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6.2. Give the plural.

Dog, car, day, eye, child, sheep, mouse, trout, knife, louse, calf, cuckoo, photo, forget-me-not, phenomenon, editor-in-chief, lady-bird, fish.

7. Виконання квізів.

8. Робота з текстом за фахом.

9. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу:

  • виконати тренувальні граматичні вправи;

  • виконати лексичну вправу та вивчити назви країн та мов;

  • опрацювати текст “The Ukrainian Diaspora”;

  • виписати з тексту речення, в яких іменники вживаються в різних функціях;

  • опрацюйте текст за фахом;

  • скласти анотацію до тексту.

1.Тренувальні вправи.

1.1. Divide the following nouns into two groups:

а) nouns which use only in the plural;

b) nouns which use only in the singular.

1. optics 7. hair

2. advice 8. glasses

3. scissors 9. watch

4. trousers 10. money

5. opera-glasses 11. linguistics

6. knowledge 12. wages

1.2. Use the following sentences in the plural.

1. There is a fish in the jar.

2. They saw a deer in the forest.

3. He is a businessman.

4. He works as a foreman at our company.

5. He became the president of a big company.

6. The teacher is out.

1.3. Do the exercise according to the model.

Model: I come from France; my language is French.

He _______ from Turkey; ______ language is Turkish.

You _______ from Spain; ______ language is Spanish.

They _______ from China; ______ language is Chinese.

We _______ from Denmark; ______ language is Danish.

I _______ from Greece; ______ language is Greek.

He _______ from Hungary; ______ language is Hungarian.

She _______ from Germany; ______ language is German.

They _______ from Persia; ______ language is Persian.

We _______ from Italy; ______ language is Italian.

He_______ from Japan; ______ language is Japanese.

We _______ from Portugal; ______ language is Portuguese.

I _______ from England; ______ language is English.

You _______ from Rumania; ______ language is Rumanian.

They_______ from Russia; ______ language is Russian.

He _______ from Holland; ______ language is Dutch.

You _______ from Norway; ______ language is Norwegian.

We _______ from Wales; ______ language is Welsh.

He _______ from Finland; ______ language is Finnish.

She _______ from Sweden; ______ language is Swedish.

Текст The Ukrainian Diaspora

1. Review the following words.

To imply значити, compatriot співвітчизник, former колишній, adult дорослий, legacy спадщина, to uphold підтримувати, soul душа, to allow for дозволяти, disaster нещастя, лихо, valuable contribution цінний внесок, to sign treaty підписувати договір, joint ventures спільні підприємства, charitable благодійницький, feature особливість, характерна риса, to reside мешкати, scattered розкиданий, ancestry походження, victim жертва, to erect зводити, forefather предок, to respect поважати, revival відродження, load вантаж.

2. Read and translate the text.

The term “diaspora” has become quite popular, implying first of all those Ukrainians who reside in Canada, the US, Germany, Argentina, France. Lately we have begun to mention our compatriots in Poland, Romania and other countries.

And finally we have remembered our brothers and sisters scattered across the former Soviet Union.

The Ukrainian nation had lost a great number of its sons and daughters during the tragic and disputable years of its history. It is known that every third Ukrainian lives beyond its native land.

The greatest number of the people of the Ukrainian origin lives abroad.

United States of America – 2,000,000:

Canada, Poland – 1,000,000;

Argentina, Brazil – 250,000;

Yugoslavia – 60,000,

France, Australia – 40,000:

Great Britain – 30,000:

Czechiya, Slovakiya – 100,000;

Austria, Hungary, Holland – from 5,000 to 500.

The emigration of Ukrainians to other countries was mainly caused by economic and political reasons.

The greatest part of the Ukrainian Canadians lives in the provinces оf Ontario, Alberta, Manitoba, British Columbia and Saskatchewan.

Ukrainian immigrants established in Canada the institutions which had been part of their life in Ukraine: churches, libraries, schools, community centres, amateur art groups, political organizations and publishing companies. The Ukrainian community is among the most highly organized of all ethnic communities in Canada.

The development of Ukrainian culture, high-quality system of schools for adults and children, music schools, choirs and orchestras, dance schools, the development of the periodical press became a feature of Ukrainian community life.

The great number of museums in Canada preserve the Ukrainian cultural legacy.

The most famous of them are in Edmonton and in Saskatoon.

The monuments to such prominent Ukrainians as Taras Shevchenko, Lesya Ukrainka, Ivan Franko, Vasyl Stephanyk are erected in Canada.

The Ukrainian language is taught at 12 universities of Canada.

The main Ukrainian newspapers and magazines in Canada are: “Moloda Ukraina”, “Ukrainskiy Golos”, “Promin” and others.

Different foundations are important centres of the cultural development of Ukrainians in Canada. The biggest of them is the Ukrainian foundation named after Taras Shevchenko. This and other foundations finance the Ukrainian cultural projects.

The Ukrainians living abroad uphold contacts with the land of their forefathers. Our compatriots and their children and grandchildren receive information on the life, culture, national traditions of the Ukrainian people. Ukrainians of the second and third generation, many of whom had never seen Ukraine, love the land of their forefathers with all their hearts and souls, develop the feeling of respect to the Ukrainian people.

The people of Ukrainian origin often come to Ukraine and they try to help their compatriots in their time of need. When the disaster occurred at the nuclear reactor in Chernobyl Ukrainian diaspora in Canada organized the Children of Chernobyl Relief Fund that sent several plane-loads of medical support for the victims of the disaster.

Nowadays the Ukrainians all over the world are making the most valuable contribution to the course of revival of the Ukrainian language, art, science, economy in their native homeland.

The country sets direct contacts with many foreign countries signing agreements and treaties. Taking into consideration the development of Ukraine, a lot of joint ventures have appeared recently in its cities and towns. A lot of delegations, businessmen, specialists and tourists from the English-speaking countries keep coming to Ukraine.

Changes in Ukraine allowed for the development of closer contacts among professional, charitable, cultural organizations of Ukrainian Diasporas abroad and Ukraine.