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Subunit II

a) translate into Russian:

To secure the performance of an obligation the Russian Civil Code places at the generous disposal off the creditor six nominate devices denominated respectively as liquidated damages, mortgage, lien, suretyship, bank guaranty and earnest money.

A pledge agreement is a typical component of a loan package, i.e. the package of documentation which is prepared between a bank and a borrower in order to provide a loan and to secure its payment.

The conclusion is that the appropriate role for the State is to support a bankruptcy framework in which interested parties select suitable agents to exercise governance.

To the extent required by applicable legislation, the Parties each agree and undertake to accomplish any formalities and cause the keeper of the Company’s shareholders register to complete the required formalities to implement passage of the title to the Shares.

The Investor shall exert its best efforts to obtain prompt customs clearance.

To effect such registration the Company shall cause a personal account to be created for the Investor and introduce an entry in such account in the register-keeping system.

The company shall promptly provide all necessary documents and information required to timely effect above actions.

TRUST is a property given to a trustee to manage for the benefit of a third person.

The terms to create an express trust will be sufficient, if it can be fairly collected upon the face of the instrument that a trust was intended.

To establish a trust, one party (the setllor) transfers property to another party (the trustee), who administers it for the benefit of a third party (the beneficiary).

Two types of implied trusts are imposed by law to remedy unjust situations: (1) constructive trusts, used to require the return of wrongly obtained property (a trust meant to correct fraud or other misconduct); protective trusts, which attempt to shield assets from Beneficiaries creditors by causing a beneficiary to lose their interest in the trust if a creditor attempts to reach that interest

This is certainly a sufficient amount to establish the trust.

If the Parties fail to resolve a dispute within thirty (30) days, the matter may be referred to and resolved exclusively by arbitration in Stockholm.

The Lender’s decision to make payments to the Holding Company shall not serve to waive or otherwise impair any rights or remedies of the Lender against the Company.

Rather than construe a contract out of the situation, the Canadian courts prefer using another mechanism, that of unjust enrichment, to resolve the unfairness.

Time limits are set in to restrict the effective term of a contract.

The law does not require the aggrieved party to do cartwheels to minimize losses.

A mere statement of a person’s intention, or a declaration of his willingness to enter into negotiations is not an offer and cannot be accepted so as to form a valid contract

If the amount received upon transfer in ownership to the pledgeholder or other third party under this Article 6 is insufficient to cover the Obligations, the pledgeholder shall be entitled to receive the difference from other property of all of the Pledgors.

Following such payment, the Lessee shall have no further obligations to make any lease or similar payments of any kind to ensure its exclusive use and possession of the Land Plot for the remainder of the Lease Term.

During observation proceedings, the arbitration court collects information about the management and the financial status of the debtor in order to determine the appropriateness of formal bankruptcy administration. The arbitration court appoints an interim manager to monitor the debtor’s management, preserve the assets of the debtor, analyze the debtors financial status, ascertain whether there are indicia of deliberate or fraudulent bankruptcy, and to convene the first creditors’ meeting.

The fundamental difference between public and private companies is that only public companies may invite the public to subscribe for shares.

Incorporated entities, both domestic and international, form Delaware subsidiaries to accomplish acquisition transactions.

Generally, the board of directors appoint officers to operate the business.

b) translate into English:

Руководство компании назначает независимого аудитора для проверки бухгалтерской отчетности предприятия.

В результате нового нормативного акта деятельность дочерних предприятий регулируется громоздкими правилами, разработанными для решения проблем крупных компаний.

Кредиторы руководствуются определенными критериями для предоставления кредитов, обеспеченных недвижимостью, включая в частности требование резерва капитала для защиты кредитора на случай обращения взыскания на предмет залога.

Для обращения взыскания на предмет залога кредитору необходимо установить, что услуги по оценке имущества предоставлялись оценщиком непосредственно кредитору.

Арбитражный суд должен завершить изучение дела о банкротстве в течение трех месяцев с момента принятия заявление о признании должника банкротом и принять решение о введении внешнего управления для восстановления платежеспособности должника,

Арбитражный суд назначает временного управляющего для обеспечения сохранности имущества должника, наблюдения за руководством предприятия-должника и контроля за проведением крупных сделок, заключаемых во время внешнего управления

Кредиторам следует надлежащим образом заключить договор о залоге для установления юридически действительного права залога.

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