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Сущность и структура издержек производства

Производство любого товара сопряжено с определенными затратами (издержками). Затраты материальных ресурсов и денежных средств, которые несет производитель на производство продукции, называются издержками производства.

Поскольку в рыночной экономике конечной целью производителя является получение прибыли, то издержки производства как один из ее ограничителей всегда находятся под его пристальным вниманием.

Следует различать издержки производства:

а) прямые и косвенные;

б) внешние и внутренние;

в) постоянные и переменные;

г) краткосрочные и долгосрочные.

К прямым издержкам производства относятся те затраты по производству продукции, которые несет непосредственно производитель.

В экономической теории они получили название себестоимости.

Ha предприятиях, где существует найм рабочей силы, они включают следующие элементы:

• сырье, основные и вспомогательные материалы;

• топливо и энергию;

• амортизацию;

• зарплату и отчисления на социальное страхование;

• прочие затраты.

Косвенные расходы но производству продукции несет государство. Это расходы на образование, медицину, спорт (финансируемые за счет государства) и др. Как правило, эти расходы обеспечивают производство рабочей силы на качественно новой основе и создают условия для нормального функционирования производства. Основным источником погашения этих затрат является прибавочный продукт, изымаемый государством в виде налогов и обязательных платежей. Поэтому в основе цен на товары и услуги лежит не себестоимость, а стоимость, т. е. общественные затраты на производство продукции.

Unit 7 business plan

Exercise 1. Read the text and comment on the principles of a Business Plan.

What does the model structure of business plan look like?

The model structure of business plan contains the following sections:

1. Title page of business plan - contains the company name, its legal and actual addresses, telephones, e-mail and address of site, name and complete properties of owners of the company, the name and very briefly (by one suggestion) - essence of project, information about the performers of project and date of his drafting.

2. Resume of investment project - is the basic positions, essence, "pressing" out from a project, its basic conclusions. The purpose of resume - to interest an investor and compel him more detailed to familiarize with maintenance of business plan. Volume of resume is about 2-3 pages of text which must be made in simple terms without the use of terminology. It must perform the advantage and perspective of investments in the presented investment project to the investor.

3. Description of company - contains the information about a company, which offers this investment project, the information about a company, which developed this business plan, its complete properties, information about founders and their properties, the purposes of company, information about guidance, the background of company, achievement, organizational structure, basic products, and place of company at the market.

4. Description of product or favour - includes information about a product or favour, his basic descriptions, basic users, consumer properties of commodity, differences from existent analogues, information about patents and licences.

5. Marketing analysis - contains information about commodities, products of competitors, comparison of descriptions and consumer qualities of commodities of competitors and offered product, information about the name of competitors and their properties, costs of competitors and their strategy of advancement of commodities are presented at the market.

The marketing analysis is the first stage in writing of business plan. Determination of volumes of market of sale of products is a major section in the marketing analysis, to the market share of competitors, determination of motivation of buyers to acceptance of decision about the purchase.

It is the basic task of the given section to give an answer for questions - how many and what commodity is required by a market, at what price and why users are exactly ready to buy it. In this section the analysis of the state and tendencies of development of industry, median income and production volumes of enterprises of industry, degree of development of competition and barriers of including, in her must be resulted also.

6. Strategy of advancement of commodity - here determination of market niche is basic, I.e. what exactly and what categories of users a commodity is intended for, quantitative and high-quality analysis of users, where they are located by what exactly methods and channels of sale it is suggested to realize a commodity or favour. Information about strategy of advertising of product or favour is led, expenditures on marketing, price and credit policy during work with buyers. This section of business plan often is the its weakest point.

7. Production - in case if it is a production enterprise, the given section includes the information about the chosen technology of production, motivation of its choice, description of basic technological processes of enterprise, chart of his work placing of equipment. If reconstruction or building is assumed, description of build decisions and computations of expenditures on the reconstruction or building is led.

In a section the computations of necessity in materials and raw material on production of goods are led, expenditures on their purchase, analysis of suppliers, expenditures on service and planned repairs of equipment. In case if the specific of production of that requires information about the necessity of acquisition of licences and other permissions is led, requirements on accident prevention of labour.

In this section the computations of necessity in materials and raw material for production of goods are led, expenditures on their purchase, analysis of suppliers, expenditures on service and planned repairs of equipment. In case if the specific of production of that requires information about the necessity of acquisition of licences and other permissions is led, requirements on accident prevention of labour.

In case if it is a build or service enterprise is reflected also information about contractors, their description and properties is given.

8. Plan on a personnel - in this section the information about a necessity in a personnel, his quantity and qualification is led, market analysis of labour on every position of workers, computations of expenditures on payment of labour of personnel, his public welfare are led methods of stimulation and teaching.

9. Organizational structure and management of investment project - contains the organizational chart of management by an enterprise, information about quantitative and high-quality composition of subdivisions of enterprise, requirements to his qualification, computation of expenditures on payment of labour public welfare and stimulation of labour of handling personnel.

In the case of reorganization or re-created enterprise information about a form is given to own of enterprise, his basic or supposed shareholders, their properties, stakes in the capital of enterprise, process of acceptance of decisions and principles of management.

10. A financial plan of investment project - is the most interesting part of business plan from the practical point of view, it shows what financial resources will be required for realization of investment project and in what periods of time and also return from a project at the set basic data and loyalty of conclusions of marketing research.

In a financial plan accounts all money streams of enterprise - expenditures, profit yield from realization, taxes and income are led or settled.

11. Analysis of risks of investment project - in this section the description of possible risks of project and their description is given, and also strategy on their minimization is led.

12. The appendixes - are documents which a business plan was made on the base of: data of marketing researches, specifications and detailed descriptions of products, unfolded descriptions of competitors and their products, copies of selling aids, price-lists, catalogues, letters from buyers and customers, contracts, resumes of leaders of project and subdivisions of enterprise, conclusions of experts and other documents.

(www. Wikipedia.ed)

Exercise 2. Study the example of the Engineering Consulting Business Plan.

StructureAll Ltd. - Consulting Engineers

Executive Summary

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