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Iran. Culturally and racially they have conserved the ancestral type with more fidelity than the majority of their linguistic brethren. It is particu­larly remarkable that, living in close proximity to pronounced brachy- cephals in Anatolia, Armenia, and the Caucasus, the majority of them have preserved their ancient dolichocephaly.

All groups of Kurds, however, have not fully escaped this brachycepha- lization. The Bilikani Kurds, who live among Armenians near Erivan, have a mean cephalic index of 84; others, who live in northeastern Iraq and who are fully sedentary, have been altered to a lesser extent through admixture. A small sample measured at Kirkuk has a cephalic index mean of 82, and a mean stature of 170 cm.; despite the change in head form the facial dimensions remain both long and narrow; the facial index of 93 is leptoprosopic, the nasal index of 60 on the lower border of leptor- rhiny. The Kurdish facial features are more persistent than the Kurdish head form.

  1. The turks as mediterraneans

In most of the Eurasiatic land mass, the brunet Mediterranean world is blocked from direct contact with mongoloids by intervening populations of other kinds of white men, but there is one exception to this rule. The Turkomans who live east of the Caspian, south of the Aral, west of the greater oases of Russian Turkestan, and north of the Iranian plateau, form an extension of the Mediterranean race into central Asia, where ► their territory borders on that of partially or fully mongoloid peoples to whom they are linguistically related. A few of them are likewise to be found in small colonies in the northern Caucasus.

The purer tribes of Turkomans are as a rule those who have not settled down, but who still maintain their pastoral nomadic existence. As an example of almost wholly unmixed Turkomans we may consider the Yomuds who live in the oasis of Khoresm, in Russian Turkestan.31

Several of the Turkoman groups studied in Iraq and in Turkmenistan are tall, with mean statures of 169 and 170 cm., but this is not true of all of them. The Yomuds, for example, have a mean of but 166 cm., as do their neighbors the Chaudir. The Yomuds are dolichocephalic, with a cephalic index of 75.2, and absolutely long-headed, with a mean head length of 194 mm. Their auricular height is very great, 132 mm., and they are markedly hypsicephalic. Other Turkoman tribes have cephalic indices ranging from 75 to nearly 80, but all seem to have auricular heights of 129 mm. or over.

31 larcho, A. I., AZM, 1933, #1-2, pp. 70-119.

See also, Kappers, C. U. A., and Parr, L. W., op. cit.

I shall also use a series of 31 Turkomans measured at Kirkuk, Iraq, by Mr. Robert W. Ehrich, with his kind permission.



With the great vault height goes an extraordinary height of the face; the mean for the Yomuds is 130 mm., and the same great facial length is found among all Turkoman groups studied. A mean bizygomatic diameter of 138 mm., absolutely on the narrow side of medium, yields the hyperlcptoprosopic facial index of 95. The forehead and jaw, with mean breadths of 105 mm. and 108 mm., respectively, are by no means narrow. Narrower jaws, however, are found among Turkomans in Iraq. The mean nose height of Yomuds, 59 mm., and the nose breadth, 36 mm., combine to give the Turkomans the very leptorrhine nasal index of 61. In some Turkoman groups the index is as low as 59, or hyperleptorrhine.

All of the Turkoman tribes are predominantly brunet in head hair color; the majority of head hair is black, straight or slightly wavy, and of fine texture. The beard, however, is sometimes lighter; among Turkomans in northern Mesopotamia no black beards were observed in a small series, and while 50 per cent were dark brown, the remainder were reddish- brown, red, and blond. Part of this beard blondism may have been derived from Kurdish mixture, but part must be native to the Turkomans.

Among the Yomuds, 65 per cent of eyes are pure brown, and the com­monest color is dark brown; the same is true among Mesopotamian Turkomans, although mixed groups are darker eyed. Among the Yomuds the 35 per cent minority of eyes are all mixed, and most of these are dark mixed. Blondism of the iris is thoroughly mixed and definitely submerged.

