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Янко Слава (Библиотека Fort/Da) || slavaaa@yandex.ru || http://yanko.lib.ru || Icq# 75088656

predisposition to draw from certain particular concrete domains in deriving vocabulary for a given abstract domain1.

It is interesting to note that the direction of the exertion of force is now reversed. L. Talmy would probably describe a «helping» force dynamic interaction as the existence of an enabling force with an intrinsic tendency toward action temporarily engaged (entering impingement) overcoming resistance or incapacity for action. On the other hand, R. Jackendoff [7] describes «helping» as the exertion of two forces in the same direction (AFF+). Nevertheless in both cases there is a reversal in force dynamics, as the resultant is now movement/action (and not rest/inaction as in the basic meaning of support: detaining motion).

Fuerte (strong) pertains to the physical domain of force dynamics by definition: «that has a lot of muscular strength...» [7. P. 448], although this concept maps into different domains signifying the force of mental, emotional or other attributes. It is interesting to note here the use of a term from the physical force dynamics domain together with hueco (gap) a lexical item from the topological domain that would not normally be used with muy fuerte (very strong). This seems to be a blend in the sense of J. Fauconnier [5. P. 149-158].

2.4. Results

RB constructs an epistemic representation with an opposition between the ideal value for the role of academic institutions: apoyo (support) implying a schema where the scientists do only part of the work and the absence of a real value for those who do the other part of the work: un grupo de ingenieros muy bien preparados (a group of engineers very well prepared) symbolized by the gap (φ).

This fundamental contrast is highlighted by an opposition at the discourse level between an ideal schema constructed in counterfactual space С with Spanish subjuntivo pretérito (past subjunctive)

que humera

that there would be

que tuvieran

that they would have

que necesitaron

that they would need

indicating a low probability for realization and a real schema constructed in reality space R with strong



no es

is not

que no hay

that there are not

como eso no no no

since that does not not not



The absence of values for the ideal schema in reality space R symbolized metaphorically by the hueco (gap) exerts a force that causes the event in frequency subspace F: «often we go to /to do that work of the engineers/ we do it ourselves /the scientists». The fuerte (strong) of the hueco (gap) comes from its role as causal agent in the force dynamic interaction.

3. Conclusions

Force dynamic relationships are playing an important role in organizing meaning at multiple levels. Individual lexical items like apoyo (support) and fuerte (strong) have their own internal force dynamics. At the syntactical level, conjunctions like: porque (because) and como (since) and negation interact in force dynamic relationships. At the discourse level there are force interactions between mental spaces.

The analysis of force dynamics from the perspective of the construction of mental spaces facilitates not only an appreciation of the interaction of agonist and antagonist, but also of the dynamic interplay between spaces. This in turn allows the analyst to identify forces in terms of these spaces.

This double analysis seems to be a powerful instrument for analyzing the construction of meaning in social interaction. Here it lets us examine in detail RB's construal of the role of academic institutions in the process of innovation. His construal can then be compared with the epistemic representations of other participants in this or other research projects. This analysis highlights focal interactions at multiple levels leading to the apprehension of important details that might otherwise be overlooked, thereby providing a systematic method for justifying results.

In reference to this opinion E. Sweetser cites E. Traugott [11].


Текст и дискурс: традиционный и когнитивно-функциональный аспекты исследования= Рязань, 2002. - 236 с.