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Chapter 12: XST Command Line Mode


Temporary Files in Command Line Mode

Temporary files are generated in the XST temp directory in command line mode. By default, the XST temp directory is:




The directory specified by either the TEMP or TMP environment variable

Use set –tmpdir <directory> to change the XST temp directory.

VHDL or Verilog compilation files are generated in the temp directory. The default temp directory is the xst subdirectory of the current directory.

Xilinx recommends that you clean the XST temp directory regularly. The temp directory contains the files resulting from the compilation of all VHDL and Verilog files during all XST sessions. Eventually, the number of files stored in the temp directory may severely impact CPU performance. XST does not automatically clean the temp directory directory.

Names With Spaces in Command Line Mode

XST supports file and directory names with spaces in command line mode. Enclose file or directory names containing spaces in double quotes (""):

"C:\my project"

The command line syntax for options supporting multiple directories (-sd, -vlgincdir) has changed. Enclose multiple directories in braces ({}):

-vlgincdir {"C:\my project" C:\temp}

In previous releases, multiple directories were included in double quotes ("..."). XST still supports this convention, provided directory names do not contain spaces. Xilinx® recommends that you change existing scripts to the new syntax.

Launching XST in Command Line Mode

This section discusses Launching XST in command line mode, and includes:

“Launching XST in Command Line Mode Using the XST Shell”

“Launching XST in Command Line Mode Using a Script File”

Launching XST in Command Line Mode Using the XST Shell

Type xst to enter directly into an XST shell. Enter your commands and execute them. To run synthesis, specify a complete command with all required options. XST does not accept a mode where you can first enter set option_1, then set option_2, and then enter run.

Since all options are set at the same time, Xilinx recommends that you use a script file.

Launching XST in Command Line Mode Using a Script File

Store your commands in a separate script file and run them all at once. To execute your script file, run the following workstation or PC command:

xst -ifn in_file_name -ofn out_file_name -intstyle {silent|ise|xflow}



XST User Guide





Launching XST in Command Line Mode

The -ofn option is not mandatory. If you omit it, XST automatically generates a log file with the file extension .srp, and all messages display on the screen. Use the following to limit the number of messages printed to the screen:

The -intstyle silent option

The XIL_XST_HIDEMESSAGES environment variable

The message filter feature in Project Navigator

For more information, see “Reducing the Size of the XST Log File.”

For example, assume that the following text is contained in a file foo.scr:


-ifn tt1.prj -top tt1 -ifmt MIXED

-opt_mode SPEED -opt_level 1 -ofn tt1.ngc -p <parttype>

This script file can be executed under XST using the following command:

xst -ifn foo.scr

You can also generate a log file with the following command:

xst -ifn foo.scr -ofn foo.log

A script file can be run either using xst –ifn script name, or executed under the XST prompt, by using the script script_name command.

script foo.scr

If you make a mistake in an XST command, command option or its value, XST issues an error message and stops execution. For example, if in the previous script example VHDL is incorrectly spelled (VHDLL), XST gives the following error message:

--> ERROR:Xst:1361 - Syntax error in command run for option "-ifmt" : parameter "VHDLL" is not allowed.

If you created your project using ISE™, and have run XST at least once from ISE, you can switch to XST command line mode and use the script and project files that were created by ISE. To run XST from the command line, run the following command from project directory:

xst -ifn <top_level_block>.xst -ofn <top_level_block>.syr

XST User Guide




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