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I. Pilot-book (лоция) 1. Lights (огни)



light огонь

alternating 1. [,o:lta:neitig] переменный огонь anchor 1. ['аедкэ] якорный огонь fixed 1. [fikst] постоянный огонь flashing 1. ['Haejig] проблесковый огонь front 1. [frAnt] передний огонь

group-flashing 1. ['gru:p 'Иэфц] группо-проблесковый огонь group-occulting 1. ['gru:p э'клШд] группо-затмевающийся огонь

leading 1. ['li:dirj] створный огонь

masthead 1. [maisthed] топовый огонь

navigation 1. ['naevigeijn] ходовой огонь

occulting 1. [э'клШд] затмевающийся огонь

rear 1. [пэ] задний огонь

revolving 1. [n'volvig] вращающийся огонь

riding 1. ['raidig] штаговый огонь

stern 1. [stain] гакабортный огонь

unwatched 1. [An'wotjt] необслуживаемый огонь


blue [blu:] синий, голубой green -[grim] зеленый orange ['onnd3] оранжевый red [red] красный violet ['vaialit] фиолетовый white [wait] белый yellow ['jelou] желтый


base [beis] основание column ['кэ1эт] колонка, столб dwelling ['dwehrj] дом, жилище hut [hAt] домик, маячная надстройка

lattice work ['laetis ,wa:k] решетчатая постройка lighthouse ['laithaus] маяк, маячное здание light-ship flaitjip] плавучий маяк light-vessel ['lait 'vesal] плавучий маяк mast [ma:st] мачта

framework m. ['freimwaik] ажурная мачта pile [pail] столб, свая pillar ['pite] стойка, столб pole [poul] столб, шест post [poust] столб, веха staff [sta:f] шест, шток structure ['strAktJa] постройка, сооружение

flat-roofed s. ['flaet 'ru:ft] постройка с плоской крышей

light s. [lait] маячная постройка

truncated s. [trAg'keitid] пирамидальная постройка tower [Чаиэ] башня


brick [bnk] кирпич; кирпичный concrete ['konkri:t] бетон; бетонный iron faian] железо; железный steel [sti:l] сталь; стальной stone [stoun] камень; каменный wood [wud] дерево wooden [wudn] деревянный

Формы башен, маяков и знаков

angle [aeogl] угол circular ['saikjuta] круглый hexagonal [hek'saeganl] шестиугольный octagonal [ok'taeganl] восьмиугольный pyramidal [pi'raemidl] пирамидальный quadrangular [kwo'draeggjute] четырехугольный rectangular [rek'taeggjuta] прямоугольный square [skwsa] квадратный triangular [trai'aeggjub] треугольный

Мера расстояния

cable [keibl] кабельтов fathom Паебэт] морская сажень foot (мн. ч. feet) [fut, fi:t] фут, футы mile [mail] миля

Слова, относящиеся к огням eclipse [i'khps] затмение

elevation ^eh'veijn] высота (над уровнем моря)

exhibit [ig'zibit] показывать, выставлять, зажигать (огонь)

flash [flaej] вспышка, проблеск; подавать световой сигнал height [hait] высота (объекта) lantern ['laentan] фонарь obscure [ab'skjua] затемнять show Qou] показывать, выставлять (огонь) Visibility Lvizi'bihti] видимость visible ['vizabl] видимый


1. The light is not to be depend-

ed on.

2. The shore lights are obscured

by clouds.

  1. The light is not burning.

  2. The light-vessel is off the


5. These lights are 115 yards


6. For sectors see Light List.

На огонь нельзя полагаться.

Береговые огни закрываются

облаками. Огонь не горит.

Плавучий маяк не находится на штатном месте.

Эти огни находятся на расстоя­нии 115 ярдов друг от друга.

Сведения о секторах (углах ос­вещения) смотрите в Описа­нии огней маяков.

  1. A light is exhibited at an elevation of 106 feet from the iron column near the extremity of Worton Point.

  2. A light is exhibited at an elevation of 71 feet from a black post with supports, situated on Sullivans Point.

  3. A light is shown, at a height of 15 feet from a wooden hut on the northern end of the island and also from a similar hut on the southern end.

  1. A fixed light is exhibited at an elevation of 20 feet from an octagonal concrete structure, 17 feet in height, situated on the head of the eastern pier.

  2. A fixed light is occasionally exhibited at an elevation of 18 feet from a mast 34 feet in height, situated on Duck Wharf and a similar light is occasionally exhibited at an elevation of 7 feet, at the head of the ferry pier.

