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church parish schoolцерковно- парафіяльна школа, unsurpassed – неперевершений, sparkling with warm and beaming coloursвигрававати теплими й променистими барвами, hardshipsнестатки, злидні, godfather in art- „хрещений батько у мистецтві, Gueen of Spades„Пікова дама", endowнаділяти, Shoes„Черевички", boundless – безмежний, Tsar's Bride„Царева наречена",grand – величний, Раglіасі – „Паяци"

1. What did you find out about Oksana Petrusenko's

– parents? – unique voice?

– childhood? – creative work?

– educational background? – part of Aida she performed?

– working experience? – singing style?

– opera debut? – way of performing folk songs?

2. How are the following items related to Oksana Petrusenko? the city of Balaklia P.Saksahansky

Sevastopol M.Lysenko

Kherson Z.Haiday

Kazan the Ukrainian people

3. Find the English equivalents in the text.

заробляти на життя творча діяльність

аматорський драматичний гурток сценічний портрет

вокальна партія однойменна опера

музично-драматична трупа правдивість

оперний дебют щирість

унікальне явище народна артистка

5. Match the adjectives to the nouns.

talented part creative solos

severe singer unsurpassed name

warm phenomenon same songs

drama hardships unforgettable nation

vocal author folk work

prominent colours whole peak

unique voice highest recognition

remarkable society national stage portraits

5. Points for discussion.

Oksana Petrusenko's young years.

Oksana Petrusenko's singing experience.

Oksana Petrusenko as a symbol of spiritual beauty of the Ukrainian nation.

Ivan mykolaichuk (1941-1987) Actor, film director and scriptwriter

Ivan Mykolaichuk was bom in the village of Chortoryia (now Chernivtsi oblast). He studied at Kyiv Karpenko-Kary Institute of Theatre Arts (1961-65). His teacher, wellknown filmmaker V.Ivchenko, advised director S.Paradzhanov to pay attention to the gifted thirdyear student from Bukovyna. Thus Ivan Mykolaichuk's work on the role of Ivan Paliychuk, the main hero of Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors (1964), began that brought him international acclaim.

In his work as an actor, I.Mykolaichuk was a co-author rather than simply an executor of the film director's will. His handsome looks, the open stare of his blue eyes and his proud stance embodied spiritual beauty and inner wealth of his people. His talent for artistic transformation helped him create forceful and versatile characters, in particular, Taras Shevchenko (The Dream) and Commissar Hromov (Commissars).

It is with his name that the distinctive phenomenon called "Ukrainian poetic cinema" is associated. This is evident from his work as one of the main characters (Petro) and a co-author of the scenario of The White Bird with a Black Mark (Gold Medal of the 7th International Film Festival in Moscow, 1971). His other milestones as an actor include the roles of Davyd Motuzka (The Weeds), Cossack Vasyl (The Lost Certificate), the God's Fool (Rebellious Month of September), and Uncle Lev (The Forest Song).

His creative career was short, and yet he showed his talent of a film director, too. In 1980, he made a film entitled Babylon of the 20th Century after V.Zemliak's novel The Swan Flock. The film was awarded a prize for the best directorship at the Dushanbe All Union Film Festival. He also played the part of the village philosopher Fabian, co-authored the script and composed music for the movie.

A man of a versatile gift, he was an excellent painter and played several musical instruments, was an active scriptwriter. One of his last scenarios was for the film Tall Stories about Ivan (1983).

Being "deterred" by the numerous army of editors and censors, he could not use his creative abilities at full potential. He never realised his dream of creating a contemporary and those of H.Skovoroda and M. Lysenko. That was his drama as an artist.

Ivan Mykolaichuk is Honoured Artist of Ukraine (1968), Laureate of the State T. Shevchenko Prize of Ukraine (1988, posthumously).