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6. Fill in the gaps with the correct term. Example: 7. Relies upon

There are essentially two methods: 1. _________ ____________and 2. _______________. For 3. _________ __________ it is common to use an impressed current method. In this system, 4. __________ __________ is supplied to the pipeline. The current is adjusted to generate higher 5. ___________ _________. A 6. _________ __________ 7. relies upon the installation of 8._______ on or near the pipeline. The pipeline becomes the cathode of the system and the anodes 9.________ corrosion of the pipeline. When water is present on the transported fluid, corrosion of the internal pipe surfaces can also occur.

7. Scan through the following short definitions, and do the after- task exercises. Corrosion types

Pitting corrosion results in pits in the metal surface due to localized corrosion.

Uniform or general corrosion proceeds at approximately the same rate over the whole surface being corroded and the extent can be measured as mass loss per unit area.

Crevice corrosion occurs in or immediately around a break in the material.

Intergranular corrosion results in corrosion at or near the grain boundaries of the metal.

Erosion Corrosion involves conjoint erosion and corrosion that typically occurs in fast flowing liquids that have a high level of turbulence.

Environment-induced cracking results from the joint action of mechanical stresses and corrosion.

8.Match the corrosion types in the right column with their Russian equivalents in the left one.

1. crevice

A. сплошная

2. intergranular

B. язвенная (точечная)

3. general

C. наведенный крекинг

4. erosion

D. защитная

5. induced

E. местная

6. pitting

F. сквозная

7. spot

G. нитевидная

8. penetration

H. равномерная

9. isolated

I. эрозионная

10. point

J. межкристаллитная

11. sacrificial

K. щелевая

12. continuous

L. пятнами

9. Look at the photos. State the corrosion type and describe it.

(1) (2)





(7) (8)


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