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  1. Суммируйте, как развиваются отношения между канадской фирмой "Farm Machinery Co. Inc" и отделом сбыта Челябинского тракторного завода, включая текст 6 А урока 6. Выскажите свою тбчку зрения, какие еще статьи контракта должны быть обсуждены.

  2. Переведите диалог, обсудите вопросы, данные после его текста, и суммируйте его содержание:

Commercial Talks (Text 6C)

А. В. А.

"Have you ever been at any commercial talks?" "Yes, lots of times. Why?" "Most of the working time at foreign-trade association is devoted to carrying on talks on coordinating the terms of export or import contracts."




"That's quite true. A newcomer to foreign economic activity should know a couple of useful things about the talks." "Whatever the situation you may find yourself in during the talks, there should be an atmosphere of trust, friendliness and readiness to meet each other halfway and cooperate." "Each worker in foreign economic sphere should know how to conduct -talks - that's one of their most important business qualities."


Businessmen should learn how to control their actions and feelings, gestures and even the way they sit and speak during the talks. Everything should be done naturally. Thev should know the rules of etiquette concerning their behaviour, for example, when you should shake hands, take off your hat or stand up." 'And you should remember that a handshake's very popular in France or Germany, but it is not in Great Britain or Japan." "And lots of other things. If a Britisher is silent, his silence does not necessarily mean consent, it may just mean patience. If your Japanese partner nods while listening to you, that doesn't mean at all that he agrees with you, it just means, "I follow what you're saying."


"And such elementary things that you should never be late for the talks, or that you're supposed to be always tidy and have a fresh handkerchief."


"Nowadays the existing means of communication enable us to settle most business problems without personal contacts. But if you wani to agree on principle matters or coordinate the terms of the contract, personal meetings are a must."


"One thing is quite clear: you should. thoroughly get ready for the coming talks if you want them to be a success. Youre even to make out a plan of the main problems of the talks with proper pro and con arguments and possible alternatives as well as the adequate tactics of carrying them on."


"Some people underestimate the ability to carry on talks, they think that it's very simple and consequently lose a lot."

* Рекомендуется после проверки писем, повторить словосочетания и фразы, данные на стр- 79главы 1 пункт б) и поработать над различными формами выражения благодарности за гостеприимство.

B. There's another point of importance: the better you know your partner, that is his character, his likes and dislikes, the more successful the talks may be."

A. "For that end you should thoroughly study the general character of the nation and bear that in mind, which may enable you to make your talks a success."

B. 'For example, the main characteristic features of the British

national character are: enterprise (initiative), business ability,

traditional thoroughness and solidity."

A. "At "the same time the English nature is rather contradictory:

Bracticality and dreaminess, love of adventure and. modesty. And

the most important is their affectionate and tender devotion to the

past, which some people call conservatism."

B. "They like to begin sentences by "I think", "I may not be right

out... and the like as they try to avoid categorical negative or

positive stafclflients."

A. They're very thrifty in the use of money,,words and emotions." B. "Yes, their reservedness is well known all Over the world." A. "Also, their sense of justice and law is great, to say nothing of their sense of humour.'11 Honesty is the best policy, "they say." B."And I know they still value their class origin,- which usually shows in their manner of speech, especially in their pronunciation, because of Oxford or Cambridge University education." A."And I've read that they like speaking about people's hobbies, and one of theirs is gardening."

B."Yes, that's right. Another's collecting old china or foreign stamps. Oh well, I didn't expect we knew so much about the English, out it's quite obvious it's very useful. What about the Americans?"A."Well, well, you're tireless. One should learn from the Americans their business ability and enterprise. The American businessmen are always guided by three principles: thorough analysis, exact division of duties (functions) and regular control over the fulfilment of their plans or of carrying out everything decided or promised." B."Great. I wish'our businessmen would follow suit. By the way, these're the three basic abilities taught at American business schools, aren't they?"

"Yes. Now let's look upon the matter from a different angle. To make the talks a success you should know how to reason your position without hurting the feelings of your counterparts. For example, when you discuss the price problem ' , you can use the following: If the Buyers say, "we find the prices of your goods rather high.", you may answer: "Do you know of any firms that have the same goods available at the same or lower prices? Could you name these firms?"

"How right you are. Or you could ask "Are the goods of the same

high quality as ours if they're sold at prices from 10 to 15 % below

ours? Can you prove it?"

"In another case you could just say: "You will appreciate that our

low prices make it impossible for us to grant any discount." or 'We

cannot allow a further discount of 2 % (or some other per cent) as


"Sometimes you may refer-to the cost of raw materials: "Prices of

raw materials have risen steeply since our original quotation, and




we could now accept your order only at the rates quoted on the price list attached."


'And these arguments are to be thoroughly thought over and prepared before the talks,* which is more often than not un­derestimated by some inexperienced businessmen, say in our branch ministries or factories, who have just started to make business contacts direct."

"I agree. It's never late to learn. Also, there's always room for improvement."

A. "And in general you should always bear in mind business etiquette whose main values (principles) are decency and honesty, straitforwardness and integrity, the sense of obligation and duty."

B. "Yes. A businessmen should always be as good as his word, avoid deceit or cheating in money matters and fulfil at any cost obligations taken if he wants to have long-standing commercial relations with his counterparts."


XVIII. После обсуждения вышеприведенных вопросов выполните следующие задания

  1. Обсудите приведенные доводы при уторговании цены, добавьте свои собственные.

  2. Продумайте, какие доводы можно привести при согласовании других статей контракта (время и сроки поставки, условия пла­ тежа и др.)

Questions for discussion:

  1. How can you describe the general atmosphere of the talks? Why is it important?

  2. What can you say about the behaviour of those participating in the talks?

  3. In which countries is it not customary to shake hands? And which is it an offence if you don't?

  4. What other habits can you name that may be useful to remember?

  5. How and why is it necessary to get ready for the coming com­ mercial talks?

  6. What can you say about the English national character?

  7. What are the three rules the American businessmen are guided by? Discuss in detail each of them?

  8. What else is important to make the talks a success and why?

Note on the text.

1) Нужно помнить, что в цене на потребительские товары англий­ским продавцом предусматривается (сразу закладывается) торговая скидка (a trade discount), и это следует уторговывать. Такая торго­вая скидка оптовика розничным торговцам может достигать 25-35 % и выше.

A. "Successful businessmen know very well that being honest is not only decent, but very profitable because mutual confidence (trust) is the cornerstone of commerce."

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