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Orfordness and scheveningen to terschelling zeegat compiled from the latest admiralty and foreign government surveys with additions and corrections to 1941

All Bearings are true (thus: —126° etc.) and are given from


Underlined figures on drying banks and rocks express the height in feet above the datum to which the soundings are reduced All other heights are expressed in feet above High Water Springs For abbreviations see Admiralty Chart 5011 Natural Scale 1:269500 SOUNDINGS IN FATHOMS reduced approximately to Low Water Level Time Signals

For details of Time Signals see Admiralty List of Lights

3. Notes (примечания)


adjacent [9'd3eis9nt] смежный, прилегающий

adjust |Vd3Ast] регулировать, устанавливать, согласовывать, ула­живать

adjust a compass |>'d3Ast з 'клтрээ] уничтожать девиацию компаса,

определять девиацию компаса agree [a'gri:] согласовывать appropriate [a'prouprnt] соответствующий area ['еэпэ] площадь, район certain ['saitn] определенный, некоторый charted [4Ja:tid] нанесенный на карту consider [ksn'sida] рассматривать, полагать consult [kan'sAlt] зд. посмотреть, справиться determination [di^aimi'neijn] определение diminish [di'mmij] уменьшать(-ся) dotted line ['dotid 'lain] пунктирная линия

^ pecked 1. [pekt] пунктирная линия drift net [drift net] дрифторная сеть existence [ig'zistans] наличие, существование firing area ['faiang 'еэпэ] район стрельбы fishing ground ['fijig 'graund] район рыбного промысла fishing stakes [Тфд 'steiks] рыболовные заколы

frequently ['friikwantli] часто guide [gaid] руководство

incandescent lamp j^inkaen'desnt 'laemp] лампа накаливания

likely [laikh] вероятно

mapped [maept] нанесенный на карту

occur [э'кэ:] иметь место, случаться

prohibit [pra'hibit] запрещать

safe [seif] безопасный

variable ['vegnabl] непостоянный

various ['veanas] различный

vary ['vean] изменяться

warn [wo:n] предупреждать, предостерегать


  1. details will be found — подробности можно найти

  2. in connection with construction work — в связи со строитель-

ными работами

  1. see larger chart No ... — см. карту большего масштаба № ...

  2. according to the latest Swedish charts — согласно последним

(новейшим) швед­ским картам

  1. radio Navigational Aids — радионавигационные средства

  2. ... are liable to pay damages — должны оплатить компенсацию

за нанесенные убытки

  1. owing to the existence — из-за наличия

  2. mariners are warned — моряки предупреждаются

  3. previous to the publication — до издания чего-либо

  1. enclosed by pecked line — окруженный пунктирной линией

  2. the larger scale chart must be consulted — надо посмотреть

карту большего масштаба

  1. on the port hand (side) — с левой стороны

  2. on the starboard hand (side) — с правой стороны

  3. attention is called — просят обращать внимание



1. Considerable changes are reported in the Bay, and especially in the inner Harbour.

2. From French Gov1. Plan 1952 Obsn. spot Lat. 59°21'54" N.. Long. 143°11'54" E.

3. Beacons for adjusting compasses are erected in various positions in K., but are not shown on the chart.

  1. Fishing stakes are likely to be met within the area embraced by the chart.

  2. The figures against the quays and jetties, e.g. (12) give the number of Berths.

  3. Details of the annual periods of exhibition of certain Lights on this chart will be found in the Admiralty List of Lights.

  4. To agree with the Chart of the Entrance to the Gulf of Riga (No. 2263) the Longitude of Ovist Pl. as shown on this chart should be increased 55 seconds.

  5. Foreign Men of War are prohibited from anchoring in, or passing through Kobenhaven Roadstead without permission.

  6. See larger scale Chart No. 1094.

  1. Tidal race is not appreciable.

  2. Height above datum of soundings.

  3. The annual change in Magnetic Variation is shown at certain positions on the curves. A positive (+) prefix denotes an annual increase, and a negative (—) prefix an annual decrease.

  4. Currents off the East Coast of G. are variable. During the months of January to April they are likely to set towards the shore.

  5. Radio Navigational aids shown are limited to those appropriate to the scale of the chart.

  6. The North Sea Canal is illuminated by electric incandescent lamps, about 16 feet high, at distance apart varying from 490 to 790 feet. Coloured lights mark the entrances to the side channels.

  7. According to the latest Swedish Government Charts, the Longitudes of all places on this chart should be decreased by about 6 seconds.

  8. Vessels are prohibited from anchoring between the pecked lines in Cowes Harbour.

  9. Certain light sectors are not shown on this chart, details of these and also of the annual periods of certain lights will be found in the Admiralty List of Lights.

  10. Owing to the existence of Drift Nets in the Flintrans vessels are warned to keep on the line of the light-buoys.

  11. In Cowes Harbour the lights, buoys, beacons and wrecks are not shown on this chart; for these the larger scale chart must be consulted.

  12. The changes in the Channels, Sands, Lights, Beacons and Buoys on this coast are so frequent that this Chart cannot be considered a safe guide.

  13. Vessels are warned not to anchor in the area enclosed by pecked lines between Hurst P*. and Island of Wight, owing to existence of Telegraph Cable.

  14. Attention is called to note on currents in Admiralty Sailing Directions.