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2.1. Виконайте тренувальні вправи.

2.1.1. Read the dates.

Model: in 1918 – in nineteen eighteen

in 1980; in 1941; in 1956; in 1925; in 1812; in 1811; in 1777; 1905; in 2006.

2.1.2. Read and write in English.

3.05; 10.4; 24.06; 0.314;

2/3 kilometre; 0.25 ton; 24 tons; 12.75 tons.

50.678; ¼; 5.093; 3/4; ⅛, ⅝.

⅝ тони, ¼ кілометра, 1 ⅝ години, 0.105 метра, 17.562 тони.

3. Аудіювання тексту “Contemporary American Society

3.1. Listen to the text.

Contemporary American Society

In the past fifty years American society changed much. Fifty years ago most Americans lived in small communities they seldom moved from one place to another and usually knew their neighbors well. Life was so personal that people often joked about it. It was difficult to have privacy in a small community like that. Some people dreamed about moving to big cities, but most people were happy to live all their lives in the same place.

Now people often move from place to place. It is rare to find people who have lived all their lives in one community. Americans are used to leave friends and make new ones.

The American family changed too. Until the 1960s divorce was uncommon. Since 1960s the number of divorces and single-parent families increased.

Americans are not likely to remain in a marriage that has problems. They are not forced by economic, social or religious pressure to stay married

Americans bring up their children to be independent. It is a part of American culture. Small children learn to do things on their own. They learn to take care of themselves, clean their rooms, help with the dishes and the laundry, spend time away from their parents in daycare, with a babysitter or alone. Most teenagers try to find summer or after-school jobs, so that they can have their own money. Students usually work part-time and during summer vacation.

Young people get married later than they used to. Women usually get married at the age of 24, men – at the age of 26. Newly married couples often postpone having children, while they are establishing their careers.

3.2. Say if the sentence is true or false:

1. Fifty years ago most Americans seldom moved from one place to another.

2. American people used to joke about their personal life.

3. Now people often move from place to place.

4. Until the 1960s divorce was common.

5. Americans are not forced by economic, social or religious pressure to stay married.

6. Small children aren’t allowed to do things on their own.

7. Most teenagers try to find summer or after-school jobs to earn their own money.

8. Women usually get married at the age of 19, men – at the age of 25.

9. Newly married couples often postpone having children.

10. First of all Americans often have children, then they are establishing their careers.

4. Робота з текстом для читання та лексикою. Контроль.

The Amazing Niagara Falls

One of the most fascinating places in North America is the Niagara Falls. More than 900 metres wide and 60 metres high at their highest point, they are indeed among the natural wonders of the world.

The Niagara Falls are located on the Niagara River between the province of Ontario in Canada and the state of New York in the Unites States. There are really two giant waterfalls divided by a small island. The larger one is located in Canada and is called the Horseshoe Falls. The other, in the United States, is called the American Falls. Bridges link the American and Canadian sides, while a glass-enclosed elevator takes visitors to the top of the New York State Observation Tower for a stunning view. The falls are even more spectacular, if possible, at night, when lights play off the mist and water.

Everyone comes: kings and queens, movie stars, honeymooners and millions of just plain people. They stand and watch nearly a million tons of water pass over the Falls every five minutes. No photo or paint­ing can truly capture their power and beauty. It is a sight that one must simply see for oneself.

4.1 Answer the following questions.

1. Can you find the Niagara Falls on the map? Where are they located?

2. What are the two waterfalls that make up the Niagara Falls?

3. In which of the Canadian provinces are they situated?

4. In which of the American states are they situated?

5. Into what lake does the Niagara river flow?

6. Who comes to watch the stunning view of falling water?

7. Why is it worth seeing the Falls for oneself?

4.2. Translate.

1. Одним із самих чарівних місць Північної Америки, Ніагарський водоспад, без сумніву, можна вважати чудом природи.

2. Насправді, це два гігантських водоспади, відокремлені один від одного островом.

3. Вночі ці водоспади являють собою ще більш захоплююче видовище, коли в тумані та краплях води переливаються вогні.

4. Ніяка фотографія або картина не в змозі передати красу та велич цього видовища. Це треба бачити на власні очі.