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4.2. Choose the correct statements.

1. There was a king who thought that he could

a. paint very well

b. sing very well

c. dance very well

d. write poems very well

2. His pictures were

a. good

b. talented

c. bad

d. beautiful

3. The people to whom he showed his pictures said that they

a. didn't like his pictures

b. liked his pictures very much

c. were real masterpieces

d. were not afraid of the king

4. One day the king showed the pictures to

a. a great musician

b. his best friend

c. his wife

d. a great painter

5. The king sent the painter

a. back home

b. abroad

c. to prison

d. to the army

6. The king wanted to see the painter again

a. after 10 years

b. after midnight

c. the next morning

d. after two years

7. The king told him that

a. the painter was a free man again

b. they were not friends

c. he was still angry with the painter

d. he would be taken back to prison

8. For many hours the king talked with the painter and even

a. presented him with one of his pictures

b. gave him some money

c. invited him to dinner

d. invited him to supper

9. Then he

a. showed his palace to the painter

b. sent him back to prison

c. sang a son for the painter

d. showed his pictures to the painter

10. The painter told the soldier

a. to set him free

b. to take him back to prison

c. to show the pictures

d. to have a good rest

5. Робота з текстом для читання та лексикою. Kонтроль.

5.1. Read the text and complete the sentences after it. The National Symbols of Ukraine

The Ukrainian Constitution states that the National symbols of the country are the National Flag, the National Emblem and the National Anthem. They were adopted by the Verkhovna Rada in 1992. The Ukrainian flag consists of two horizontal stripes of equal width. The top is blue and the bottom is yellow. These are the colours of the sky, the mountains, the rivers and the golden fields of our beautiful country. Blue and yellow (or gold) were symbols of Kyivan Rus long before the introduction of Christianity. These colours can be found on the ancient emblems of the cities of Mirgorod, Lubny, Pryluky and some others. In the seventeenth century the banners of the Cossacks were blue with gold stars or with pictures of saints embroidered in gold.

The contemporary national coat of arms of Ukraine is a trident. The first image of a trident appeared in the ninth century A.D. when Ihor, Prince of Kyivan Rus sent ambassadors to sign a treaty with the Byzantine Emperor and they sealed the document with a trident.

In 1918 the trident was adopted as the national symbol of independent Ukraine. The Soviet Ukraine replaced it with its own coat of arms – a crossed hammer and a sickle on a red shield with a red star above it and the rising sun in the base. Sovereign Ukraine adopted the trident as its emblem again in 1992.

The Anthem of Ukraine “Ukraine Has Not Perished Yet” is of quite recent origin. In 1863 the Lviv journal "Meta" published the poem of the scientist and poet Pavlo Chubynsky. In the same year it was set to music by the Galician composer Mykhaylo Verbytsky, first for solo and later for choral performance. As a result of its catchy melody and patriotic lyrics, the song quickly acquired popularity. In 1865 it was sung at the conclusion of the program at the great Shevchenko celebration in Peremyshl. In 1917 the song was officially adopted as the anthem of the Ukrainian state.

The Soviet Ukraine had no anthem of its own until 1949. Instead “The Internationale” and later “The Hymn of the USSR” were used. In November 1949 an Anthem of the Ukrainian Republic “Live, О Ukraine” was adopted. When Ukraine gained its sovereignty, “Ukraine Has Not Yet Perished” became the state anthem again.

1. The blue stripe on the Flag of Ukraine means… .

2. The yellow stripe on the Ukrainian Flag symbolizes… .

3. The National anthem of Ukraine was written in… .

4. Verhovna Rada adopted … as the National symbols.

5. A crossed hammer and a sickle on a red shield with a red star above was replaced by … as Ukrainian emblem.

6. The National anthem of Ukraine was written by … .

7. … were embroidered in the banners of the Cossacks.

8. A treaty between Byzantine Emperor and Russian ambassadors was sealed with a… .

9. National anthem got popularity because of its … .

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