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legal english-НОВЫЙ УЧ-К.doc
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  1. Grant of License

    1. Subject to the conditions set forth herein ABC grants to XYZ the non-exclusive license to use the Brand Name “ABC” and the Logo as attached as Exhibit 1 hereto (hereinafter referred to as “License”) for the term of this Agreement.

    2. The License is limited to the use for the operation of the Retail Shop only, that includes such services as defined in Exhibit 1 hereto.

    3. The License is not transferable and not subject to sublicenses.

    4. ABC does not give any representation or warranty as to the rights licensed hereunder.


the non-exclusive license to use the Brand Name “ABC” and the Logo

неисключительная лицензия на использование Фирменного наименования «ABC» и Логотипа

  1. Condition

    1. The License under this Agreement is conditional upon the conclusion and continuance of the Exclusive Supply Agreement between the Parties entered into as of today and XYZ fulfilling its obligations under this agreement. It shall terminate if the Exclusive Supply Agreement terminates, expires or becomes unenforceable or invalid or if XYZ is in breach of the Exclusive Supply Agreement.

    2. The Agreement shall be subject to registration with ROSPATENT (Russian Patent Office) and becomes legally enforceable in Russia upon the completion of such registration.

    3. ABC consents to using the Trademarks by XYZ commencing on the datе of the execution of this Agreement and therefore provisions of the Agreement will be extended for legal relationship of the Parties commencing on that date.

    4. ABC shall maintain the validity of the Trademarks on the territory of the Russian Federation.


The License under this Agreement is conditional upon the conclusion and continuance of the Exclusive Supply Agreement

Лицензия по настоящему Договору обусловлена заключением и продолжением действия Эксклюзивного договора поставки

if the Exclusive Supply Agreement terminates, expires or becomes unenforceable or invalid

в случае, если Эксклюзивный договор поставки будет расторгнут, прекратит действовать, утратит исковую силу, станет недействительным

become legally enforceable

приобретать законную исковую силу

maintain the validity of the Trademarks

поддерживать юридическую действительность Товарных знаков

  1. Obligations of xyz

    1. XYZ undertakes to use the Brand Name and the Logo solely for the operation of the Retail Shop and in compliance with the stipulations in this Agreement. XYZ further undertakes to use the Brand Name and the Logo only in an unaltered form.

    2. XYZ undertakes to establish and to operate the Retail Shop in compliance with the standards, policies and qualitative criteria of ABC and to operate the Retail Shop with the due diligence of a prudent businessman. The location and layout of the Retail Shop must reflect at all times the prestige and image of ABC and shall not undermine such in any way. The exterior and interior layout has to be of high quality and different categories of products shall be sold in separate sections of the Retail Shop. The products shall be offered for sale only when they are in perfect condition with regard to the use-by date and storage instructions. Products not being in such condition shall not be offered. Products shall only be sold in quantities not exceeding an average and consumers’ individual and personal needs. A sufficient number of permanent, professionally competent personnel for the operation of the Retail Shop, devoted to providing assistance and ensuring a high quality service during opening shop-hours shall be employed.

    3. XYZ undertakes at all times to render prompt and courteous service and conducts its operation of the Retail Shop in such a fashion that it reflects favourably on ABC and its Brand Name and Logo and the good name, goodwill and reputation hereof and undertakes to avoid all deceptive, misleading and unethical practices.

    4. XYZ undertakes at all reasonable times to permit ABC or third parties appointed by ABC to enter the premises used for the operation of the Retail Shop for the inspection of the premises in order to control the compliance with the undertakings of XYZ under this agreement. XYZ undertakes to cooperate, in particular provide information, present necessary documents and make the premises accessible.

    5. XYZ acknowledges that ABC is the sole and exclusive owners of the Brand Name and the Logo. XYZ hereby undertakes not to register those rights in its own name or of any third party and not to use those rights or any part thereof in any form without the previous written consent of ABC. XYZ undertakes to promptly notify ABC of any actual, threatened or suspected infringement of the Brand Name or the Logo which comes to XYZ’s notice and of any claim by any third party regarding the Brand Name and the Logo and XYZ undertakes at ABC’s request to do all such things as may be reasonably required to assist ABC in taking or resisting any proceedings in relation to any such infringement or claim.

    6. XYZ undertakes to comply with all relevant laws and regulations with regard to the establishment and operation of the Retail Shop.


in compliance with the standards, policies and qualitative criteria of ABC

в соответствии со стандартами, принципами и качественными критериями компании ABC

to operate the Retail Shop with the due diligence of a prudent businessman

эксплуатировать Розничный магазин, проявляя надлежащую тщательность, характерную для осмотрительного предпринимателя

to avoid all deceptive, misleading and unethical practices

избегать любых обманных, вводящих в заблуждение и неэтичных действий

to promptly notify ABC of any actual, threatened or suspected infringement of the Brand Name or the Logo

немедленно уведомлять компанию ABC о любом фактическом, угрожающем или подозреваемом нарушении прав на Фирменное наименование или Логотип

to comply with all relevant laws and regulations

соблюдать все соответствующие законодательные и нормативные акты

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