Among Yomuds, the beard development is usually heavy; eyebrows are of moderate thickness. The forehead is of medium slope, as a rule; the browridges slight to medium in development. Most of the Yomuds have an oval facc form, and a deeply excavated horizontal facial profile; the nasal root is almost always high and thin, the profile straight in 65 per cent of cases, and convex in most of the others. The nasal tip is of moderate thickness, and usually horizontal; it is elevated more often than depressed. The nostrils are oval and often parallel, the wings usually medium to compressed. The Turkoman nose, with its high, narrow bridge and its great absolute length, is definitely of Irano-Afghan size and proportions. The lips are usually thin, and little everted.

A trace of mongoloid admixture appears through the presence of a slight inner eyefold in 7 per cent of Yomuds; this is never, however, pro­nounced. In Mesopotamian Turkomans it never or almost never appears.

The Turkomans, as exemplified by the samples described above, with their medium-statured to tall bodies, slender build, thin extremities, and long, thin faces, with noses which reach the white extreme in height and thinness, form a characteristic racial sub-type of their own. They form a variety of the Irano-Afghan race, but differ most succinctly from other branches of it in one feature, the possession of an extremely high head



vault. In this feature and in others they resemble the Corded people who first appeared during the Neolithic.

The usual explanation given to account for the Mediterranean racial character of this Turkish-speaking people is that their linguistic ancestors were mongoloids who became transformed racially through the absorption of the old nomadic population of the central Asiatic plains. This explana­tion, however, seems inadequate; in the first place, the Scytho-Sarmatian nomads were Nordics, and there is not enough blondism in the Turkomans to permit such a derivation. In the second place the central Asiatic Nordics were broad-faced, and the mixture of a broad-faced white with a broader-faced mongoloid strain could hardly produce a facial form narrower than either.

Furthermore, they are probably not Turkicized brunet Iranians from the plateau, for their vault heights are too great for such a specific and recent relationship. The most logical explanation is that which has al­ready been set forth in Chapter VII, that the Turkomans are descended from the early white people who went northward into Mongolia bearing Altaic speech, agriculture, and later, horse nomadism; their partially mongoloid relatives include the Kirghiz and the Turkish-speaking peoples of both Chinese and Russian Turkestan. That the Turkomans in their purest form have not wholly escaped a mongoloid infusion is to be expected.

Other Turkoman peoples show more mongoloid features than those studied, or than those in Turkmenistan proper. A mixed group of Tur­komans is to be found in the northern Caucasus, that asylum for small fragments of peoples. This group includes sections of the tribes of Chaudir, whose main home is in Khoresm, and of Suyun-Djadji and Igdir. These Turkomans are shorter than the Yomuds, with a mean stature of 163.5 cm., and rounder headed, but equal in face and nose heights. They are darker eyed, less heavily bearded, straighter in forehead profile, and frequently round faced; their horizontal facial profile is often flat, their noses lower rooted. In mixture with a mongoloid strain which is perceptible in most individuals but strong in few, they have partly assumed the lateral breadth dimensions of the mongoloids, while retaining the sagittal length and height dimensions of their Mediterranean ancestors, except in head height and in stature; in soft part features, their position is intermediate.

Close relatives of the Turkomans, and less exposed to mongoloid in­fluences, are the Azerbaijani Turks, who occupy a large territory in northwestern Iran on the southeastern shores of the Caspian, and whose territory also includes a large portion of Russian Transcaucasia. Here the Azerbaijans have, besides a province which is theirs almost uniquely, scattered pastures and villages farther west and north, in the neighborhood of Kurds, Georgians, and Armenians,



These Azerbaijanis may be divided on a racial basis into two groups: those who are still mainly pastoralists and who are essentially similar to the Turkomans in all physical features, and those who live in scattered communities in Armenian, Georgian, or other territory and have been altered by local admixture.32 The longest-headed groups have cephalic index means ranging from 76 to 78, the roundest-headed as high as 81. The brachycephalizing agent in the latter case is not mongoloid, as with the Turkomans living on the northern slopes of the Caucasus, but Alpine, as with Armenians and Georgians. The head height and face height retain much of their original elevation among most of the Azer­baijanis, and the facial form is the same as with Turkomans. A majority of dark brown rather than black hair, however, is characteristic of the more altered groups, as is a ratio of over 50 per cent of mixed and light eyes. The mongoloid traits which appear sporadically among the Tur­komans are here almost never encountered.

