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legal english-НОВЫЙ УЧ-К.doc
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4) Gerund pattern:

ПУТЕМ + noun in the genitive case = BY + GERUND






by issuing shares – путем выпуска акций;

by taking guarantees from the members – путем получения гарантий от членов;

Pattern 14 to be subject to/subject to

To be subject to – регулировать деятельность, действовать в отношении кого-либо/чего-либо; подлежать действию;

Subject to – при условии соблюдения, согласно, в соответствии с чем-либо; с учетом

a) translate into Russian:

1. Neither the amount nor the method of calculating Lease Payments set forth in this Article 5 shall be subject to change for any reason whatsoever, including (without limitation) any changes in RF Legislation.

2. Legal entity or juristic person means an entity, such as corporation, that is recognized as having legal personality, i.e. it is capable of enjoying and being subject to legal rights and duties.

3. "Arbitrator" means an individual appointed to render an award, alone or with others, in a controversy that is subject to an agreement to arbitrate.

4. Before a controversy arises that is subject to an agreement to arbitrate, a party to the agreement may not:

5. In particular it should be noted that Section 6(b), which provides for courts to decide substantive arbitrability, is subject to waiver under Section 4(a).

6. Section 15 is a default provision and under Section 4(a) is subject to the agreement of the parties.

7. Use of the Land Plot for advertising of goods and services (including holding promotional events and installing and displaying all manner of notices, signs and other advertising materials on the exterior of the Improvements and/or on the Land Plot) in the established manner and subject to RF Legislation.

8. Any attachment or other Lien, whether or not with the Company’s consent, shall be levied against any of the Collateral, or the Lender for any reason whatsoever shall fail to hold pursuant to the Security Agreement a valid, perfected, first priority security interest in and to all of the Collateral, subject to no other Lien whatsoever, enforceable against the Company, the Collateral, and all other third parties whatsoever

9. The proviso at the end of the definition exludes the governments of foreign nations, as well as their agencies and political subdivisions, from qualifying as entities. Hence, these units are not subject to the act.

10. Section 2.8 exempted an acquisition in escrow by an escrow agent subject to a written escrow agreement.

11. If the debtors become subject to bankruptcy administration, the Russian Bankruptcy Law permits the state to take over the bankruptcy and to operate the debtor for a period of up to ten years.

12. Credit organizations are also subject to separate legislation providing detailed guidelines for the bankruptcy of these entities.

13. Prior to a formal declaration of bankruptcy, an enterprise is subject to observation proceedings for a period of three months.

14. Following observation proceedings, the arbitration court may declare the debtor subject to external administration.

15. At the commencement of external administration, the arbitration court appoints an external manager, who assumes the responsibilities of the debtor’s management, subject to supervision and control by the arbitration court and creditors.

16. The period of external management may last no more than twelve months, with a six month extension by the court, subject to a possible extension by the arbitration court.

17. An amicable agreement is subject to the requirement that the claims of the creditors in the first and second order of priority must be satisfied.

b) translate into English:

1. В соответствии с российским Законом о несостоятельности (банкротстве) по решению арбитражного суда в отношении предприятия-должника вводится внешнее управление.

2. С учетом настоящего нормативного акта деятельность предприятия подлежит прозрачному налогообложению (to be taxed transparently).

3. Деятельность акционерного общества регулируется ГК РФ.

4. В отношении компании-должника вводится процедура наблюдения.

5. Имущество банкрота равномерно распределяется между его кредиторами с учетом соответствующего решения арбитражного суда.

6. Переход статуса публичной компании к частной осуществляется при условии принятия особого решения членами компании.

7. В соответствии с Законом о компаниях 1985 года компания должна выбрать наименование с соблюдением требований Регистратора компаний.

8. В соответствии с уставом общество вправе осуществлять любые виды деятельности, не запрещенные федеральным законодательством.

9. Деятельность общества осуществляется при наличии лицензии.

10. Мировое соглашение заключается только при наличии согласия всех кредиторов и самого должника.

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