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7. 9 You are going to hear a report about the hydrologic cycle. Before you listen, discuss the following questions.

1. Try to guess what percentage of water is concentrated in oceans, glaciers and ice caps.

2. The world per capita use of water in 1975 was about 185,000 gal/yr. And the total human use of water was about 1015gal/yr. What do you think is world use of water nowadays?

8. 9 Listen to the tape to see if you were right. For questions 1-7 decide whether the statements are True or False.

1. The evaporation of water from the oceans, freshwater sources, plants, and soils is the natural process, which we call the hydrologic cycle.

2. The water in the atmosphere cycles slowly.

3. Water transportation from distant mountains through aqueducts and groundwater pumping cause precipitation increase in semi-arid cities.

4. 40% of water that falls by precipitation on land every year returns to the subsurface runoff.

5. Watershed is the fundamental unit of the landscape.

6. Drainage basin is the antonym of catchment.

7. More than 99 % of Earth’s water in its natural state is generally suitable for beneficial human use.

8. All our freshwater resources are produced by only 0,001% of the total water on Earth.

9. Water can be found at a number of locations at or near Earth’s surface.

10. The residence time of water may be only 9 days. (

9. 9 You are going to hear a conversation between two students. Listen and choose the best title. The notes and terms will help you to understand the conversation better.


Terms and vocabulary




последний срок

to deposit








major constituent

главный компонент





to release


to sublime




10. 9 Look at these incomplete sentences from the conversation between Susan and Nick and try to remember who said each one. Write S for Susan and N for Nick. Then listen to the complete sentences and fill in the missing words.

  1. On water? Well, I’m working on it right now. …….. ……… …….. ……… the most essential facts.

  2. You know what? There’ s something that might be of interest. It’s from a ….. ….. ……

  3. Mind you, it’s about …. ….

  4. But how does it happens? First, it …. …. ….., lakes, rivers, soil and plants.

  5. Wait a tick. Did you say …. …. ….?

  6. That’s right. And …. …. …. and ice into the atmosphere.

  7. Second. The sun supplies the energy needed for …. …. …..

  8. Well. Water then returns to the Earth as …. …. …..

  9. You see, you may also write as … … …. if you like.

  10. What about energy release by …., ….. and ….?

11. 9 Listen to the dialogue for the third time if necessary and answer the following questions.

  1. What article is Nick writing?

  2. What information does Susan give to Nick?

  3. What are the forms of water that Susan names?

  4. What figures does Susan cite?

  5. When will Nick’s article go to press?

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