The Azerbaijanis, like the Turkomans, are members of the Irano- Afghan family of the Mediterranean race. Their ancestors entered Iran from the plains east of the Caspian at the beginning of the present millen­nium, and took part in the western thrust of Turkish peoples across northern Iran and into Anatolia, where other branches of the same ethnic family, the Seljuks and Osmanlis, founded empires, the latter des­tined to expand into southeastern Europe. The racial history of the Osmanli Turks in Anatolia and in Europe will be dealt with in the fol­lowing chapter.


Although this chapter is primarily concerned with the Mediterranean race, it will be necessary, for the sake of geographical continuity, to dis­cuss certain non-Mediterranean racial elements in southwestern Asia before turning back to the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea and con­tinuing the study of the rest of the Mediterranean racial area. These racial elements may be lumped under one category, the Veddoid. Veddoid- looking people are first noticed, in proceeding from west to east, in the country around Aden, and as a minority element in the population of southern Yemen. In the Hadhramaut country they become numerically important; while among the Mahra, Qara, and Shahara, the non-

82 Anserov, N. I., AZM, 1934, #1-2, pp. 109-115.

Djawachischwili, A. L., AFA, vol. 48, 1925, pp. 77-89.

Chantre, E., Recherches anthropologiques dans VAsie Occidentale.

Erckert, R. von, AFA, vol. 18, 1889, pp. 263-281, pp. 297-335; vol. 19, 1890, pp. 55-84, 211-249, 331-356.

Iarcho, A. I., AZM, 1932, #2, pp. 49-83.



Arabic-speaking tribesmen who live between the Hadhramaut and Oman, they constitute the principal racial factor in the groups mentioned.

In the Hadhramaut country there are tribes and clans of Arabs who entered the valley from the west and north in pre-Islamic and post- Islamic times; there are also holy families of Sayyids, who concern them­selves with the spiritual life of the region; besides these Arabs, however, and besides the so-called Bedawin who are the subjects of this section, other population elements of relatively recent arrival must be mentioned. These consist of two groups, an African and a Southeast Asiatic.

Negroes have been imported into the Hadhramaut as agricultural slaves ever since the beginning of the sea-power of Oman in the Middle Ages, and probably were introduced in smaller numbers in even earlier times. These negroes and descendants of negroes, bonded and eman­cipated, form a large community which is called by the general term Hojeri. This class remains at least as distinct as the negro group in the United States; although there is much mixture, the Arabs and Bedawin still remain almost wholly free from negroid traits, since the product of the mixture remains, as a rule, in the Hojeri category.

These Hojeris are numerous on the Yemen coastal plain, and a very old class of Hojeris exists in the southern Yemen, probably since the time of the Abyssinian domination in the century just before the arrival of Islam. They are not, however, found in the Yemen plateau country, which we have already designated as the home of the purest Mediter­ranean racial type in Asia. In the Hejaz negroes are numerous, and in the Nejd every important family has its negro or negroid slaves, while a subservient class of blacksmiths is partly negroid.

In the Hadhramaut itself, and in the Mahra and Dhofar regions, the free tribesmen of Veddoid racial tendency distinguish carefully between themselves and negroids, and use as their primary basis of judgment, when genealogies are not known, hair form and facial features rather than skin color. Besides the Hojeris of slave descent there are villages of Somalis along the coasts of the Hadhramaut country, and also in the valley itself. These Somali villages are suburbs of straw huts, built outside the walls of the proper masonry towns of the Arabs. The Somali arrival is still so recent a phenomenon that these people have kept their own language and customs, and show no tendency toward assimilation, either physical or cultural.

