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4. Mooring

1. Stand by for mooring! 2. 3.

heaving line

  1. Приготовиться к швартов­ке!

  2. Подать бросательный!

Give the ashore!

Give the head (bow) горе 3. Подать носовой на берег! ashore!



6. 7.


9. 10.

11. 12. 13.

14. 15. 16. 17.

18. 19.

20. 21.



Give the stern rope ashore! Give the bow (stern) spring ashore!

Slack away the head rope! Slack away the head (stern) rope a little bit! Ease the head (stern) rope!

Haul in the slack!

Make fast the head (stern)


Make all fast!

Make fast the spring rope! The head (stern) rope afast!

Let go!

Let go the spring rope! Let go the head rope! Heave away the head (stern) rope!

Is it clear astern?

Is all clear at the propeller?

Have the fenders ready!

Fenders on the starboard

(port) side!

Heave up the ladder!

Hoist the flag!

  1. Подать кормовой!

  2. Подать носовой (кормовой) шпринг!

  3. Потравить носовой!

  4. Потравить носовой (кормо­вой) немного!

  5. Задержать носовой (кормо­вой)!

  6. Выбрать слабину!

  1. Крепить носовой (кормо­вой)!

  2. Так крепить!

  3. Крепить шпринг!

  4. Носовой (кормовой) за­креплен!

  5. Отдать!

  6. Отдать шпринг!

  7. Отдать носовой!

  8. Выбрать носовой (кормо­вой)!

  9. Чисто ли за кормой?

  10. Чисто ли у винта?

  11. Приготовить кранцы!

  12. Кранцы на правый (левый) борт!

  13. Поднять трап!

  14. Поднять флаг!

5. Towing

  1. Give (pass) the heaving line to the tug boat!

  2. Pass (give) the tow line (tow rope) to the tug boat!

  3. Slack away the tow rope (tow line)!

  1. Подать бросательный конец на буксирное судно!

  2. Подать буксир!

  3. Трави буксир!

  1. Make fast (secure) the tow rope (tow line).

  2. The tow rope (tow line) afast!

  3. Let go the tow rope (tow line)!

  4. Heave away the tow rope!

  1. Get the ladder ready at port (starboard)!

  2. Lower the ladderl

  1. Закрепить буксир!

  2. Буксир закреплен!

  3. Отдать буксир!

  4. Выбрать буксир!

  5. Приготовить трап с левого (правого) борта!

  6. Спустить трап!


I. Charter parties and bills of lading


The agreement for the use of a ship is usually expressed in a document known as a Charter Party. The Charter Party is a printed document specifying the terms and conditions under which the shipowner carries cargo for freight.

A vessel году be chartered for carrying goods at a single voyage, between two or more ports, or for several voyages between such ports. These forms of Charter Parties are called Voyage Charters to distinguish them from Time Charters.

Time Charter

The Time Charter Party shows the terms and conditions under which a shipowner lets his vessel for hire.