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Civil Service System in Thailand 123

ministry (which used to be level 11). Although the intention of the act is to use this new classification system to encourage officials to be more well-rounded, making officials forget their previous number-based level and management hierarchy requires effective change management effort.

Finally, the balance of the number of officials in different position groups deserves some consideration. Between 1996 and 2007, the number of officials at operation level (practitioner and operational levels of knowledge worker and general positions) has declined significantly at almost 50%, while the number of those at middle level (professional, senior professional of the knowledge worker positions and experienced as well as senior level of the general positions) has increased more than 100%.9 The number of high-level officials (expert level of the knowledge worker position) has also increased more than 100% (OCSC 2009c). Such a trend therefore has begun to raise the concerns of both the OCSC and departments on the possible shortage of operation officials in the near future.

6.4 Compensation and Benefits

6.4.1 Main Feature

The civil service compensation is composed of take-home pay and fringe benefits. Take-home pay refers to direct compensation on a monthly basis, and consists of a basic salary or wage and position allowance. Salaries are distinguished from wages in that “salaries” are for personnel with official status while “wages” are for employees with non-official status.

6.4.2 Salary Management Salary Structure and Entry-Level Salary

The Civil Service Act of 2008 has changed the salary schedule from a single step-wise schedule into four range-based schedules corresponding with the position classification. A civil servant may receive salary increases in three ways:

When there are changes in salary schedules

When a civil servant is promoted to a higher level

Through merit increase that is conducted twice a year

Usually, officials will join the civil service at practitioner level under the knowledge worker position or operational level under the general position. The salary of entry-level officials is determined by level of education, as described in Table 6.2.

To ensure that civil service officials meet the standard of living, the OCSC provides a cost-of- living adjustment on top of their salary. Civil service officials are guaranteed 8200 baht as their monthly take-home pay (mostly non-degree officials in the general position group). For those

9One factor that contributes to the increase in the number of middle-level officials is the way the position is constructed. Under the previous act, an official whose position is labeled “deep-class” can be promoted through his own position (e.g., from practitioner to professional level), without competing against other officials. This structure of classification coupled with leniency in the promotion process, therefore, results in increasing numbers of middle-level officials. On the other hand, several departments have created new high-level positions. As mentioned earlier, to do so means that they have to abolish lower-level positions to compensate for the extra expenses that the new positions will incur (e.g., higher salary). Hence, this contributes to a decline in the number of positions and officials at the lower level.

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