Whereas the African element in the South Arabian population has kept itself distinct, the opposite is true of the immigrants from southeastern Asia and Indonesia. For centuries it has been a common practice for members of the Arab families of the towns in the valley, for example, Terim, Saiwun, and Shibam, to go as young men to Singapore, Batavia,



and Colombo, and to set up shop as merchants. This practice dates back to the time when Hadhrami missionaries converted the Malay to Islam, and probably even earlier. The cultural influence of the Hadhramis on the Malay States and Indonesia has been profound, and, to a lesser extent, the reverse is true. From the racial standpoint, however, the few thousand Hadhramis have made little impress on the millions of Malays, while the merchants who have brought their native wives home from Singapore and Java have introduced an important mongoloid factor into the valley. Except for the Sayyid group, it is the upper stratum of Ha­dhramaut society which has been affected by this mongoloid infusion. The Bedawin remain genetically isolated from mongoloid and negroid alike.

These Bedawin represent a variety of blendings between the standard southern Arabian Mediterranean type, and one or more alien strains which are neither mongoloid nor negroid. These Bedawin may be divided without difficulty into three types which are not the product of the sorting machine, but which any observer, whether or not anthropologically trained, would notice. The first is Mediterranean, and approaches the Yemenitic form. The second, which we will call the fine type, is hook­nosed and lean bodied; the third, which we will call the coarse type, is broader and lower-nosed, and thicker-set in bodily build. Since the character of the first is already well known, we shall describe only the second and third. In the population of the country from Aden eastward to Mahra, the fine type is the most numerous, forming more than half of the whole; the Mediterranean is nearly twice as common as the coarse type. As one goes eastward into the Mahra and Qara country, among non-Arabic speakers, and also, apparently, to Socotra, the Mediterranean type falls into the background. According to Bertram Thomas’s data, the Mahra and Qara belong mostly to the fine type, and the subject peoples, including the Shahara, mostly, to the coarse. All cultural data point to the priority of the coarse type as a primitive local population.

In stature these Bedawin are shorter than the Mediterraneans, with statures of 163 cm. for the fine type, and 161 cm. for the coarse; the arms of both are relatively longer than with the Mediterraneans, the legs shorter, the sitting height greater. In all these bodily traits the coarse type exceeds the fine in its divergence from the Mediterranean norm. The heads are smaller than those of most indubitably white groups yet studied; in length and breadth dimensions the two types are much alike, with length means of 180 to 182 mm., and breadths of 148 mm. The resultant cephalic index means are 82 for the fine type, and 81 for the coarse.33 The vaults are of moderate height; the faces narrow. The fine

  1. The extremely high cephalic indices found by Bertram Thomas in his small series



type has the extraordinarily small bigonial mean of 98 mm., which gives the face a triangular appearance.

In a number of metrical characters these types deviate quite widely from the Mediterranean mean; the distance between the outer eye corners (biorbital diameter) is great, especially in the coarse type, while in the fine type the distance between the inner corners (interorbital diameter) is extremely narrow. The faces are absolutely very short, especially those of coarse type, with a mean of 115 mm.; the noses of the fine type are very leptorrhine (N. I. = 60.2); those of the coarse type nearly mesorrhine (N. I. = 68.1).

In skin color the Hadhramis are definitely darker than the Mediterranean Yemenis. The exposed hue of the fine type—and with the Hadhrami costume most of the skin is exposed—is light to medium brown, ranging mostly from von Luschan #15 to #25, and, in a few instances, very dark brown; among individuals of the coarse type it is usually darker, with nearly 20 per cent in the chocolate-brown class, from #26 to #29. These skins are definitely too dark for white men. The unexposed color of the fine type is swarthy-white to light brown, with the darkest individual at von Luschan #18, a cafe au lait hue. The coarse type again is usually darker, within the same general range.

