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5.8. Местоимения неопределенного количества many, much, few, little

Местоимения many, much, few, little употребляются перед существитель-ными и обозначают соответственно many, much много и little, few мало. Выбор того или иного местоимения для обозначения большого или малого количества зависит от того, к какому классу принадлежит существительное: с исчисляемыми существительными используется many и few, а с неисчисляе-мыми much и little соответственно:

Bicycle is a popular means of transportation in so many countries.

Велосипед – популярное средство передвижения во многих странах.

Much attention is paid to the energy efficiency problems.

Большое внимание уделяется проблемам эффективности энергии.

Alaska has relatively few roads.

На Аляске сравнительно мало дорог.

Americans generally have little trust in politicians and little interest in politics.

Американцы обычно мало доверяют политикам и мало интересуются политикой.

В разговорной речи вместо many, much часто используются слова a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a good (great) deal of с обоими типами существительных – с исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми:

There is a lot of (plenty of, a good deal of) work to do.

Еще много работы.

Местоимения few, little, употребляемые без артикля, имеют негативный оттенок значения. Когда перед ними стоит неопределенный артикль, то они приобретают положительную окраску и значение несколько, немного. Сравните:

Few people can understand this theory. A few people still understand it.

Мало кто может понять эту теорию. – Некоторые все же понимают ее.

We have very little time left before the train. We can be late. We have a little time left before the train. We can have a cup of coffee.

У нас осталось очень мало времени до поезда. Мы можем опоздать. – У нас есть еще немного времени до поезда. Мы можем выпить чашечку кофе.

5.9. Местоимение one

Местоимение one употребляется для замены существительного в следующих случаях.

  • One может обозначать неопределенное лицо – кто угодно, любой человек – и чаще всего в этом значении употребляется в качестве подлежащего:

    One cannot know his future.

    Никто не знает своего будущего.

    One can find a lot of useful information in the Internet.

    В Интернете можно найти много полезной информации.

  • Местоимение one употребляется для замены предшествующего существительного, чтобы не повторять его:

This hat is too small. I want a bigger one.

Эта шляпа слишком мала. Мне нужна большая.

В этом же значении one может употребляться и во множественном числе:

British locomotives placed the steam cylinders inside the frame whereas the American ones placed them outside.

В британских локомотивах паровые цилиндры располагаются внутри рамы, в то время как в американских они расположены снаружи.

Здесь следует отметить, что в английском языке прилагательное, если оно не является частью именного сказуемого, не может употребляться без существительного, как это часто бывает в русском. Сравните:

Я потерял зонтик, и мне пришлось купить новый.

I have lost my umbrella and I have to buy a new one.

  • Кроме прилагательных, местоимение one может употребляться после слов: other, another, which, the first (the second, ...), the last, this, that:

There are several textbooks on this subject. This one is the simplest. The other ones are for more advanced learners. Which one would you prefer?

По этой теме есть несколько учебников. Этот – самый простой. Другие – для более продвинутых студентов. Какой вы предпочитаете?

При этом one никогда не употребляется после притяжательных местоимений my, her, our и т.п. Вместо этого употребляются абсолютные формы притяжательных местоимений mine, hers, ours:

I have broken my pen. Can I take yours?

Я сломал ручку. Можно я возьму вашу?

  • Местоимение one может употребляться в притяжательном падеже, обозначая принадлежность к любому лицу: at the back of one’s mindв глубине души; to lose ones balanceпотерять терпение; to live above ones meansжить не по средствам.

You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother. (Albert Einstein)

 “Any luck with your advertisement for a husband?”

“Yes, I’ve had sixteen replies. And they all say the same thing.”

“What’s that?”

You can have mine!”

 Teacher (on the telephone): So you say John is too ill to come to school?

Voice at the other end: That’s right.

Teacher: Who am I talking to?

Voice at the other end: This is my father.

 Better a little fire to warm us, than a great one to burn us.

Exercise 5.1. Substitute the underlined words with personal pronouns.

1. The teacher is helping the students to translate the article. 2. Mother will send Mary to buy the tickets. 3. The professor gave the tests to the students. 4. My friend is going to write a letter to his sister tomorrow. 5. This book is not suitable for young learners. 6. Helen worked hard at history. 7. Jane is cooking a pie for her friends. 8. Mary had dinner with Tom. 9. Henry borrowed one of his books to Helen. 10. The dean wants to talk to this student after the lecture.

Exercise 5.2. Fill in the blanks using Personal Pronouns. Translate into your native language.

1. Let ___ be thankful for the fools. But for ___, the rest of ___ could not succeed. (Mark Twain) 2. Peter and I are going to the exhibition today. ___ want to see the new computer accessories. Would you like to go with ___? 3. Where are my notes? I put ___ on the table a moment ago, but now ___ have disappeared. 4. ___ is strange that she missed the last party. 5. What do you think of his last paper? – ___ consider ___ is perfect. 6. What do you want from Mary? – ___ asked ___ to help ___. 7. ___ say ___ is very healthy to drink fresh vegetable juice. 8. ___ is so cold here. Let ___ turn on the heater. 9. Don’t cross the bridges before you come to ___. 10. Is Maggie at home? – No, ___ went shopping with ___ friend. 11. Polar bears live on ice all year round and use ___ as a platform from which to hunt food and rear ___ young. 12. Infra-red rays being invisible to ___, photographic films and plates are made to-day which are sensitive to ___. 13. Strangers don’t like the feeling ___ are evaluated by ___ job.

Exercise 5.3. Insert possessive pronounsadjectives or possessive pronounsnouns.

