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Б) перед именами собственными

1. Перед именем собственным, обозначающим всю семью.

The Smiths, the Browns.

2. Перед названием стран, которые включают слова republic, union, kingdom, state, а также употребленными во множественном числе, с названием некоторых местностей, с историческими событиями и периодами.

The USA, the Republic of Belarus, the United Kingdom, The Netherlands, the French Revolution, the Ice Age.

3. Перед названиями океанов, морей, рек, горных цепей, пустынь, каналов, групп островов.

The Atlantic Ocean, the Black Sea, The Thames, the British Isles, the Ontario (but Lake Ontario), the Alps, the Sahara, the Suez Canal.

4. Перед названиями четырех сторон света.

The North, the South, the East, the West

5. Перед названиями гостиниц, театров, кинотеатров, музеев и галерей, ресторанов и баров, кораблей и английских газет, а также перед названиями с предлогом of.

The Hilton Hotel, the Odeon, The Tate Gallery, the Times, the Queen Elizabeth, the Titanic, the University of London.

Отсутствие артикля

1. Перед абстрактными существительными, перед названием вещества, если речь не идет о каком-либо конкретном количестве, с названием цветов, языков ( если нет слова language)

Life in not interesting without love and care.

Tea or coffee? – Tea, please.

Blue is my favourite colour.

He speaks English and French.

2. Перед существительными во множественном числе в общем смысле

Children like ice-cream.

3. Перед именами собственными, с названиями городов, улиц, площадей, парков, вокзалов, аэропортов, мостов, горных вершин, отдельных островов, планет, праздников и видов спорта.

С университетами, в названии которых есть имя собственное.

Alex, London, Trafalgar square, Downing street, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, Eiffel Tower, Venus, Victory Day, Elbrus, Madagaskar, Hyde Park, Tower Bridge, football.

Oxford University, London University

4. С названиями стран и континентов, перед официальными званиями с именами собственными

Russia, South America, Asia, Queen Elizabeth

5. Перед существительным, определяемым словами next в значении будущий и last в значении прошлый ( если существительное обозначает время) или количественным числительным следующим за существительным.

last year, next month, Platform 2, World War II

6. Перед существительными, обозначающими должность.

Mr. Fox, director of the company, has left for London

7. Перед существительным, служащим обращением.

Children, stop talking!

8. Перед названиями наук.

Economics, History

9.Перед существительными Mother, Father, Uncle , Aunt др. в роли членов одной и той же семьи.

Is Mother at home?

10. Перед существительным, стоящим при именах собственных и обозначающим звание (научное, воинское) или служащим формой обращения.

Dr. Smith, Mrs. Black

11. Перед такими существительными, как advice, information, money, hair, fruit, при отсутствии ограничивающего определения.

She has long wavy hair.

12. Со словами: school, college, university, hospital, court, jail, prison, church, bed, если они выражают цель, для которой эти объекты служат.

He is in hospital, as he is seriously ill.

But: She went to the hospital to see her mother.

13. С выражениями to have breakfast/ lunch/ dinner/ supper.

Where do you usually have dinner?

14. Перед существительными, определяемыми притяжательными (my, his, her, its, our, your, their), указательными (this, that, these, those), вопросительными (what, which, whose) и неопределенными (some, any, each, every, much, many и no) местоимениями.

There is no theater in our town.

Take any book you like.

15. Перед названиями компаний, авиалиний.

Fiat, British Army

16.Перед существительными в заголовках, объявлениях и телеграммах.

17. most + существительное

Most people like to do sports.

18. С названиями болезней.

pneumonia, malaria, cancer

19 Перед названиями магазинов, банков, отелей с именами их основателей (часто в притяжательном падеже)

Barclays Bank, Harrods, McDonald’s

20. После глаголов elect, appoint.

Who will be elected President of the country?

Для более глубокого усвоения грамматического материала рекомендуется выполнить следующие упражнения.

Упр.6. Вместо точек вставьте, где требуется, артикли:

1. … coal is one of … mоst important natural resources of our country. 2. … most common kind of … fuel used by man is … wood. 3. Put … wood on … fire. 4. … silver is not so heavy as … gold. 5. … iron is … metal. 6. … iron ore found in that mine is of high quality. 7. Please cut … grass in the garden. 8. Pour … milk into the cup, please. 9. … milk which you brought in the morning has turned sour. 10. We make … butter and … cheese from … milk. 11. … tea is very hot, I must put … milk in it. 12. Buy … tobacco, please. 13. Pass me … sugar, please. 14. … windows were in … light and … air. 15. We go to school on … foot. 16. In … morning I get up at seven. 17. … dog is … domestic animal. 18. By … way, let us go to the cinema. 19. … his dog is very clever. 20. This is … my house. 21. He is … cleverest boy in class. 22. Go to … room 7. 23. I go to school by … bus. 24. … President of … our state came to … our university.

Упр.7. Вставьте в пропуски необходимый артикль.

1. Pass me ... bread, please. I like ... rye bread. 2. Put ... kettle on the fire. We'd like ... hot tea. 3. How much is ... dictionary? Is it... expensive book? 4. Where are ... children? They've gone for ... walk. 5. Shall I really buy ... coat? Isn't it too long? 6. Look at ... girl. She is like … calendar picture. 7. – Where did you get ... cat from? – From ... friend. 8. Is ... water filtered? Can I use it? 9. I can't say that I enjoyed ... film. 10. Shall I warm up ... soup? – No, I'll have it as it is. 11. Where is ... money? – I've no ... idea. 12. May I have a look at ... ring, please?

