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I. Translate the following into Russian:

  1. It is high water, full and change, at Ch. at 11 h. 30 m.

  2. Springs rise 14 feet, neaps 11 feet above the datum.

3. Turning to the eastward an hour before low water and to the southward l*/4 hours after high water.

II. Give synonyms to:

Steam, velocity, abeam, to commence, to alter, to try, to permit, to go on, to berth.

III. Give antonyms to:

Ebb, early, minimum, weak, never, under water rocks, presence, foul ground, rapid, to disappear, to leave.

IV. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the meaning of both and both... and.

1. The Little Belt is in places both narrow and tortuous.

  1. The temperature both of the air and the sea should be taken into consideration.

  2. The rate of the streams during both the rising tide and the falling tide is about 3 knots.

4. Both floating and fixed marks are used in this area.

  1. Ice conditions grew steadily more severe both in the Kattegat and the Belt.

  2. Both the anchorage and the channel are narrow, and large vessels should not attempt to enter.

  3. From the South entrance point of the bay a bank about three quarters of a mile in width and studded with rocks both sunken and above water, extends about 1V2 miles in south-western direction.

  4. Swedish light-vessels are painted red, with the name in white letters on both sides.

  5. During the fog both by day and at night when the ferry steamer is leaving or arriving, two explosive reports are given from the lighthouse.

V. Define the subjects and predicates in the following sentences and translate these sentences into Russian:

  1. The most dangerous shoal off the entrance of M. is the K., a cluster of sunken rocks, on which the least water is 3 fathoms.

  2. В., an island, situated southward of K., and separated from it by a channel with a depth of about 1V2 fathoms is flat, well built, but not thickly wooded.

  3. Vessels wishing to enter B. Harbour must if coming from northward on observing the warning signal, hoist a pilot flag and await the arrival of a pilot vessel.

  4. Two beacons each a three-sided pyramid, 20 feet high, with the south-eastern side painted red and a vertical white stripe in the middle, and surmounted by a white square on a pole of.6 feet long, stand on the shore of D. Bay.

  5. An electric siren at the lighthouse will by day and at night during fog give a signal every thirty seconds.

  6. A post to the upper part of which horizontal planks are secured, painted upper half black and lower half white, stands 420 yards from the tower.

  7. When the above sea marks are a long distance from the shore, buoys similar to those used in main channels, but of smaller size, are used.

VI. Answer the following questions:

  1. How are the tides affected by winds?

  2. Where is the highest tide in the USSR?

  3. Where are the highest tides in the world?

  4. What is the deepest sea in the USSR?

  5. What is the shallowest sea in the USSR?

  6. What straits connect the Baltic Sea with the North Sea?

  7. What canal links the Baltic Sea with the North Sea?

  8. What water way connects the North Sea with the Barents

9. What ocean separates England from America?

10. Is our coastline longer or shorter than the coastline of England?

  1. What continents does the Bering Strait separate?

  2. Where does the Gulf Stream come from?

  3. In what direction do we sail from Leningrad to Riga?

  4. What winds usually bring rain to Leningrad?

  5. Does the Neva freeze for a long time?