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Carleton Stevens Coon. - The races of Europe. -...docx
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and face form. The first is considered to be the primary Cro-Magnon descendant.

From this thesis has arisen the idea, in conjunction with philology and archaeology, that the Germanic peoples, as descendants of Gr6-Magnon, represent the racial and linguistic nucleus of the Indo-Europeans; that European Neolithic civilization and Indo-European speech both had their origin in northern Germany and Scandinavia; that the Corded people, a Nordic variety, originated and spread from here; and that in effect, the Nordic race, Indo-European speech, and European culture in its basic form, arose from Palaeolithic racial and cultural origins in this northwestern European glacial center. This theory, bolstered on the archaeological side by Kossinna,45 is popular in Germany, but is by no means endorsed by all German physical anthropologists.

The modern German school has made a great advance over Deniker and his contemporaries, and over Ripley, in the realization that an im­portant element in the modern European racial conglomerate is of glacial antiquity in Europe. The difference between their conclusions and those of the present study lies mainly in my acceptance of Childe’s derivation of the Neolithic economy, and Menghin’s as well, rather than that of Kossinna. Von Eickstedt,46 the most articulate of the modern German raciologists, in his derivation of European peoples from Asia at various periods, does not emphasize the introduction of the food-producing economy in this connection.

It would be outside the scope of the present study to attempt a complete survey of current ideas and current classifications which concern the European races. A partial survey would, on the other hand, be unfair to those who might, through limitations of space, be neglected. 1 shall, therefore, limit my exposition to the systems of two authors,47 von Eick­stedt and Czekanowski, who have been particularly occupied with the question of racial taxonomy and who are the most vocal members of the German and Polish bodies respectively. Their influence has been con­siderable, and their schemes are articulate and orderly.

Von Eickstedt, whose Rassenkunde und Rassengeschichte der Menschheit represents the most ambitious attempt at world-classification yet made, follows, in his European sections, three masters: Ripley, Deniker, and Montandon. It is the combination of these three, skilfully blended, which has produced his system. In the first place, he agrees with Ripley that there are but three basic races in Europe; Nordic, Alpine, and Med­iterranean. These three are typically confined to three climatic and

46 Kossinna, G., Ur sprung und Verbreitung der Germanen, MannusB, /6a, 1928.

46 Eickstedt, e. Von, Rassenkunde und Rassengeschichte der Menschheit.

471 am omitting Gunther, despite his great vogue, since his system is a close Germani- zation of Deniker’s, with a few changes.

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