  3. A group flashing light (two flashes in each group) every fifteen seconds is shown at an elevation of 155 feet from a white iron tower on the summit of Jekyll. It is visible 18 miles.

  4. A flashing light is shown, at an elevation of 83 feet, from a red lantern on a truncated pyramidal structure, painted in red and white horizontal bands, situated on the coast sand nearly 2 miles north-eastward of the entrance to Puck River.

  5. Two leading lights are situated in the vicinity of Stono. The nearer light, red fixed, is exhibited at an elevation of 64 feet above high water, from a white rectangular tower 58 feet high, and is visible 9 miles in clear weather. The front light, white and red fixed, elevated 29 feet above high water, is shown from a circular white tower, 34 feet in height, 664 yards from the rear light.

  6. Leading lights, 63 yards apart, are exhibited from white square buildings situated on the southern side of the entrance to Born Harbour. The front light is elevated 19 feet and the rear light 29 feet. These lights in line, bearing 98°, lead into Edisto Road.

  1. Alternating lights, on the south-western shore of Nord Bay about 4V2 miles south-south-eastward of Vue, are exhibited at an elevation of 45 and 61 feet respectively, from quadrangular truncated pyramidal structures, painted white, each with a red vertical stripe in the middle. These lights in line, bearing 208°, lead to the anchorage.

  2. A green and red fixed light is exhibited at 65 feet above high water, from the top of the beacon on Drum Rock, and it should be seen from the distance of 6 miles in clear weather. The light is unwatched.

  3. On the eastern side of Drum Harbour 3V2 cables within the entrance is a hexagonal tower, 36 feet in height, from which a light is exhibited at an elevation of 85 feet above the sea, forming the rear leading light.

  4. At a distance of 110 feet seaward from the above light is a staff, from which a leading light is exhibited, 70 feet above the sea; these two lights in line, bearing 328° true, lead through the middle of the channel.

  5. From a circular white tower, 26 feet high on Cape Pumunky near the edge of the cliffs, is exhibited at an elevation of 340 feet an alternating revolving light, showing alternately white and red, every half minute; the white light is visible 19 miles, and the red 14, in clear weather.

  1. From a dark grey iron column, 35 feet high, on Mobjack sit­uated close to the shore about lx/2 cables south-eastward of Crock Village, is exhibited, at 56 feet above high water, a white group occulting light with 3 eclipses every thirty sec­onds. Showing thus: — light, ten seconds; eclipse, two and a half seconds.

  2. The red leading light at Avon, just open eastward of the green leading light on Chlora Breakwater, leads into the entrance of the port. The white sector of the light from Avon Lighthouse, which shows between the bearings of S. 9°E. and S. 1ГЕ., also leads in.

  3. A light is exhibited, at an elevation of 98 feet, from a white flat-roofed building with black horizontal band, situated on the eastern side of Bearcove Point about 3 cables southward of its northern extremity.

  4. An unwatched light is exhibited at an elevation of 39 feet from a red circular tower and dwellings, 40 feet in height, situated on Cape Saint Mary. See sketch on Chart 290. Vessels can communicate, by day, with this light-tower by means of the International Code of Signals.

  5. Two leading lights are exhibited, the front light, at an eleva­tion of 12 feet, from a light-structure, situated on the northern side of Zamalin Harbour close to the coast and about 8 cables northward of Crew Point of the northern extremity of Allan Island; and the rear light at an elevation of 20 feet, from a circular hut, situated about three-quarters of a cable northward of the front light. These lights in line, bearing 346°, lead into Zamalin Harbour.

  6. A flashing light is exhibited at an elevation of 408 feet from a white wooden framework structure, 30 feet in height, situated on Mercer Head. Owing to its elevation this light is often obscured by fog when the land below is visible.

  7. On Head Wellington from a brown wooden tower, 20 feet high, a light is exhibited from an elevation of 385 feet. The light­house is of nearly the same colour as the surrounding land; it should not be mistaken for either of the leading beacons near it, as they are painted white.

  8. Rear light, on the western edge of Hope Shoal, in 9 feet wa­ter, is shown from a white steel framework structure on a concrete base, at an elevation of 55 feet above high water. Vessels passing to the westward should give it a berth of at least 2 cables.

  9. The following lights are exhibited on the north shore of the harbour: one from the beacon of Depot Point sandspit; two

horizontal from the centre of the western end of Victoria Wharf; one near the end of Calliope Pier; two vertical from the head of Stanley Wharf.