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Формы наречий

По своему строению или форме наречия делятся на простые, производные и сложные (составные):

Простые– наречия, неразложимые на составные части: here (здесь, тут); there (там, туда); now (теперь, сейчас) и др.

Производные– наречия, образованные с помощью суффиксов: slowly (медленно); weekly (еженедельно).

Сложные, образуемые путем словосложения и составные, представляющие собой сочетание служебного слова со знаменательным: sometimes (иногда); yesterday (вчера); everywhere (везде).

Большинство производных наречий образуется от прилагательных (реже от отдельных существительных и числительных) при помощи суффикса -ly:quick(быстрый) –quickly(быстро).

Степени сравнения наречий

1) односложные наречия и early: + -er, -est

fast– faster – fastest

early – earlier – earliest

2) наречия на –ly с помощью слов more и most

beautifully – more beautifully – most beautifully

3) исключения

well – better – the best

badly – worse – the worst

much – more – the most

little – less – the least

far – further, farther – the furthest, the farthest

Для более глубокого усвоения грамматического материала рекомендуется выполнить следующие упражнения.

Упр.22. Образуйте от следующих прилагательных сравнительную и превосходную степень:

Big, heavy, short, dirty, clean, near, bad, famous, little, much, clever, good, expensive, cheap, important, pale, hot, beautiful, large, practical, fat, early, pretty, happy, bright, dark, dry, flat, fresh, full, quick, late, nice, rich, sad, thin, thick, wet, weak, early, funny, easy, lazy, ugly, comfortable, quiet, far.

Упр.23. Образуйте от прилагательных, стоящих в скобках, сравнительную или превосходную степень, в зависимости от смысла:

1. The Trans-Siberian railway is (long) in the world. 2. The twenty-second of December is the (short) day of the year. 3. Iron is (useful) of all metals. 4. The Neva is (wide) and (deep) than the Moskva River. 5. Elbrus is the (high) peak in the Caucasian mountains. 6. His plan is (practical) than yours. 7. His plan is (practical) of all. 8. This room is (small) than all the others in the house. 9. London is the (large) city in England. 10. Silver is (heavy) than copper. 11. Our house is (low) than yours. 12. This exercise is (good) than the last one. 13. My cigarettes are (bad) than yours. 14. Yesterday was the (hot) day we have had this summer. 15. When the war ended, the reconstruction of Moscow was resumed on a (large) scale than before. 16. The Battle of Stalingrad was the (great) battle of all times.

Упр.24. Заполните пропуски словами as … as, not so … as:

1. The temperature today is … high … it was yesterday. 2. He is not … old … he looks. 3. He is … strong … his brother. 4. This street is … wide … the next one. 5. The box is not … heavy … I expected it to be. 6. His radio set is not … powerful … mine. 7. She is … tall … her sister. 8. In Kislovodsk it is not … hot … in Sochi.

Упр.25. Прочитайте следующие предложения. Найдите и назовите наречия в предложениях. Переведите предложения.

1. We have to leave our dirty shoes outside. 2. Perhaps you have to type a password into the computer. 3. Someone always leaves this door open. 4. The car rolled silently down the hill. 5. Your friend Andrew works hard, doesn’t he? 6. We asked permission politely. 7. The visitors have just left. 8. We don’t often go out in the evenings. 9. You should never take unnecessary risks. 10. The boss is usually in a bad temper. 11. Tom came here yesterday. 12. There’s a news summary every hour. 13. Is there a phone box nearby? 14. I’ll soon find out. 15. We are still waiting for a replay. 16. She doesn’t live here any longer. 17. This book was quite interesting. 18. This book was rather boring. 19. There are too many museums here to visit in a single day. 20. Are you fit enough to run a marathon?

Упр.26. Выберите нужную форму слова в скобках (наречие или прилагательное?).

1. I waited (nervously, nervous) in the waiting room before the interview. 2. It rained (continuos, continuosly) for three days. 3. Alis and Stan are very (happy, happily). 4. Ann likes wearing (colourful, colourfully) clothes. 5. Tom’s French is not very (good, goodly). 6. Sue is (terrible, terribly) upset about loosing her job. 7. Tom drove (careful, carefully) alone a narrow road. 8. It was raining (heavy, heavily). 9. The company’s financial situation is not (well, good) at present. 10. You are speaking very (quietly, quiet) I can’t hear.

Упр.27. Прочитайте следующие существительные, определите в них суффиксы и префиксы и укажите, от каких слов они образованы.

Direction, construction, collection, heroism, majority, popularity, musician, neighboorhood, emptiness, cleverness, appointment, understanding, disorder, happiness, reader, seller, materialist, payee, addressee, Russian, belarussian, marriage, difference, wisdom, freedom, kindness, pressure.

Упр.28. Прочитайте следующие прилагательные, определите в них суффиксы и префиксы и укажите, от каких слов они образованы.

Changeable, eatable, central, cultural, careful, fruitful,usefull, active, comparative, hopeless, useless, dangerous, famous, cloudy, foggy, windy, unhappy, uncomfortable, independent, impossible, discouraging, non-govermental, irregular, international, pre-revolutionary, illegal, illogical.

Упр.29. Прочитайте следующие глаголы, определите в них суффиксы и префиксы и укажите, от каких слов они образованы.

