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Link Fragmentation and Interleaving 497

Multilink PPP LFI

The core concept behind LFI, and its benefits, is very straightforward. The details, however, can be a little confusing, mainly because IOS LFI tools interact directly with IOS queuing tools. In addition, the two LFI tools covered on the Cisco QoS exams happen to behave differently as to how they interact with queuing tools. So to understand where LFI functions take place, you need to examine each tool specifically. This section covers multilink PPP LFI (MLP LFI), with Frame Relay fragmentation (FRF) covered in the next section of this chapter.

Figure 7-7 depicts how MLP LFI works with a queuing tool on an interface.

Figure 7-7 MLP LFI Interaction with Queuing

1500 Byte Packet Arrives, Followed by One 60 Byte Packet

R1 – Serial Interface 0

Actual Behavior with TX Queue





Queue 1







TX Queue, Length 2












Classify into




Frag 2 Frag1





if > 300






Frag 5

Frag 4

Frag 3








Queue 2


The figure outlines a lot of the detailed concepts behind LFI. In this example, a 1500-byte packet first arrives at R1, followed by a 60-byte packet. The fragmentation logic has been configured to fragment the frames down to a little more than 300 bytes, to make room for 300 bytes from the packet, and a little more for the data-link headers and trailers. After fragmentation, the queuing tool on the interface classifies the frames into their respective queues, which in this example happens to be two different queues. (The queuing tool’s classification step works exactly as described in chapter 4, “Congestion Management.”)

Now look to the far right side of the figure. The TX Queue is shown, with a queue length of 2. In this example, an assumption has been made that the small packet arrived after IOS had placed the first two fragments of the large packet into the two available slots in the TX Queue, with the last three fragments being placed into Queue 2. The TX Queue is always absolutely a single FIFO queue, as described in Chapter 4. In other words, the small packet does not interrupt the router while it is in the middle of sending fragment 1, nor does the small packet have a chance to be sent before fragment 2, because fragment 2 is already in the TX Queue. The best behavior the small packet can hope for is to be the next packet placed onto the end of the TX Queue. Therefore, for now, the small packet has been placed into Queue 1.

498 Chapter 7: Link-Efficiency Tools

Now look just to the left of the TX Queue, between the two interface output queues and the TX Queue. The term “schedule” reminds us that the queuing scheduler chooses the next packet to be moved from the output queues to the TX Queue (as described in Chapter 4). The queuing tool’s scheduler may decide to take the next packet from Queue 1 or Queue 2—a decision totally based on the logic of the queuing tool.

Interleaving occurs when the queuing scheduler decides to service the queue that holds the small packet next, rather than the queue holding the next fragment of the large packet. If Low Latency Queuing (LLQ) has been configured, and Queue 1 is the low-latency queue, the scheduler takes the small packet next, meaning that the small packet would be interleaved between fragments of the larger packet. If the queuing tool was Custom Queuing (CQ), and the queuing scheduler were able to send more bytes from Queue 2 in this cycle, fragment 3 would be sent next.

Maximum Serialization Delay and Optimum Fragment Sizes

How large should the fragments be to reduce serialization delay to an acceptable level? Well, the real answer lies in an analysis of the delay budgets for your network. From that analysis, you determine the maximum serialization delay you can have on each link.

The delay budget includes many delay components, such as queuing delay, propagation delay, shaping delay, network delay, and serialization delay. Based on that delay budget, you determine how much serialization delay you can afford on a particular link. Figure 7-8 depicts example delay values for various delay components.

Figure 7-8 Review of Delay Components, Including Serialization Delay





Server 1







Forwarding: 0

Forwarding: 0

Forwarding: 0



Queuing: 0

Queuing: 15

Queuing: 0


Serialization: 0

Serialization: 4

Serialization: 0




Propagation: .5

Propagation: 0























100 km


































































56 kbps


































































































































































































































































































































Forwarding: 0



Network: 50


















































Queuing: 15































































Serialization: 10































































Propagation: .5























































Delays for Packets Flowing Left-to-Right: Total Delay: 95 ms