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Classification and Marking Tools 189

Unlike most other IOS features, you can upgrade NBAR without changing to a later IOS version. Cisco uses a feature called packet descriptor language modules (PDLMs) to define new protocols that NBAR should match. When Cisco decides to add one or more new protocols to the list of protocols that NBAR should recognize, it creates and compiles a PDLM. You can then download the PDLM from Cisco, copy it into Flash memory, and add the ip nbar pdlm pdlmname command to the configuration, where pdlm-name is the name of the PDLM file in Flash memory. NBAR can then classify based on the protocol information from the new PDLM.

CB Marking show Commands

CB marking provides only one show command that provides statistical information: show policy-map interface. The statistics do provide some good insight to the packet volumes being marked by CB marking. The next sample configuration includes a new configuration and several variations of the show policy-map command.

The same network is used for the next example as was used in the other CB marking examples, but with different marking criteria. In this case, traffic is generated so that the show command output is more meaningful. The following traffic is generated:

Two G.711 VoIP calls between R4 and R1 using Foreign Exchange Station (FXS) cards on these two routers. Voice Activation Detection (VAD) is disabled.

One FTP connection from the client PC to the server, with an FTP get of a 40-MB file called big.zip.

One Microsoft NetMeeting video/audio conference between the client and server.

One web page download from the server to the client. The web page has a few small objects. The web page includes two panes, each with a different JPG file: one called important.jpg; the other called not-so.jpg. The JPGs are exact copies of each other, and each JPG is 687 KB. In later examples, the differing performance of the download of these examples is used to demonstrate the behavior of other QoS tools.

Figure 3-13 depicts the same familiar network, and lists the criteria in with the figure for easy reference.

The new criteria for Example 3-4 is as follows:

VoIP payload is marked with DSCP EF.

NetMeeting voice and video from Server 1 to Client 1 is marked with DSCP AF41.

Any HTTP traffic whose URL contains the string “important” anywhere in the URL is marked with AF21.

Any HTTP traffic whose URL contains the string “not-so” anywhere in the URL is marked with AF23.

All other traffic is marked with DSCP Default.

190 Chapter 3: Classification and Marking

Figure 3-13 Three Classification and Marking Placement Strategies





Mark VoIP as DSCP EF

Mark NetMeeting as AF41

Mark URLs with “Important” as AF21

Mark URLs with “Not” as AF23

Mark All Else with DSCP Default







Packet Direction
























































s0/0 R3 FA0/0 SW2
























































































1001 1002

3001 3002

Example 3-4 shows the configuration, including the appropriate show commands.

Example 3-4 CB Marking Sample 4, with show Command output

ip cef


interface fastethernet 0/0 ip nbar protocol-discovery


access-list 101 permit udp host gt 16383 gt 16383


class-map voip-rtp

match ip rtp 16384 16383


class-map http-impo

match protocol http url "*important*"


class-map http-not

match protocol http url "*not-so*"


Classification and Marking Tools 191

Example 3-4 CB Marking Sample 4, with show Command output (Continued)

class-map NetMeet

match access-group 101


policy-map laundry-list


class voip-rtp set ip dscp EF


class NetMeet set ip dscp AF41


class http-impo set ip dscp AF21


class http-not set ip dscp AF23


class class-default set ip DSCP default


interface Fastethernet 0/0 service-policy input laundry-list


R3#show policy-map

Policy Map laundry-list Class voip-rtp

set ip dscp 46 Class NetMeet

set ip dscp 34 Class http-impo set ip dscp 18

Class http-not set ip dscp 22

Class class-default set ip dscp 0

R3#show policy-map laundry-list

Policy Map laundry-list Class voip-rtp

set ip dscp 46 Class NetMeet

set ip dscp 34 Class http-impo set ip dscp 18

Class http-not set ip dscp 22


192 Chapter 3: Classification and Marking

Example 3-4 CB Marking Sample 4, with show Command output (Continued)

Class class-default set ip dscp 0

R3#show policy-map interface fastethernet 0/0 input


Service-policy input: laundry-list

Class-map: voip-rtp (match-all) 35268 packets, 2609832 bytes

5 minute offered rate 59000 bps, drop rate 0 bps

Match: ip rtp 16384 16383 QoS Set

ip dscp 46

Packets marked 35268

Class-map: NetMeet (match-all)

817 packets, 328768 bytes

5 minute offered rate 19000 bps, drop rate 0 bps Match: access-group 101

QoS Set

ip dscp 34

Packets marked 817

Class-map: http-impo (match-all) 2843 packets, 3462611 bytes

5 minute offered rate 56000 bps, drop rate 0 bps Match: protocol http url "*important*"

QoS Set

ip dscp 18

Packets marked 2855

Class-map: http-not (match-all) 2828 packets, 3445409 bytes

5 minute offered rate 56000 bps, drop rate 0 bps Match: protocol http url "*not-so*"

QoS Set

ip dscp 22

Packets marked 2842

Class-map: class-default (match-all) 33216 packets, 43649458 bytes

5 minute offered rate 747000 bps, drop rate 0 bps Match: any

QoS Set

ip dscp 0

Packets marked 33301

Review the configuration before taking a closer look at the show commands. The only part of the configuration that was not covered in the first three examples on CB marking is the matching of the Microsoft NetMeeting traffic. NetMeeting uses RTP for the audio and video flows. ACL