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Вариант 1

Economics is the study of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Economics is considered a social science.

Modern economics began in 1776, with the publication of Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations. This was the first comprehensive defense of the free market, and continues to be an influential work to this day. Central to the work was the concept of the "invisible hand", the idea that the market, while appearing chaotic, is actually guided to produce the right amount and variety of goods and services. If there are insufficient goods, there will be great economic incentives to produce more; if there are surplus goods, there will be an economic incentive to produce less or different types of goods

Economics is a field that can be broken down into a variety of different schools, divisions, and methods of analysis, although the primary two methods are macroeconomics – the study of economies in aggregate – and microeconomics – the study and modeling of individual agents in an economy. Economists have worked out theories of markets which approximate real-world trends and behaviors.

Most economists advocate a laissez-faire economy, meaning an economy with minimal government intervention. A laissez-faire economy is driven by the market. In theory, it is free of all government intervention, though in reality there has not been a long-lasting, purely laissez-faire system. It is based on the belief that the pattern of supply and demand is sufficient to promote a strong economy. Capitalist nations tend to come closest to a pure laissez-faire economy.


Вариант 2

A free market economy is a type of economic system in which supply and demand drive the forward movement of the economy with a minimum of involvement on the part of a government. The most extreme free price system would allow for completely open interactions between consumers and sellers that are completely based on a mutual agreement regarding price, with no form of governmental intervention at all. While this extreme type of free market economy is not generally considered to exist today, there are a number of nations that provide a setting for supply and demand to drive the market economy with only a minimum amount of governmental influence in the form of restrictions and taxes involved.

There are several aspects that make a free market economy unique in comparison to other types of market economies. Buyers and sellers are free to enter into transactions when and as they choose. The terms of those transactions are determined by the wants and needs of both parties, with the terms crafted in a manner that is to the mutual benefit of both. In a free market economy, a business has the ability to offer discounted pricing for volume purchases or to maintain standard pricing regardless of the volume of goods or services ordered. Within this type of economic setting, as long as the terms of the transaction do not violate any minimal governmental trade regulations that may apply or involve any other breach of law, the two parties are free to negotiate and come to their own terms.

In a free market economy, the pricing for goods and services will be set by the changes in supply and demand.

Many nations around the world combine elements of a free market economy with other forms of strategies, depending on the specific situations existing in those countries.