1. Tell him not to forget ___ ticket; she mustn’t forget ___ either. 2. Whose books are those? Are they ___ or ___? 3. I see that he has lost ___ pencil; perhaps you can lend him ___? 4. Lend them ___ dictionary; they have left ___ at home. 5. My suitcase is heavier than ___. 6. We have taken ___ dictionaries; has she taken ___? 7. Those seats are not ___, they are ___. 8. This does not look like ___ book, it must be ___. 9. ___ article has been already printed, and what about ___? 10. She said that ___ computer was infected with an unknown virus. We rushed to check ___.

Exercise 5.4. Insert one of the Pronouns this, these, that, those, one, ones. Translate into your native language.

1. The boiling point on the centigrade scale is 100° and ___ on the Fahrenheit is 212°. 2. If you are able to use ___ words correctly, you are likely to have a command of the language. 3. In fact, the most important facts are the ___ you remember. 4. China is experiencing a huge migration from agricultural jobs to ___ in manufacturing. 5. The history of radar is a long ___, for the underlying prin­ciple has been known to science for a long time. 6. ___ possibilities are very attractive to the end users. 7. ___ who attended the exhibition had the ability to get a lot of new information. 8. Write down everything you know about ___ subject. 9. A mechanical method was substituted for an electric ___. 10. The water in the Gulf is about 50 per cent more salty than ___ in the ocean. 11. From what has been said so far, ___ might think that alter­nating current has little advantage over direct current. 12. Research at Cardiff University has shown that daily cod liver oil may also benefit ___ with osteoarthritis. 13. Bigger droplets pick up smaller ___ until they become big enough to fall. 14. In ___ presentation ___ should follow a logical rather than a historical order.

Exercise 5.5. Insert some, any, no and their derivatives. Translate into your native language.

1. Are there ___ letters for me? 2. If ___ is done to check the problem, one in three adults will be obese by 2020. 3. John didn’t recognize ___ . 4. Chimpanzees know when ___ else’s thinking is wrong. 5. ___ who can ride a bicycle can understand how it works. 6. ___ knows where the white squirrels come from. 7. Virtual visitors of the exhibition can navigate through different booths ___ time of the day. 8. Fear of having a bad time is enough to make ___ people stay at home. 9. You look worried. Has ___ happened? 10. Bicycles generate ___ air or noise pollution and do not require huge paved roads. 11. Would you like ___ milk to your coffee? 12. He left the party without saying ___ to ___. 13. I haven’t got ___ money at the moment. Would you lend me ___? 14. Let’s go ___ for dinner this evening.

Exercise 5.6. Insert a proper reflexive pronoun.

1. I will ask him ___. 2. She will answer the letter ___. 3. We’ll do it ___. 4. Did you invite him ___? 5. He wants to do it ___. 6. Be careful! You may hurt ___. 7. I looked at ___ in the mirror. 8. Put on a thicker coat to protect ___ from the rain. 9. They told me the news ___. 10. It isn’t her fault. She really shouldn’t blame ___. 11. It was a lovely holiday. We really enjoyed ___ very much. 12. Children! Behave ___!

Exercise 5.7. Insert many, much, few, a few, little, a little.

1. Politeness costs ___, but yields ___. 2. Seismic processing requires ___ computational power. 3. There were very ___ sunspots during the 17th century, so this is the most likely cause for the cool period. 4. Unfortunately, ___ is known about this phenomenon. 5. The collaborative efforts of engineers from ___ countries have produced new metal-saving technologies. 6. Radioactivity is invisible and inaudible, and we cannot feel it until we have received too ___ of it and become ill. 7. There are only ___ towns in the USA that have a white, or albino, squirrel population. 8. Saudi Arabia and countries located not far from the equator, receive ___ more solar irradiance than countries of Europe. 9. There is ___ or no danger of the transmission of diseases of plants to man. 10. Hot metal is not to be poured into a mold containing even ___ water. 11. ___ developing countries suffer from a lack of energy, especially in rural areas. 12. Since most iron ores contain very ___ manganese it is necessary to add manganese ore to the charge of the blast furnace in the manufacture of pig iron. 13. Ants and local cockroaches were among the ___ creatures to thrive in the environment as many plants and animals died off. 14. There are intermediate reactors using neutrons with energies of ___ hundred electron-volts. 15. The researchers returned to the vicinity of the tragedy ___ days later after the storm.

Exercise 5.8. Translate into English using Pronouns.

1. Эти статьи ученый посвятил своему другу. 2. Наше сотрудничество с этой компанией поможет нам продвинуться во всех направлениях. 3. Именно гравитация заставляет их двигаться вокруг Земли. 4. Никто не знает, почему мы зеваем. 5. Автомобиль может быть любого цвета, если этот цвет черный. (Генри Форд) 6. Это программное обеспечение можно найти также в других компаниях. 7. Чтобы приготовить этот пирог, вам потребуется немного муки, сахара, 2 яйца и несколько яблок. 8. К сожалению, сегодня ученые уделяют мало внимания этой проблеме. 9. Из всех чувств зрение – единственное, которое позволяет нам распознавать предметы на большом расстоянии. 10. Никто не ожидал таких выводов. 11. Я прошу Вас сказать несколько слов о своих впечатлениях. 12. Если Вы окажетесь в затруднительном положении, позвоните мне. 13. По этому вопросу имеется очень мало публикаций. 14. Было обнаружено, что генетическая структура шимпанзе очень похожа на нашу. 15. Когда Вы встречаете людей, не говорите о себе, говорите о них. 16. Некоторые серьезно утверждают, что Стоунхендж – это посадочная площадка для НЛО.

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