Упр.8.Объясните употребление артиклей с выделенны­ми словами.

А. 1. The rose was approved of by the Congress of the USA as the National Flower. 2. The avocado is the most caloric fruit eaten by humans. 3. The cat was first domesticated by ancient Egyptians. 4. The papaya is very useful, it can make you look younger. 5. The mountain goat, which is often referred to as "the old man of the mountains", is not really a goat. It is an antelope. 6. The belladonna ("beautiful lady") plant is both useful and dangerous to humans. 7. The cockroach is believed to be the oldest insect on the Earth. 8. The Australian coala bear feeds mostly on the leaves of the eucalyptus tree.

B. 1. Anthropology shows the development of man on the Earth. 2. The diamond is the hardest natural substance known to man. 3. In the short life of man, no lost time can be afforded. 4. Man proposes, God disposes. 5. The great destination of woman is to awaken love. 6. The pessimist sees the difficulty in any opportunity, the optimist sees the opportunity in any difficulty. 7. The atom was known to the ancient Greeks. 8. The bicycle is a very popular means of transport in China. 9. The article is a small word which means a lot. 10. Alexander Bell was a genius to invent the telephone. 11. The brothers Lumiitr invented the cinema. 12. The radio was invented long before television. 13. The garden has always been a religious symbol starting from the Koran and the Bible.

Упр.9. Какие из географических названий имеют определенный артикль:

1. Kilimanjaro, Jenisei, Bermuda, Elbrus, Hudson Bay, Laptev sea, Urals, Kalahari, Volga, Madeira, English Channel, Olympus, South Pole, Suez Canal, Sicily, Lake Chad, Bermuda Triangle, Malay Archipelago, Kara-Kum.

2. United Arab Emirates, Sudan, Far East, Brussels, Netherlands, Hague, Northern Europe, Russian Museum, Middle East, Roman Empire, Miami Airport, Nobel Prize, Republic of Ireland, Athens, Winter Palace, Eiffel Tower, Hawaii, Hawaiian Islands.

Упр.10. Вставьте в пропуски необходимый артикль.

1. ... Antarctic is the home for penguins, dolphins and whales. 2. She was sent to ... Persian Gulf as a correspondent. 3. ... Europe extends from ... British Isles in the west towards ... Urals in the east. 4. The highest peak in ... North America is ... Mount McKinley. 5. We had an unforgettable experience in … Austrian Alps. 6. ... Iceland is a volcanic island. 7. If you want to see ... Lake Victoria and ... Mount Kilimanjaro, go to ... Kenya. 8. It hasn't rained for several hundred years in ... Atakama in ... South America. 9. The hunters got lost in ... Rocky Mountains. 10. Many centuries ago ... Vesuvius destroyed ... Pompeii. 11. Most toxic waste water drains directly into ... Labe (Elbe) River in ... eastern Bohemia. 12. Life in ... Cyprus follows the rhythm of the sun. 13. The most famous Italian river is ... Tiber, which runs from ... Apennine Mountains and empties itself into ... Tyrrhenian Sea. 14. I wish I could visit ... Lake Chad in ... North Central Africa. 15. You simply must come to ... Tatras for skiing. 16. ... French Riviera is on ... Mediterranean south coast of... France. 17. The oldest country in the world is ... Iran, which was known as ... Persia until 1934. It has been independent since 529 B.C.

Ключи к упражнениям

Упр.6. 1. …, the. 2. The, …, … . 3. The, the. 4. …, … . 5. …, … .6. The. 7. The. 8. The. 9. The. 10. … , … , …. 11. The, …. 12. …. 13. The. 14. The, … , … . 15. …. 16. The. 17. The, a. 18. The. 19. …. 20. …. 21. The. 22. …. 23. …. 24. The, … , … .

Упр.7. 1. The. ... . 2. The. ... . 3. A. an. 4. The, a. 5. The. 6. The, a. 7. The, a. 8. The. 9. The. 10. The. 11. The, .... 12. The.

Упр.9. 1. Kilimanjaro, the Jenisei, Bermuda, Elbrus, the Hudson Bay, the Laptev sea, the Urals, the Kalahari, the Volga, Madeira, the English Channel, Olympus, the South Pole, the Suez Canal, Sicily, Lake Chad, the Bermuda Triangle, the Malay Archipelago, the Kara-Kum.

2. The United Arab Emirates, Sudan, the Far East, Brussels, the Netherlands, the Hague, Northern Europe, the Russian Museum, the Middle East, the Roman Empire, Miami Airport, the Nobel Prize, the Republic of Ireland, the Athens, the Winter Palace, the Eiffel Tower, Hawaii, the Hawaiian Islands.

Упр.10. 1. The. 2. The. 3. ... ,the, the. 4.... , .... 5. The. 6. .... 7.... , ... , ... . 8.... , ... . 9. The. 10.... , .... 11. The ,.... 12.... . 13. The, the, the. 14. ... , .... 15. The. 16. ... the, .... 17.... , .... .

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