The hair-form is the most noticeable diagnostic of these types, partly because of the fashion of wearing the head hair long, either loose or bunched on top of the head in a knot. No individual in the series of either type has straight hair; in the former, 40 per cent are curly, the rest wavy; in the latter, 57 per cent are curly. No frizzly or negroid hair occurs in either type. The curls are wide ringlets like those of many European children, and like those cultivated by orthodox Jews and by ladies’ hairdressers. Much of the wavy hair might also be curly if it were not combed out. This hair is of medium texture among the first type, often fine among the second.

Correlations and contingencies made upon the total Hadhramaut group show that deeply waved and curly hair form a correlative unit; they are correlated with fine hair, cephalic indices running up to 83, higher nasal indices and shorter stature than the other hair forms. By means of these correlations, using hair form as a primary diagnostic, one may isolate by directional influences a short-statured, short-legged, fine-haired, moder­ately brachycephalic, euryporsopic, mesorrhine racial type.

In both the coarse and fine types, the head hair is abundant and

of southern Arabian tribesmen may be partly attributed to technical inconsistency. The head lengths seem to be some 10 to 20 mm. short. This may be checked by his mean of 174.8 mm. on 6 Somalis. The standard Somali mean is 192 mm., taken from a series of 80 Somalis measured by the author in southern Arabia. Thomas, B., Arabia Felix, Appendix I, by Keith, Sir A., and Krogman, W. M.



baldness rare; in the fine type the beard is sparse, in the coarse type moderate to heavy; the body hair varies likewise. Among the members of the coarse type the head and beard hair are both uniformly black; among those of the fine type, a few brown heads appear, and about 10 per cent of brown and red beards. In the eye color also, the same differ­ence appears; the coarse type has 22 per cent of black eyes, and all but 9 per cent of the rest are dark brown. The 9 per cent represents a mixed minority with gray or green elements in the iris. Among the members of the fine type, partial eye blondism rises to 15 per cent, and there is much mixture between various shades of brown and black. This again indicates the mixed condition of the fine type, and the relatively stable condition of the coarse.

The eyes of both are typically without folds, and show no obliquity. The browridges of the fine type are heavier than those of the Mediter­raneans, while among the members of the coarse type 35 per cent of browridges are actually heavy. The greatest difference between the two types comes in the nose. That of the fine type is extremely high-rooted and high-bridged, and extremely narrow; the nasion depression is slight or absent, and the profile, in 72 per cent of cases, convex. This convexity takes the form of a highly beaked curve, unlike the angular convexity observed among northern Europeans, and among many Irano-Afghans. The tip is thin and horizontal, the wings closely compressed, the nostrils thin and parallel.

The noses most frequently observed in the coarse type are deep-rooted under glabella, of moderate height and breadth, often wide; they are straight in 78 per cent of cases, with an everted tip of medium thickness. The nostrils are moderately wide, and the wings intermediate between compressed and flaring.

Among the members of the fine type the lips are thin and little everted; those of the coarse type are thicker and quite frequently everted to a considerable degree. The fine type has little prognathism, while a minority of the Coarse type shows both facial and alveolar varieties.

The fine type, with its thin face, has little malar prominence; the coarse type is distinguished by a positive forward projection and a con­siderable lateral extension. This is purely a morphological feature, how­ever, for the bizygomatic is still absolutely narrow.

It is easy enough to account for the southern Arabian Bedawi of the coarse type. He is obviously related to the Vedda of Ceylon, and to the most important element in the Dravidian-speaking population of southern India. His hair form, his facial features, his pigmentation, and his general size and proportions confirm this relationship. The Veddoid race, in turn, has many eastward extensions, among the Shorn Pen of Great



Nicobar, the Toala of the Celebes, and as a racial sub-stratum in many of the islands of the chain running from Sumatra through Java, Flores, Sumbawa, and Timor, almost to New Guinea.

