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1. Pronounce the following words. Pay special attention to the underlined stress in the following words.

illustrate impermeable surround contain relationship existence permit laterally adjacent hydrodynamic producible unequal opposite temperature saturation

2. Read the text “Hydrocarbon Traps” and do the exercises.

Hydrocarbon traps may be illustrated by considering a porous, permeable formation that hаs been folded into an anticlinal trap by diatrophism and is enclosed between impermeable rocks [Fig. 1].

Hydrocarbon Traps

Fig.1. Idealized cross-section through an anticlinal trap formed by a porous, permeable formation surrounded by impermeable rocks. Oil and gas are trapped at the top of the anticline.

The closure of the trap is the distance between the crest and the spill point (lowest point of the trap that can contain hydrocarbons). In most cases, the hydrocarbon trap is not filled to the spill point. It may contain a gas cap if the oil contains light hydrocarbons and the pressure-temperature relationship of the zone permits the existence of a gas zone at the top of the reservoir.

If a gas cap exists, the gas-oil contact is the deepest level of producible gas. Likewise, the oil-water contact is the lowest level of producible oil. Transition zones between various zones grading from high oil saturation to hydrocarbon-free water. For example, the water zone immediately below the oil-water contact is the bottom water, whereas the edge water is laterally adjacent to the oil zone.

The gas-oil and water-oil contacts are generally planar, but they may be tilted due to hydrodynamic flow of fluids, a large permeability contrast between opposite sides of the reservoir, or unequal production of the reservoir.

3. Say whether the following statements are t( True) or f(Fals)e. If f (False), correct them according to the text.

1. Hydrocarbon traps are considered to be ones enclosed between permeable rocks.

2. Hydrocarbon traps occurred as a result of diatrophism.

3. Porous, permeable formation isn’t surrounded by impermeable rocks.

4. Oil and gas are trapped at the bottom of the anticline.

5. The hydrocarbon trap is not filled to the spill point.

6. The existence of a distinct gas zone at the top of the reservoir is allowed.

7. The gas-oil contact is the deepest level of producible gas.

8. The gas-oil and water-oil contacts are generally tilted.

4. Answer the following questions and give more \ extra information.

1. Why are hydrocarbon traps enclosed between impermeable rocks?

2. Is there a porous formation in an anticline trap?

3. Where are oil and gas trapped?

4. Are transition zones important in oil and gas entrapment?

5. When is the gas-oil contact the deepest level of producible gas?

6. Why are gas-oil and water-oil contacts tilted?

7. What is a closure of the trap?

Terms and Vocabulary

primary migration

первичная миграция

secondary migration

вторичная миграция

interstitial fluids (water)

флюиды, циркулирующие в пустотах горных пород


оседание; опускание породы

bulk density

средняя плотность

cohesive strength

прочность сцепления

precipitates – precipitation

осадок – осаждение



capillary pressure

капиллярное давление


сложность поровых каналов

distinct droplet


interfacial tension

интерфациальное натяжение


адгезия \ прилипание (вледствие cмачивания)



contact angle

угол касания \ краевой угол (смачивания)

fluid flow

движение (поток) флюидов

release (fluids)

выделение (флюидов)

pore size distribution

распределение пор по размерам (в породе)

pore throat

горловина пор

displace(v) – displacement

вытеснять – вытеснение; смещение

leading pore

«ведущая» пора

trailing pore

«отстающая» пора

entry (pressure)

вход (входное давление – минимальное вытеснение из пористой среды одной жидкости другой)

filament (s)

капилляр (ы)


обнажение пород \ выход пластов на дневную поверхность

oil seep

выход нефти


давление воды снизу

tar pit

смоляная яма


кепрок (вышезалегающая экранирующая порода)



light hydrocarbon

лёгкий углеводород



originate (v)

происходить, возникать





displacement pressure

давление вытеснения


сжатие, сокращение

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