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I. Translate the following into Russian:

1. A pier head. 2. A beacon tower. 3. A sand hill. 4. An iron column. 5. A coast bank. 6. A shore reef. 7. A stern mark.

II. Find six pairs of words similar in meaning:

To show, each, band, elevation, post, to exhibit, building, every, height, staff, structure, stripe.

III. Give synonyms to:

Near, cape, post, also, each, coast, nearly, channel, elevation, structure, to end.


  1. On Gannet Rock, from an octagonal tower, 91 feet in height, painted black and white in vertical stripes, standing on a con­crete base and surmounted by a cylindrical lantern, painted red, a white group flashing light is exhibited, at an elevation of 90 feet above high water, showing groups of two flashes every fifteen seconds, thus: — flash, half a second, eclipse, two seconds; it should be visible in clear weather from a distance of 14 miles.

  2. A light is exhibited at an elevation of 130 feet from a yellow rectangular truncated pyramidal wooden framework structure, 53 feet in height, about l3/4 miles north-westward of Trappe.

  3. A light is exhibited at an elevation of 75 feet from a wooden pyramidal tower on a masonry base, painted in black and white horizontal bands, on Macon Point.

  4. The old lighthouse, a framework tower, is situated close south­eastward of the new one, and in 1929 was still conspicuous.

  5. A light is occasionally exhibited from the head of the pier at Core.


Noun (л)

Verb (v)


to mark


to pass


to approach


to cross


to light

IV. Give antonyms to:

North, white, above, apart, top, dark, old, to end, fixed light, front light, high water, clear weather.

V. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the meaning of the verb to be:

l: The northern entrance to the gulf is between two hills.

  1. The eastern channel extends westward 13V2 miles and is IV2 cables wide.

  2. The principal Soviet ports of the Baltic Sea are Leningrad, Riga and Tallinn.

  3. The bay is a narrow inlet extending about 1V4 miles east­ward.

  4. The bottom of the bay is sand, and in the middle of the bay is a rock about 9 yards in extent.

  5. One effect of the warm current is that the Barents Sea is free from ice for a few months every year.

  6. Novaya Zemlya is two_ islands which extend northward and north-eastward and separate the Barents Sea from the Kara Sea.

  7. The buildings are not visible from seaward except the churches which are white square buildings.

  8. The best period for navigation in the White Sea is during July, August and the first half of September.

  1. The depth in the middle of the entrance to K. Gulf, which is the deepest in the White Sea, is 160 fathoms, whence the depth decreases from 35 to 5 fathoms at its head.

  2. The Southern Bay extends north-westward 3V2 cables from the entrance, and is one cable wide.

VI. Answer the following questions:

  1. What kind of lights do you know?

  2. What navigation lights do you know?

  3. What colour may those lights be?

  4. From what buildings are those lights usually exhibited?

  5. What are those buildings usually made of?

  6. What is a lighthouse (light-vessel)?

  7. What purpose does a lighthouse serve?

  8. Where are lighthouses usually placed?

  9. In what way can vessels communicate with a lighthouse?

  1. Can the light always be depended on?

  2. Why cannot the light always be depended on?

  3. Where is the name of the light-vessel usually painted?