The Veddoids possess an obvious relationship with the aborigines of Australia, and possibly a less patent one with the Negritos. The racial history of southern Asia has not yet been thoroughly worked out, and it is too early to postulate what these relationships may be. At any rate, like all major divisions, the Veddoid group appears to include both dolichocephalic and brachycephalic sub-races. Among the present inhabitants of southern Arabia the Veddoid strain is found in various degrees of dilution. Individuals who could pass for Vedda may easily be found, however, and in a few instances, individuals who are to all extents and purposes Australoid; but these latter, as illustrated on Plate 19, are rare.

The fine type, with its paper-thin hooked nose, is intermediate between the Mediterranean and Veddoid positions in most metrical and morpholog­ical characters. Only in its sagittally mid-facial and nasal compression, and in perhaps a slightly greater tendency to brachyccphaly, is it different from either. At this point we must anticipate the findings of our analysis of the Dinaric and Armenoid races of Europe and Asia Minor,34 and

A + B

restate the principle that in a cross between A and B, the formula —^—

does not apply to all characters, and most rarely of all, if ever, to the nose. In the formation of the Dinaric and Armenoid racial types, roughly a third of Alpine, when combined with some Mediterranean form produces a brachycephalic, beaky-faced hybrid of considerable stability.36 If we substitute the Veddoid of brachycephalic tendency for the Alpine, we obtain, by the same principle, the finely featured, beak-nosed Hadhrami. It is possible that the short-statured, low-vaulted, relatively broad-nosed brachycephalic seafaring race of the Persian Gulf and the coastal towns of the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea is involved in this mixture, but this is unnecessary and, on metrical, morphological, cultural, and historical grounds, unlikely.

Directly across the Persian Gulf from the easternmost tip of Arabia, on the Persian mainland, lies the western boundary of the Persian Makran, the territory occupied by part of the western Baluchis. These are separated by an intrusion of Indians, speaking Sanskrit derivatives, from the eastern

  1. See Chapter XII, sections 13 and 18.

  2. This principle was discovered by Dr. Byron O. Hughes in an extensive statistical analysis of 1500 Armenian males, carried on according to genetic principles. It was stated in his doctor’s thesis, “The Physical Anthropology of Native Born Armenians,” submitted to the Division of Anthropology of Harvard University in 1938 and as yet unpublished.



Baluchis and from the Brahui, whose language has been linked with Dravidian. Although the Baluchis speak Indo-European languages of the Iranian family, like the Persians, Afghans, and Pathans, their racial relationship lies partly elsewhere.36 With the Brahui they seem to be the results of a mixture between the Veddoid type isolated in the Ha­dhramaut, and the Irano-Afghan race to which their linguistic relatives belong. The difference between the majority of the Baluchis and Brahui and the fine type of the Hadhramaut is simply the difference between the small Mediterranean type of southern Arabia and the Irano-Afghan. On the whole the Baluchis are somewhat taller, with stature means from 164 to 168 cm., their heads, however, are of about the same length, from 178 to 182 mm., and the cephalic index hovers about the 82 mark.37 The facial measurements are much the same, except for an excessive nose length, which is without doubt an Irano-Afghan contribu­tion.

For pigment and morphology we are reduced almost entirely to photo­graphs and general descriptions. It is evident, however, that many of the Baluchis are thin-faced and hook-nosed; that their hair is abundant and seldom straight; and that their skins are dark and their hair and eyes usually brunet.

