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curious that the Portuguese, like the Andalusians, are broader jawed than most Mediterraneans, and comparable in this respect to some Berbers.

The apparent homogeneity of the Portuguese, in a racial sense, masks the presence of several brunet Mediterranean strains, as Portuguese anthropologists are well aware. One may distinguish tall Atlanto- Mediterraneans, particularly in the southern provinces, as well as the small, extremely long-headed type found in Sao Pedro Magodouro. The coarser mesocephalic strain, which dates back to Muge, may also be identified.

Non-Mediterranean elements in the Portuguese population are rare and of little importance. A few Nordics are scattered throughout but are particularly concentrated in the north. Traces of Dinaric blood, as we have already seen, may likewise be found on the northern coast. Negroid blood, introduced into Portugal through the medium of freed slaves, has largely been absorbed. The liberated negroes settled mostly in the cities, where negroes from the Portuguese colonies are still to be seen in some numbers. The liberality of the Portuguese social attitude toward persons of different race has prevented the retention, as in Arabia and the United States, of a stigmatized negroid class. On the whole, the absorption of negroes by the Portuguese has had no appreciable effect on the racial position of the country. Portugal remains, as it has been since the days of the Muge shell-fish eaters, classic Mediter­ranean territory.

  1. The western mediterranean islands

A study of the Mediterranean racial area in southwestern Europe would not be complete without the inclusion of the Balearics, Corsica, and Sardinia. The Balearic Islands contain a population taller than that in most of Spain, but equally dolichocephalic; the settlement of megalith- building Atlanto-Mediterraneans on these small islands in late Neolithic and early Metal Age times has left a permanent imprint on the popula­tion.127 The tall, long-faced type of Spaniard so frequently seen in the Guardia Civil is common here. Corsica and Sardinia, although equally popular with the megalith-builders, are larger islands and are extremely rugged topographically, so that a more numerous pre-Megalithic Medi­terranean element was enabled to survive, and to reemerge as the present population.

Corsica is extremely mountainous, and the mountains rise directly out of the water. The Corsicans of the interior part of the island have pre-

127 References which include the Balearic Islands are:

Oloriz y Aguilera, F., BSAP, ser. 4, vol. 5, 1894, pp. 520-525; BRSG, vol. 36, 1894, pp. 389-422.



.served a culture of early Mediterranean origin with little change; their houses, their agriculture, their endogamous marriage system, their predilection for the blood feud, and their insistence upon personal freedom relate them ethnologically to the mountain Berber groups of North Africa. In historic times Corsica has belonged to many nations, from the Phoenicians to the French, but until the present her allegiance has been in most cases nominal, and throughout many changes of masters, the islanders have preserved their own character. The only actual immigra­tion of outsiders recorded in recent times is that of 730 Greeks from the Peloponnesus who settled in the town of Carg&se, on the west coast of the island, in 1676. The descendants of these Greeks still preserve their ethnic identity, and remain unabsorbed.

Anthropometric studies of living Corsicans 128 place them in approxi­mately the same racial position as the Portuguese. ’ The stature mean for the island is about 163 cm., the cephalic index, 76.6. Light or light- mixed eyes are probably under 20 per cent, while the commonest iris color is dark brown, or black. The hair color is black or dark brown, more frequently the latter; shades ranging from medium brown to blond include 15 per cent of the whole.

In general, the coastal population, particularly in the northern and western parts of the island and in the towns, is taller and less long-headed than that of the more isolated interior villages. The coastal people, from Bastia to Ajaccio, have a mean cephalic index of 77; 76 is the mean for the southern part of the island, and 75 for the interior. The Greeks of Carg&se have a mean of 77.8. In Bocognagno, an isolated mountain section, 38 per cent of the recruits summoned for military service were rejected on the grounds of being shorter than 154 cm.

There is one exception to this rule that the inhabitants of the kernel of the island are the shortest, longest-headed, and darkest, however— that is in the inaccessible plateau region of Niolo, in the very center of the island, where a tall, long-headed, and prevailingly blond group of people has been found. They are apparently Nordics, not unlike Riffians in appearance, and are a closely inbred local group. Whether they represent the survival of an ancient blond racial stratum in the Mediter­ranean area, or are the descendants of some early refugees to this mountain

Duckworth, W. L. H., ZFMA, vol. 13, 1910-11, pp. 439-504; PCAS, vol. 13, (7 n. s.), 1909, pp. 267-279.

Fallot, A., RDAP, scr. 3, vol. 4, 1889, pp. 641-674; BMSA, ser. 6, vol. 2, 1911, pp. 43-54.

Jaubert, L. J., BSAP, ser. 4, vol. 4, 1893, pp. 756-760.

Mahoudeau, P. G., REAP, vol. 16, 1906, pp. 177-195.

Mattei, A., BSAP, vol. 11, ser. 2, 1876, pp. 597-619.

Rocca, P., Les Corses devant Vanthropologie.



fastness, cannot be determined without a careful, modern survey of Corsica. In view of present evidence it appears that the Corsicans, like the North Africans, Spaniards, and Portuguese, are a blend of different Mediterranean strains, and that here, as in the more marginal Berber groups and in Portugal, a small, very long-headed Mediterranean type is both old and numerous, while later, taller, Atlanto-Mediterranean forms are also present. The Nordic problem is a local puzzle which awaits solution.

Culturally and historically, Sardinia resembles Corsica closely. The same intense Megalithic activity, followed by Greek and Carthaginian influences, and later by Roman rule, mark early Sardinian history. In later times the Saracens obtained possession of the island, but were expelled shortly afterward. Spain ruled Sardinia from roughly 1300 to 1700 a.d., and Spanish cultural influence is to be seen in most of the cities. In Sassari a dialect is still spoken which includes Spanish elements. In 1718 a.d., when Sardinia was given to the princes of Piedmont in exchange for Sicily, the townsfolk of Sassari were considered Spanish, and the country folk pure Sardinian. The language of the Sardinians, like that of Corsica, is a form of Italian, but pre-Italic languages were spoken on the island as late as the time of the Roman empire. These may have dated back to the period when the Shardana appeared as one of the western sea people attacking Egypt in Middle Kingdom times.

Anthropometrically, the Sardinians are a little better known than the Corsicans.129 They are, on the whole, a little shorter than the inhabitants of the more northernly island, with a stature mean of 162 cm., while nearly identical in head form (76.5).130 The hair color is designated as black in over half of the Sardinian groups measured, while hair blondism attains the ratio of but 1 per cent. Mixed or light eyes run to about 15 per cent. As in Corsica, many irises are deep brown or black.

Measurements and indices of the head and face related the Sardinians to the smaller Berber groups and to the Portuguese,131 and this resemblance is confirmed by the study of modern Sardinian crania, which show that the Sardinians are low-vaulted dolichocephals and mesocephals, with short faces and skeletally mesorrhine noses. Among Sardinian crania

  1. Duckworth, W. L. H., ZFMA, vol. 13, 1910-11, pp. 439-504.

Hawes, G. H., unpublished measurements on 12 Sardinian soldiers, measured in Crete. Permission for use granted.

Livi, R., Anthropometria Militare.

Niceforo, A., ASRA, vol. 3, 1896, pp. 201-222.

d’Hercourt, G.} BSAP, ser. 3, vol. 5, 1882, pp. 463-471.

  1. Livi’s cephalic index mean for Sardinia, 77.5, is apparently one unit too high. This may be explained by his use of a craniometric frame, instead of calipers. See Duck- Worth, W. L. H., ZFMA, vol. 13, 1910-11.

181 Detailed data are almost entirely limited to Hawes’s small series.

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