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Chapter 10: XST Log Files


Reducing the Size of the XST Log File

This section discusses Reducing the Size of the XST log file, and includes:

“Use Message Filtering”

“Use Quiet Mode”

“Use Silent Mode”

“Hide Specific Messages”

Use Message Filtering

When running XST from Project Navigator, use the Message Filtering wizard to select specific messages to filter out of the log file. For more information, see Using the Message Filters in the ISE™ Help.

Use Quiet Mode

Quiet Mode limits the number of messages printed to the computer screen (stdout). To invoke Quiet Mode, set the -intstyle command line option to either of the following:


Formats messages for ISE


Formats messages for XFLOW

Normally, XST prints the entire log to stdout. In Quiet Mode, XST does not print the following portions of the log to stdout:

Copyright Message

Table of Contents

Synthesis Options Summary

The following portions of the Final Report

Final Results header for CPLD devices

Final Results section for FPGA devices

A note in the Timing Report stating that the timing numbers are only a synthesis estimate.

Timing Detail

CPU (XST run time)

Memory usage

The following sections are still available for FPGA devices:

Device Utilization Summary

Clock Information

Timing Summary



XST User Guide





Reducing the Size of the XST Log File

Use Silent Mode

Silent Mode prevents any messages from being sent to the computer screen (stdout), although XST continues to generate the entire log file. To invoke Silent Mode, set the - intstyle command line option to silent.

Hide Specific Messages

To hide specific messages at the HDL or Low Level Synthesis steps, set the

XIL_XST_HIDEMESSAGES environment variable to one of the values shown in

Table 10-1, “XIL_XST_HIDEMESSAGES Environment Variable Values.”

Table 10-1: XIL_XST_HIDEMESSAGES Environment Variable Values





none (default)

Maximum verbosity. All messages are printed out.




Reduce verbosity during VHDL or Verilog Analysis and HDL


Basic and Advanced Synthesis.




Reduce verbosity during Low-level Synthesis.




Reduce verbosity at all stages.



Messages Hidden When Value is Set to hdl_level and hdl_and_low_levels

The following messages are hidden when the value of the XIL_XST_HIDEMESSAGES environment variable is set to hdl_level and hdl_and_low_levels:

WARNING:HDLCompilers:38 - design.v line 5 Macro 'my_macro' redefined

Note: This message is issued by the Verilog compiler only.

WARNING:Xst:916 - design.vhd line 5: Delay is ignored for synthesis.

WARNING:Xst:766 - design.vhd line 5: Generating a Black Box for component comp.

Instantiating component comp from Library lib.

Set user-defined property "LOC = X1Y1" for instance inst in unit block.

Set user-defined property "RLOC = X1Y1" for instance inst in unit block.

Set user-defined property "INIT = 1" for instance inst in unit block.

Register reg1 equivalent to reg2 has been removed.

Messages Hidden When Value is Set to low_level and hdl_and_low_levels

The following messages are hidden when the value of the XIL_XST_HIDEMESSAGES environment variable is set to low_level and hdl_and_low_levels:

WARNING:Xst:382 - Register reg1 is equivalent to reg2.

Register reg1 equivalent to reg2 has been removed.

XST User Guide




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