This survey has shown that there still exists, along the shores of the Indian Ocean, from the mouth of the Indus to the Bab-el Mandeb, a submerged population of Veddoid peoples who are in turn related to the whole early southern Asiatic racial group, which includes, as an extreme and evolutionarily retarded branch, the Australoids. This racial group, in combination with the pygmies, has without doubt had much to do with the formation of Papuans and Melanesians. At present it is impossible to tell how old this Veddoid sub-stratum is in southern Arabia; whether it is as ancient as the Mediterraneans, or is a fairly recent prehistoric intrusion from the east. For a further sjtudy of it one must turn to India, but since the present book is concerned with The Races of Europe, we feel that we have wandered eastward far enough, and we shall leave the problems of Indian physical anthropology in the competent hands of Guha and of Bowles.

  1. Metrical data upon which the following discussion is based come from an unsigned publication, entitled Anthropometric Data from Baluchistan, a part of the Ethnographic Survey of India series, published in Calcutta, 1908. A few groups are taken from Joyce’s publication of Sir Aurel Stein’s measurements, JRAI, vol. 62, 1912, pp. 450-484.

I am indebted to Dr. Gordon Bowles for the collection and presentation of this material.

  1. One group of Baluchi, the Sangur, represented by 16 individuals in the Ethno­graphic Survey of India publication, has a mean C. I. of 86.3, but this is due to the pos­session of a greater head breadth than the others, rather than to a reduction in head length.




An integral part of the racial history of Mediterranean peoples is that of the Jews, who have spread widely throughout the world, and whose cultural position within the ranks of the white race is unique. From the standpoint of the physical anthropologist, Jewish history may be divided into two segments, (a) the formation of the Jewish people, and (b) their dispersion and subsequent racial history. Since the Jews are basically Mediterranean in race, the first segment, and that portion of the second which deals with the Mediterranean world, merit consideration in the present chapter.

The Children of Israel, who formed the basic stock of the present-day Jews, lived continuously and exclusively in Palestine from about 1200 B.C. until the capture of Jerusalem by the Babylonians in 586 B.C. These centuries of Jewish history may be considered the period of formation, and those which follow the Babylonian conquest the period of dispersal, for the first diaspora was initiated by the Babylonian captivity.

The ethnic contents of Palestine, during the second half of the second millennium B.C., was varied. Aside from the Israelites it included the Amorites, whose domain was centered farther to the north, and who had controlled much of Palestine before the spread of Egyptian power north­eastward at about 1600 B.C.; the Canaanites, who inhabited the land which bears their name until their absorption into the Israelitish body; and the Philistines, who were a branch of the western sea-peoples who harried Egypt and the whole eastern end of the Mediterranean about 1200 B.C., the time of the Trojan War, and who may have come from the general neighborhood of the Aegean.

Egyptian monuments give us excellent pictures of Philistines, Amorites, and Semites in general, under which last grouping the Canaanites must have been included. The Philistines (Fig. 33) are represented as straight­nosed, European-looking Mediterraneans, with light skins; the Amorites (Fig. 36) as yellowish-skinned and long-faced, with long, convex-profiled noses and, in some representations, heavy browridges. The drawings of the Semites in general (Fig. 34), show sloping foreheads and exaggeratedly Near Eastern noses of types easily recognizable today. The Egyptian artists had a genius for accurate racial representation which emphasized characteristic features and eliminated non-essentials. The Bible, a literary document which is poor in descriptions of persons, indicates nevertheless

  1. The information on which the introductory pages of this section are based is drawn partly from Oesterley, W. O. E., and Robinson, T. H., A History of Israel (vol. 1); and partly from data given me by Dr. Robert E. Pfeiffer and by Professor Harry Wolfson. I am especially indebted to Dr. Pfeiffer for the earlier material, and to Professor Wolf­son for that concerning the history of the Jews from the time of the Babylonian captivity onward.




Fig. 34. “Semites.” (Egyptian.)

Fio. 35. Jews. (Babylonian.) Fig. 36. Amorites. (Egyptian.) Redrawn from Gressmann, H., Altorientalische Bilder zum alter Testament, Berlin und Leipzig, 1927; Plates IV, V, VI, and LVI, Figs. 11, 17,19, and 125.

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