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VII. Изучив рамки, данные в словаре урока 3, переведите следующие словосочетания и дайте' свои примеры с выделенными словами:

1. а) иметь счет в Московском Народном банке б) получить счет

на газ и электричество за прошлый месяц в) высылая счет за поставленный товар

2. а) обслуживать автомашины на дороге б) обслуживать посети-

телей в ресторане

VIII. Обсудите следующие вопросы:

  1. Who deals with market research in your association (firm)?

  2. In what way do they obtain the information needed?

  3. Who is responsible for marketing research in your association?

  4. What organizations can help obtain information on marketing in our country?

  5. How do the results of marketing research tell on the production of your factory?

  6. Does your association deal with advertising of your products itself or do you employ an advertising agent?


7. What do you consider the best choice of media for advertising your goods? Why do you think so?

IX. Суммируйте проведенную беседу по анализу вашей работы (работы вашего объе­ динения, предприятия) в области изучения конъюнктуры рынка, маркетинга и рекла­ мы.

X. Прочтите и обсудите следующий текст:


The management of the company is called the Board of Directors (not Managers) headed by the Chairman (- the President /Am./). There is usually a Managing Director and in the case of big companies there may be several Joint Managing Directors.

A Manager in British companies is the person who is head of a department - Sales, Export, Works (Production), Staff, etc. So there are Sales Managers, Export Managers, Works (Production) Managers, Staff Managers, etc.

A General Manager has managers, working under his control, and receives his instructions from the Managing Director.

By British Company Law ( the Companies Acts of 1948 and 1985) a limited company (public or private) must have a Company Secretary whose duties are plenty. First he is the clerk to the Directors: he is to keep Registers of Directors and Members, arrange for proceedings at directors and shareholders' meetings, prepare notices for the calling of these meetings, attend them and advise directors at board meetings on the legal, accounting and tax implications of any proposed business move as well as write minutes and reports (the minutes of a meeting are usually concise records of resolutions or decisions reached, and the reports are more extensive and give details of desiccations, arguments for or against the resolutions, and so on.) Second he represents his company and in this capacity he supervises the working of the staff and the maintenance of staff records ( if there is no special staff manager), he is often finally responsible for the accounting and handling of contracts. Thus he is the link between the company and the members, between the company and the staff and between the company and the public.

The Company Secretary must be'a properly qualified person, and to be able to fulfil his routine duties well he is supposed to have training in company law, accountancy and many other subjects. He is expected to be part-lawyer, part-economist, part-administrator and part-accountant.

But it takes a good deal more than professional qualifications to make a good company secretary: "he must be businessman and humanitarian, lawyer and visionary" (as one of the English newspapers put it).

the Board of Directors the Chairman

the Managing Director a Sales Manager an Export Manager a Production Manager a Staff Manager a General Manager the Company Secretary

  • совет директоров

  • председатель


заведующий отделом продаж

заведующий экспортным отделом

заведующий производством

заведующий отделом кадров

главный управляющий

секретарь компании



Words you may need for the discussion:

a register - список, журнал записей

a notice - извещение

an implication - последствие, смысл, значение

an argument - довод, аргумент

a humanitarian - гуманист

a visionary - прорицатель, мечтатель

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