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9. Неопределенные местоимения.

Неопределенные местоимения (Indefinite Pronouns) в роли определения указывают на неопределенное количество или качество, а в роли существительных – на неопределенные или неизвестные предметы и лица.

Someи его производные употребляются в утвердительных предложениях, (а также в специальных вопросах и общих вопросах, выражающих просьбу или предложение).

Anyи его производные употребляются в отрицательных предложениях и общих вопросах. В утвердительных предложенияхanyи его производные употребляются в значениилюбой. Местоимениеnoделает предложение отрицательным.


+ thing

+ where


somebody – кто-то, кто -нибудь

something – что-то, что-нибудь

somewhere – где-то, куда-то, где-нибудь, куда -нибудь



«+» любой, всякий

«– » никто

«?» – кто-то, кто -нибудь


«+» все

«–» ничто, ничего

«?» что-то, что-нибудь


«+» везде, где угодно

«–» нигде, никуда

«?» где-нибудь, куда -нибудь


nobody – никто

nothing – ничто, ничего

nowhere – нигде, никуда

Для более глубокого усвоения грамматического материала рекомендуется выполнить следующие упражнения.

Упр.11. Замените выделенные полужирным шрифтом слова личными местоимениями.

1. The teacher is helping the students to translate the article. 2. Mother will send Mary to buy the tickets. 3. The man gave the books to the boy. 4. My friend is going to write a letter to his sister today. 5. This book is not suitable for young children. 6. Helen worked hard at history.

Упр.12. Вместо точек вставьте соответствующие притяжательные местоимения-прилагательные или местоимения-существительные.

1. Tell him not to forget … ticket she mustn’t forget … either. 2. Whose books are those? Are they … or … ? 3. I see that he has lost … pencil; perhaps you can lend him … ? 4. Lend them … dictionary; they have left … at home. 5. My bag is heavier than … . 6. We’ve taken … dictionaries; has she taken … ? 7. Those seats are not … , they are … . 8. This does not look like … book, it must be … .

Упр.13. Вместо точек вставьте соответствующие возвратные местоимения.

1. I will ask him … . 2. She will answer the letter … . 3. We’ll do it … . 4. Did you invite him … ? 5. He wants to do it … . 6. Be careful! You will hurt … . 7. I looked at … in the mirror. 8. Put on a thicker coat to protect … from the rain. 9. They told me the news … .

Упр.14. Заполните пропуски местоимениями somebody, anybody or everybody, nobody, everything, everywhere.

1. The questions were so difficult that . . . could answer it. 2. . . . left his bag in our classroom yesterday. 3. Has . . . in this group got a dictionary? 4. I am afraid there is . . . in the office now. It is too late. 5. . . . knows that water is necessary for plants. 6. Is there . . . here who knows English? 7. You must find . . . who can help you. 8. . . . knew anything about our home task. 9. . . . can answer this question. It is very easy. 10. There is … in the next room. I don’t know him. 11. Please tell us the story. . . . knows it. 12. Is there . . . in my group who lives in the hostel? 13. Has . . . here got a red pencil? 14. Yesterday I looked . . . for my umbrella. 15. Did you go . . . on foot? 16. . . . bought souvenirs on the trip. 17. I’ve done . . . you told me to do. 18. They did . . . possible to finish their home work. 19. We wanted to see . . . in the museum but, of course, it was impossible. 20. I’ll do … for you, if you ask me.

Упр.15. Заполните пропуски местоимениями much, many, little, a little, few, a few.

1. I’d like to say . . . words about my traveling. 2. She gave him . . . water to wash his hands and face. 3. He had . . . English books at home, so he had to go to the library. 4. After the lesson everybody felt . . . tired. 5. Let’s stay here . . . longer. I like it here. 6. There were . . . new words in the text and Peter spent . . . time learning them. 7. There was . . . sugar in the bowl, and we had to put . . . sugar there. 8. My mother knows German . . . and she can help you with the translation of this text. 9. When we walked . . . farther down the road we met another group of pupils. 10. Have you got . . . time before the lesson?

Ключи к упражнениям

Упр.11. 1. He/she, them, it. 2. She, her, them. 3. He, them, him. 4. He/she, it, her. 5. It, them. 6. She, it.

Упр.12. 1. His, hers. 2. His, hers. 3. His, yours. 4. Your, theirs. 5. His/hers/yours, theirs. 6. Our, hers. 7. Theirs, ours . 8. His/her, mine.

Упр.13. 1. Myself . 2. Herself . 3. Ourselves . 4. Yourself. 5. Himself. 6. Yourself . 7. Myself. 8. Yourself. 9. Themselves.

Упр 14. 1. Nobody. 2. Somebody. 3. Anybody. 4. Nobody. 5. Everybody. 6. Anybody. 7. Somebody. 8. Nobody. 9. Everybody. 10. Somebody. 11. Nobody. 12. Anybody. 13. Anybody.14. Everywhere. 15. Anywhere. 16. Everybody. 17. Everything. 18. Everything. 19. Everything. 20. Anything, everything.

Упр 15. 1. A few. 2. A little. 3. Few. 4. A little. 5. A little. 6. A few, a little. 7. Little, a little. 8. A little. 9. A little. 10. A little.

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