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1. In 1973, countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and of the Warsaw Treaty began a series of meetings in Vienna aimed at reducing the number of troops and armaments deployed in Central Europe while maintaining undiminished security for each party (Talks on Mutual Reduction of Forces and Armaments and Associated Measures in Central Europe, also known as Mutual and Balanced Force Reduction Talks).

2. The talks failed to produce any conclusive agreements and were discontinued in 1989.

3. In the context of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE) the 16 members of NATO and 7 States parties to the Warsaw Treaty started, in March 1989, a negotiation in Vienna on conventional armed forces in Europe (CFE).

4. The objective of the negotiation is a stable and secure balance of forces at lower levels in Europe, which would include eliminating disparities and, above all, capabilities to launch surprise attacks and large-scale offensive operations.


5. The mandate also provides that procedures for verifying compliance with an agreement would include on-site inspections and exchange of data.

6. Both sides have made proposals calling for asymmetrical reductions with deep cuts and extensive verification measures.

7. They have also, in a series of follow-up proposals, significantly narrowed differences between them as to scope and numbers, reflecting a willingness to address imbalances that concern the other side, and a desire to reach an early agreement.

8. In the meanwhile, beginning in late 1988, the Soviet Union and other Eastern European States have announced unilateral decisions to make important cuts in their armed forces and weapons levels, including the withdrawal of Soviet troops, tanks and assault equipment from Czechoslovakia, the German Democratic Republic and Hungary.

9. Projected cuts in United States military expenditures also seem to point to a reduction of forces and weapons.

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(11). Переведите в быстром темпе:

Варшавский Договор; surprise attack; уровни вооружений; follow-up proposals; переговоры о взаимном и сбалансированном сокращении вооруженных сил; large-scale offensive operations; внезапное нападение; capabilities; существенное сниже­ние; projected cuts; ударные вооружения; the German Democratic Republic; после­дующие предложения; the withdrawal of troops; асимметричные сокращения; to address imbalances; развертывание широкомасштабных наступательных операций; a reduction of forces; переговоры о взаимном сокращении вооруженных сил и воо­ружений и связанных с этим мерах в Центральной Европе; a reduction of weapons; Совещание по безопасности и сотрудничеству в Европе; a secure balance of forces; широкое применение мер контроля; to significantly narrow differences; запланиро­ванное сокращение; on-site inspections.

(12). Переведите шаблонные выражения в быстром темпе:

they have made proposals calling for; они также устранили существенные раз­личия между ними в отношении; projected cuts in US military expenditures; при


сохранении на неизменном уровне безопасности каждой из сторон; this also seems to point to; они не привели к каким-либо окончательным соглашениям; in a series of follow-up proposals; при существенном снижении уровня вооружении и широком применении мер контроля; capabilities to launch surprise attacks and large-scale offensive operations; в серии последующих предложений; beginning in late 1988; что отражает готовность приступить к устранению диспропорций; the context of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe; желание как можно скорее прийти к согласию; while maintaining undiminished security for each party.

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