To blacken, to sharpen, to falsify, to purify, to characterize, to sympathize, to rewrite, to reread, to unload, to unpack, to untie, to disapprove, to dislike, to disconnect, to disappear, to re-elect, to re-export, to mishear, to misinform, to mislead, to overcharge, to overpay, to undercharge, to underpay, to counteract, to enrich, to enlarge.

Упр.30. Переведите следующие слова, обращая внимание на способ образования.

Аnswer – to answer, change – to change, class – to class, hand – to hand, place – to place, order – to order, work – to work, walk – to walk.

Clean – to clean, dirty – to dirty, empty – to empty, free – to free.

Bedroom, blackboard, newspaper, opera-glasses, reading –room, schoolboy, shoemaker, steamship, father-in-law, commander-in-chief, dark-blue, first-class, red-hot, to whitewash.

Ключи к упражнениям

Упр.22. Big,bigger, the biggest; heavy, heavier, the heaviest; short, shorter, the shortest; dirty, dirtier, the dirtiest; clean, cleaner, the cleanest; near, nearer, the nearest, the next; bad, worse, the worst; famous, more famous, the most famous; little, less, the least; much, more, the most;

clever, cleverer, the cleverest; good, better, the best; expensive, more expensive, the most expensive; cheap, cheaper, the cheapest; important, more important, the most important; pale, paler, the palest; hot, hotter, the hottest; beautiful, more beautiful, the most beautiful; large, larger, the largest; practical, more practical, the most practical; fat, fatter, the fattest; early, earlier, the earliest; pretty, prettier, the prettiest; happy, happier, the happiest; bright, brighter, the brightest; dark, darker, the darkest; dry, drier, the driest; flat, flatter, the flattest; fresh, fresher, the freshest; full, fuller, the fullest; quick, quicker, the quickest; late, later, the latest; nice, nicer, the nicest; rich, richer, the richest; sad, sadder, the saddest; thin, thinner, the thinnest; thick, thicker, the thickest; wet, wetter, the wettest; weak, weaker, the weakest; funny,funnier, the funniest; easy, easier, the easiest; lazy, lazier, the laziest; ugly, uglier, the ugliest; comfortable, more comfortable, the most comfortable; quiet, quieter, the quitest; far, farther/further, the farthest/ the furthest.

Упр.23. 1. The longest. 2. The shortest. 3. The most useful. 4. Wider, deeper. 5. The highest. 6. More practical. 7. The most practical. 8. Smaller. 9. The largest. 10. Heavier. 11. Lower. 12. Better. 13. Worse. 14. The hottest. 15. Larger. 16. The greatest.

Упр.24. 1. As… as. 2. Not so …as. 3. As… as. 4. As… as. 5. Not so…as. 6. Not so …as. 7. As…as. 8. Not so …as.

Упр.25. 1. Outside. 2. Perhaps. 3. Always. 4. Silently. 5. Hard. 6. Politely. 7. Just. 8. Often. 9. Never. 10. Usually. 11. Here, yesterday. 12. Every. 13. Nearby. 14. Soon. 15. Still. 16. Here, any longer. 17. Quite. 18. Rather. 19. Too , here. 20. Enough.

Упр.26. 1. Nervously. 2. Continuosly. 3. Happy. 4. Colourful. 5. Good. 6. Terribly. 7. Carefully. 8. Heavily. 9. Good. 10. Quietly.

Упр.27. Direction (to direct), construction (to construct), collection, heroism (hero), majority (major), popularity (popular), musician (music), neighborhood (neihbour), emptiness (empty), cleverness (clever), appointment (to appoint), understanding (to understand), disorder (order), happiness (happy), reader (to read), seller (to sell), materialist (material), payee (to pay), addressee (to address), Russian (Russ), belarussian (Belarus), marriage (to marry), difference (to differ), wisdom (wise), freedom (free), kindness (kind), pressure (to press).

Упр.28. Changeable (to change), eatable (to eat), central (center), cultural (culture), careful (care), fruitful (fruit), usefull (use), active (to act), comparative (to compare), hopeless (hope), useless (use), dangerous (danger), famous (fame), cloudy (cloud), foggy (fog), windy (wind), unhappy (happy), uncomfortable comfortable – comfort), independent (dependent), impossible (possible), discouraging (courage), non-governmental (governmental – government – to govern) , irregular (regular), international (national – nation), pre-revolutionary (revolutionary – revolution), illegal (legal), illogical (logical).

Упр.29. To blacken (black), to sharpen (sharp), to falsify (false), to purify (pure), to characterize (character), to sympathize (sympathy), to rewrite (to write), to reread (to read), to unload (to load), to unpack (to pack), to untie (to tie), to disapprove (to approve), to dislike (to like), to disconnect (to connect), to disappear (to appear), to re-elect (to elect), to re-export (to export), to mishear (to hear), to misinform (to inform), to mislead (to lead), to overcharge (to charge), to overpay (to pay), to undercharge (to charge), to underpay (to pay), to counteract (to act), to enrich (rich), to enlarge (large).

Упр.30. Ответ – отвечать, изменение – изменяться, класс(вид) – классифицировать, рука – вручить, место – поместить, приказ – приказать, работа – работать, ходьба пешком – ходить пешком.

Чистый – чистить, грязный – загрязнять, пустой – опустошать, свободный – освобождать.

Спальня, школьная доска, газета, бинокль (в опере), читальный зал, школьник, производитель обуви, пароход, свекор (тесть), главнокомандующий, темно-голубой, первый класс, раскаленный докрасна, отбелить.

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