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5. Describe the function of the following elements, using the words given in the right column.

1. kelly

motion, turntable, drill, transfer, rotary, sting, pipe

2. mud pit

drilling mud, recycle, mix, pit

3. derrick

hold, construction, drilling, equipment, support

4. swivel

rotate, string, make, seal, let, hole, handle

5. drill bit

circulating, during, destroy, rock, element, rotation

6. hose

pump, drilling, connect, equipment

7. bottom hole

well, drill, point, which

8. blowout preventer

emergency, shut in, danger, oil, gas, well, device, blowout, when

9. pump

mud, suck, mud pit, drilling, apparatus

6. State whether the following sentences are true or false. Correct the false ones.

  1. The kelly is hexagonal. The reason for that is to make it possible for the rotary table to turn the kelly without slipping.

  2. Cement job is performed only when quality of casing is poor.

  3. Drill pipe is hollow. The reason for this is to make it possible for the mud to pass through it.

  4. Elevator is a device for lifting derrickman to the monkey board.

  5. Drilling crew members use scratchers to scratch each other and thus clean themselves of oil.

  6. Doghouse is a room where security guard and patrol dog live.

  7. Drilling cuttings are washed out to the surface with drilling mud made of clay and water.

  8. Shale shaker is used for separating fluid from drilling cuttings.

  9. Cuttings in a well mean cracks on wellbore walls.

10.Conductor is a person who knows everything at the drilling site. He is in charge of coordinating work of drilling crews.

7. Translate the following sentences into English.

  1. При бурении шлам вымывается с забоя скважины буровым раствором.

  2. Буровой раствор готовят в виброситах и закачивают в скважину при помощи бурового насоса.

  3. Ротор вращает квадрат, квадрат вращает бурильную колонну, которая в свою очередь вращает бурильное долото.

  4. Буровой раствор, выходящий из ствола скважины, проходит через вибросито, где шлам отделяется от раствора.

  5. Вертлюг позволяет колонне бурильных труб вращаться и представляет собой шарнирное соединение (swing joint).

  6. Талевая система (tackle system) включает кронблок, талевый блок и буровой крюк.

  7. При роторном бурении мощность от двигателей передается через лебедку к ротору.

  8. Ротор вращает колонну бурильных труб и привинченное к ней долото, которое дробит породу.

8. Think of possible failures which can occur due to damages, breaks and other defects of the following rig components and fill in the fault-finding chart.

Rig component

Failure/ fault

Probable causes




Shale shaker


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