to ensure the unity of his state.

5. Price Volodymyr contributed one-tenth of his income to build the Tithe Church.

6. The capital of Ukraine appeared in the mid-fourth millennium B.C.

6. Write the following sentences in the interrogative and negative.

1. During the reign of Volodymyr the Great Kyiv consisted of two parts – the fortified Upper City and Podil, the lower part.

2. Considerable progress was noted in the development of Rus culture the center of which was Kyiv.

3. The founders of Kyiv were the brothers Kyi, Shchek, and Khoryv, leaders of the Slavonic Polianian tribe.

4. Kyiv was founded in the latter half of the 5th, or the early 6th century.

5. Podil was inhabited by artisans, fishermen and merchants.

7. Complete the sentences.

1. Medieval state Kyiv Rus stretched ... .

2. Kyiv was founded by… .

3. Novgorod and Kyiv were built … .

4. Constantinople merchants sold … .

5. The trade route was called amber road because … .

8. Translate from Ukrainian into English.

1. Володимир Великий охрестив Русь.

2. Ольга прийняла християнство в Константинополі.

3. За часів правління князів Олега та Ігоря Київська Русь стала могутньою державою Східної Європи.

4. Племена кімерійців, скіфів, слов'ян населяли територію Київської Русі.

5. Київ було названо в честь старшого брата Кия.

Питання для самоконтролю.

1. Перевірка розуміння змісту опорного тексту за допомогою запитань.

What one of the planet's oldest human settlements do you know?

What tribes lived on the territory of present-day Ukraine?

Where did Varangians come from?

Who was Rurik?

How did Kyiv become “Mother of Rus cities”?

What was the most important event during Prince Oleh's reign?

When and where was Kyiv Princess Olha baptized?

What faith was introduced in Rus by Prince Volodymyr the Great?

Where is Kyiv situated?

When did Kyiv become a big trading center?

What was Kyiv during the reign of Volodymyr the Great and during the reign of Yaroslav the Wise?

2. Перевірка засвоєння лексичного мінімуму за темою “Kyiv Rus ”.

3. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за фахом за допомогою запитань або виконання завдань до тексту.

4. Перевірка засвоєння граматичного матеріалу. Типи питальних речень.