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DQOS Exam Certification Guide - Cisco press.pdf
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Queuing Tools 295

experienced zero drops, while providing the lowest possible latency for the voice traffic— which is exactly what you want for voice.

At the end of the example, the priority command was changed to reserve only 48 kbps. The two G.729 calls need about 52 kbps, and we know that LLQ polices. Notice that some packets have been dropped according to the final show policy command; this particular command was issued less than 10 seconds after changing the priority command to use only 48 kbps! In the time it took me to write this paragraph, the number of dropped packets had increased to 2000. Thus, the counters reinforce the fact that LLQ does indeed police the traffic. Therefore, you would need to use CAC mechanisms to prevent oversubscription of the low-latency queue.

LLQ with More Than One Priority Queue

Some Cisco documentation claims that you can only have one low-latency queue inside a single policy map. In other words, only one class can use the priority command, making it a lowlatency queue. Other Cisco documentation claims that you can have more than one low-latency queue in a single policy map.

As it turns out, you can have multiple low-latency queues in a single policy map. Why would you need more than one low-latency queue in a policy map, and how would it work? Well, it’s actually pretty simple, now that you know how to configure LLQ.

First, imagine a policy map that has one low-latency queue configured with the priority 400 command. This queue needs 320 kbps for a single video conference call, plus three G.729 voice calls totaling about 80 kbps. If only the three voice calls and the single video-conference call occur, the LLQ configuration works fine, the policer does not drop any packets, and the voice and video packets are processed as FIFO within that LLQ class. As always, packets in the lowlatency queue get serviced ahead of packets in the other non-LLQ classes.

Compare that configuration to a policy map with two low-latency queues defined—one for voice with a priority 80 command, and another for video conferencing with priority 320 configured. What’s really different about this than the first configuration? The policing, but not the queuing.

With multiple low-latency queues, each class is policed at the configured rate. For instance, with all voice calls going into the class with priority 80, three G.729 calls are supported, but not more than that. With video-conferencing traffic going into the class with priority 320, only that single video call is supported.

The fact that the different types of traffic are policed separately in the second example provides the motivation to use multiple low-latency queues. Suppose that a fourth voice call were made, and the CAC tools in place did not prevent the call, meaning that more than 80 kbps of voice traffic was being sent. With a single low-latency queue, both video and some voice packets