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4. Cautions (предостережения)


abnormal magnetic condition [аеЬ'пэ:тэ1 maeg'netik kan'dijnj

состояние магнитной аномалии abound [9'baund] изобиловать accordingly [a'koidigh] соответственно amend [9'mend] исправлять comparatively [kam'paerativh] сравнительно congested area [kan'dsestid 'еэпэ] переполненный район cover ['kAV9] покрывать, охватывать dredged [dredsd] углубленный

exercise ['eks9saiz] выполнять (об обязанностях), проявлять existence doubtful (E. D.) [ig'zist9ns 'dautful] существование

сомнительно formerly :тэ11] прежде ground [graund] зд. отдавать якорь imperfect [im'p9:fikt] неполный, неточный indicate ['indikeit] указывать lay out (laid, laid) ['lei 'aut] устанавливать mine [mam] мина

mine field ['mam 'fi:ld] минное поле

mistake (for) [mis'teik] ошибочно принять что-либо за другое

omit [ou'mit] опускать, зд. не включать

overcrowding [ouva'kraudig] переполнение

oyster ['oista] устрица

oyster bed ['oist9 'bed] слой устриц

position [p9'zifn] положение, позиция

p. approximate [9'proksimit] положение приближенное

p. doubtful ['dautful] положение сомнительное rely on (upon) [n'lai 'эп] полагаться на что-либо shift [Jift] перемещать state [steit] состояние


  1. as found necessary — когда найдут необходимым

  2. The existence and positions of buoys cannot be relied on —

нельзя полагаться на наличие и на местоположение буев

  1. great caution should be exercised 1 необходимо проявить care should be taken J большую осторожность

  2. starboard hand channel buoys — буи по правой стороне фар-




  1. Abnormal magnetic conditions exist in the area covered by this Chart.

  2. Great caution should be exercised when near the land or in comparatively shallow water.

  3. As the space enclosed by the dotted line has not been surveyed and is known to abound with dangers ships are cautioned not to attempt to pass within it.

  4. The buoys and beacons marking the inland waters and the approaches thereto can only be considered as a general guide.

  5. The coast in the vicinity of Cape G. is from old imperfect surveys and should be regarded as approximate and approached with great caution.

  6. The changes in the Channels, Sands and Buoys on this coast are so frequent that this chart cannot be considered as a safe guide to the rivers. Certain light sectors are not shown; details of these will be found in the Admiralty List of Lights.

  7. The buoys are constantly shifted as the Channels change and the light sectors are amended as found necessary frequently previous to the publication of a Notice to Mariners. Mariners are warned accordingly not to mistake them for starboard hand channel buoys.

  8. Only the outer buoys are shown along the coast of Holland, for details of buoyage in the various entrances see larger scale charts.

  9. Vessels are warned not to anchor in the areas enclosed by pecked lines 1) off Benacre Ness, and 2) off Aldeburgh, owing to the existence of Telegraph Cables.

  1. Owing to the small scale of this chart numerous wrecks are omitted in areas covered by larger scale to avoid overcrowding in congested areas.

  2. The whole of the entrance of East "S" as well as a consider­able area of the shallow water eastwards to the "R" is occupied by oyster beds. Ships grounding are liable to pay damages.

  3. Owing to the imperfect nature of the surveys this chart must be used with caution.

  4. Steamers approaching Hurst P1. are required to reduce speed when the International Code Signal "Т. E." is flown from vessels lying at Fort Victoria Pier.

  5. For state of Mined Areas see Admiralty Notice to Mariners of latest date on this subject.

  6. The changes in the Sands are very frequent and the Buoys are constantly shifted. Only those Buoys are shown which indicate the entrances to the various Channels. Light sectors are not shown on this chart. Wrecks are not shown in the inner wa­ters.

  7. Within the restricted areas indicated by pecked lines in the vicinity of H. navigation is prohibited.

  8. In the area covered by larger scale charts lights, buoys, fog signals and wrecks are omitted from this chart except for the outer buoys, the principal lights and seaward sectors.