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legal english-НОВЫЙ УЧ-К.doc
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Предмет договора

1. При соблюдении условий настоящего Договора Арендодатель (subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement) настоящим передает Арендатору, а Арендатор настоящим принимает Земельный участок в полное, неограниченное и исключительное владение и пользование (на условиях аренды) (accepts the full, free and exclusive use and possession of the Land Plot (by way of lease)) для целей, указанных ниже в статье 4.

2. На дату заключения настоящего Договора (on the date of conclusion of this Agreement) Земельный участок не застроен, свободен от любых обременений и от любого имущества арендодателя или третьих лиц (to be undeveloped, free of any Encumbrances and free of any property belonging to the Lessor or any third parties).

3. Рыночная стоимость Земельного участка (the market value of the Land Plot ) составляет ___ рублей, что подтверждено независимой оценкой от “___” _____ 2008 года (as confirmed by an independent appraisal of).

  1. The clauses below are typical for this kind of a contract. Read and translate them in writing:




permitted uses

разрешенные виды использования

otherwise permitted by applicable RF Legislation.

разрешенные на иных основаниях действующим законодательством РФ




(зд.) эксплуатация

loading and unloading areas

погрузочно-разгрузочные площадки

Permitted Uses of the Land Plot

The Permitted Uses for the Land Plot shall include all uses as are necessary or appropriate in connection with the Investment Project as well as any other purposes set forth in the charter of the Lessee (as amended from time to time) and/or otherwise permitted by applicable RF Legislation.

The Permitted Uses of the Land Plot shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following:

    1. Surveying, planning, construction, use, reconstruction, refurbishment, repair, destruction and removal of Improvements.

    2. Operation and use of Improvements for all aspects of commercial and non-commercial purposes.

    3. Installation, commissioning, operation, repair and removal of production, technical, office and other types of equipment and/or other moveable property on the Land Plot for commercial and non-commercial purposes in connection with Improvements.

    4. Operation of private and commercial vehicles on the Land Plot in connection with Improvements.

    5. Creation of vehicle parking spaces, loading and unloading areas and other development of the Land Plot.

    6. Use of the Land Plot for advertising of goods and services (including holding promotional events and installing and displaying all manner of notices, signs and other advertising materials on the exterior of the Improvements and/or on the Land Plot) in the established manner and subject to RF Legislation.

The Lessee shall use the Land Plot and the Improvements exclusively in accordance with the Permitted Uses. The Lessee shall ensure that the Permitted Uses are in accordance with applicable construction, sanitary, fire, safety, environmental and other RF Legislation.




lease payments

арендные платежи

lease term

срок аренды

per annum per square meter,

в год за квадратный метр

notwithstanding the above

невзирая на вышесказанное

equal to a total Ruble Equivalent of US$

что в общей сумме составляет рублевый эквивалент долларов США

on a quarterly basis in advance

ежеквартально авансом

VAT shall be added to the above Lease Payments

вышеуказанные арендные платежи увеличиваются на сумму НДС

the remainder of the calendar quarter

остаток календарного квартала

until paid in full

за период до полной оплаты

such payment shall accrue interest

на данный платеж начисляются проценты

including (without limitation)

включая, в том числе/включая, помимо прочего/включая, в частности

following the final date of the Investment Period

после окончания инвестиционного периода

payment instruction

платежное поручение

to pay the balance of all Lease Payments in a single payment

единовременно выплатить остаток всех арендных платежей

calculated on the basis of a 360-day year

исходя из продолжительности года, равной 360 дням

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