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Plate 29

The nordic race: hallstatt and keltic iron age types

Fig. 1 (2 views, Bryn and Schreiner, Somatologie der Norweger, Table 27, Fig. 81), A Norwegian from Drangedal of standard, Eastern Valley type as specified in Chapter 9, section 4. This is the type associated with the Hallstatt Iron Age remains in central Europe, and which probably did not enter Scandinavia much before the middle of the first millennium B.C. It has since been largely replaced in central Europe, but has found a refuge in Sweden and in the eastern valleys of southern Norway.

Fig. 2 (2 views). An Englishman from the neighborhood of London, who belongs to exactly the same central Nordic type. In England this type is largely of Anglo-Saxon and Danish inspiration.

Fig. 3 (2 views). An East Anglian from Ipswich, Suffolk. More of the English belong to this locally older Keltic Iron Age type, which came from southwestern Germany with the Kelts and is differentiated by a lower cranial vault, a more sloping forehead, and greater nasal prominence. The hair color is more frequently brown than light blond.

Fig. 4 (2 views, photo C. W. Dupertuis). The Iron Age Nordic type is particularly important in Ireland, which was never strongly invaded by Germanic-speaking Hall­statt Nordics. This individual, a man from County Clare, with his sloping forehead, aquiline nose, and brown hair, is an excellent example.

Fig. 5 (2 views, photo C. W. Dupertuis). A special population, largely the product of isolation, has developed in the Aran Isles. Here a local Nordic type of great vault length and exceptionally low vault height, great facial and nasal length, and an excess of blue eyes and golden and red hair, has developed. The young man shown in this figure is an excellent example of this type.

Fig. 6 (2 views, photo C. W. Dupertuis). The Aran Islander shown in this figure is relatively brunet for his group, and has the exceptionally low auricular head height of 110 mm. He illustrates the principle that the low-headed factor is borne by the least blond element in the Aran population. Note the convergent temporal planes and the cylindrical profile of the vault when seen in the front view. This feature, in less exag­gerated form, is a cranial diagnostic of the Keltic Iron Age type in general.

Plate 30

Exotic nordics

On this plate are shown portraits of Nordics from placcs distant from the present northwestern European center of Nordic concentration.

Fig. 1 (3 views). A Russian of the upper class from the Kharkov Government in southeastern Russia. His home is a secondary Nordic center, and probably has been a Nordic concentration point since the days of the Scythians. Nordics are common in what used to be the upper social levels in Russia; this may be ascribed largely to the re­tention of an original Slavic racial condition, and partly to the infusion of Scandinavian blood at the time of the formation of the Russian nation. Other Nordic increments may have been absorbed from both Iranians and Finns.

Fig. 2 (2 views, photo B. N. Vishnevsky). A Chuvash from the Chuvash Republic, eastern Russia. The Chuvash, who are Tatarized Finns, include both partially mongo- loid forms, as shown on Plate 3, and also Nordics and Nordic-Ladogan hybrids. The Chuvash shown here is a Nordic of a long-faced, narrow-nosed type, and his Nordic character may be either ancestrally Finnish or else derived from the Iranian and Turk- ish-speaking Nordics of central Asia, brought in both by Scytho-Sarmatians and by Turkish invaders.

Fig. 3 (1 view). An Albanian Nordic from the Gheg tribe of Luma. Nordics, rare in Albania, are most frequently found in the tribe of Luma, on the northeastern Albanian border, where there are traditions of the settlement of Volkcrwanderung Germans, and where early Slavic influence is strong.

Fig. 4 (3 views). A Portuguese from Tras os Montes, who shows strong Nordic tend­encies. Nordics occur occasionally in northern Portugal as well as in northern Spain; from the days of the Keltic migrations onward, there have been Nordic invasions and settlement in the northern part of the Iberian Peninsula.

Fig. 5 (2 views). A Riffian from the coastal village of Ajdir, in the tribe of Beni Ur- riaghel. In pigment, in measurements, and morphologically this Riffian is as perfect a Nordic as one could find in northern Europe. Nordics are as ancient in North Africa as the Egyptian monuments of the Middle Kingdom, and perhaps older. They survive today mostly in the mountains of the Rif, but others are found in the Canary Islands, and the Djurdjura and Aures mountains of Algeria.

Fig. 6 (1 view). A Kabyle from northern Algeria, a smaller-headed North African Nordic.

Plate 31


The term Neo-Danubian has been used in this work to designate a general class of central and eastern European blond or partially blond brachycephals who seem to be derived in a racial sense from a de-Corded Nordic (and hence Danubian) prototype brachycephalized by Ladogan admixture. This type is very prevalent among modern Slavs of Poland and Russia, and also among some eastern Germans and Austrians.

Fig. 1 (3 views). A White Russian from the Minsk Government.

Fig. 2 (3 views). An Ukrainian from the Volhyn, where this type is especially com­mon. The form of the nasal tip and the upper lip are derived from the Ladogan proto­type. These features come out as a rule more strongly among women than among the men.

Fig. 3 (3 views). A German from Saxony, where the Neo-Danubian type is more prevalent than elsewhere in Germany. Note the exceptional narrowness of the inter­orbital distance, combined with the lowness of the nasal root and bridge, and the ex­treme brachycephalv. The type represented by this individual is not an intermediate Danubian-Ladogan form, but a recombination.

Fig. 4 (3 views). A brachycephalic Austrian from the neighborhood of Linz, Upper Austria. Although definitely less Ladogan-looking than the other individuals on this plate, this Austrian is seen, upon examination, to possess the Neo-Danubian combina­tion of a nearly globular head form, a low nasal skeleton, a broad, elevated nasal tip, a long, convex upper lip, strong cheek furrows, and blondism. As this and the other in­dividuals on this plate demonstrate, the Neo-Danubian is a variable racial type derived from a blending of the Danubian element in the Nordic combination with eastern European Upper Palaeolithic survivors.

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