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  1. Match the parts of the sentences.

1. Since the gravitational effects of geologic bodies are proportional to contrast in density between them and the surroundings

a from elevations along radial lines and concentric circles around the station.

2. The pendulum and gravimeter measure relative gravity

b gravity methods are applied for location of structures in stratified formations.

3. Gravity pendulums are kept as contrast as possible in length so that

c is suspended in inverted position from a taut horizontal quartz fiber.

4. The necessary accuracy in pendulum measurements is secured

d the variation of gravity with latitude.

5. In “gravimeter” methods the gravity is compared with

e a thin horizontal quartz bar is suspended from a horizontal torsion wire.

6.In Threlfall and Pollock instruments

f whereas torsion balance measures variations of gravity force per unit of horizontal distance.

7. The Hartley gravimeter contains

g an elastic spring force.

8. In Ising gravimeter a vertical quartz rod

h variations in period indicate changes in gravity only

9. The planetary correction is due to

i a horizontal, hinged beam suspended from two helical springs.

10. The effect of terrain is calculated

j by the coincidence or beat method.

  1. Answer the following questions.

  1. What methods measure relative gravity?

  2. Why are gravity methods particularly suitable for the location of structures in stratified formations?

  3. What gravity method superseded dynamic pendulum method?

  4. What is the difference between Pollock and Hartley gravimeters?

  5. How can terrain correction be calculated?

  6. What is the difference between ordinary balance and the torsion balance?

  7. What kind of beam is most frequently used in practice?

  8. How many quantities influence the torsion balance?

  9. What is the qualitative torsion balance interpretation?

  10. What is the nature of quantitative torsion balance interpretation?

24. Give definitions to the following terms.

terrain correction gravimeter

torsion balance pendulum method

25. Remember some facts about pendulums and gravimeters. Determine their common features and differences.





26. 9 Listen to the report on new equipment for geophysical survey. You will hear the text twice. For questions 1 – 10, choose the correct answer (a, b or c).

1. The company ARKEX is located in

(A) Houston, Texas

(B) Cambridge, England

(C) Houston and Cambridge

2. The core business of the company “ARKEX” is

(A) to prove production equipment

(B) to develop new methodology for geological survey

(C) to do geophysical survey

3. What is “BLUE QUBE”?

(A) a tool that images subsurface geology

(B) a system that makes seismic unnecessary

(C) a new tool that is mostly employed by subsurface engineers

4. “BLUE QUBE” is useful for

(A) observers

(B) shooters

(C) exploration managers

5.“BLUE QUBE” method includes

(A) a system that makes electromagnetics necessary

(B) gravity instrumentation and acquisition

(C) gravity gradient imaging, magnetics, video and radar

6. What is NOT true about “BLUE QUBE” measurements?

(A) it can help to survey large and deeply buried features in details

(B) it has higher signal-to noise ratio than other gravity systems

(C) it measures change of rock density

7. The disadvantage of 2D seismic is that

(A) it shows a vertical section into the ground

(B) it is not cost effective

(C) it gives no lateral coverage

8. In contrast with “BLUE QUBE” 3D seismic

(A) is more complex

(B) requires much more time

(C) does not destroy the ground

9. “BLUE QUBE” is airborne which:

(A) makes the survey expensive

(B) produces no impact on the environment

(C) does not give high resolution of measurements

10. Combining 2D seismic data with gravity gradient measurements helps

(A) to locate 3D seismic

(B) to win lease

(C) to determine the aspects of drilling process

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