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40. Translate into English.

1. Якби вона була більш терплячою, з нею легше було б мати справу. 2. Я б ніколи не подумав, що він твій брат, якби він не представився мені. 3. Ніхто б з нас не звернув увагу на зв'язок між цими двома фактами, якби він не вказав на це. 4. Якби тут було більше світла, я б неодмінно сфотографував цих туристів. 5. Якби фари були в справності, ми б змогли продовжувати шлях уночі. 6. Якби ви не були такі розсіяні, ви не зробили б стількох помилок. 7. Якби він відразу запропонував нам взяти таксі, ми б не втратили стільки часу. 8 Якби не дощі, ми увесь час були б на палубі. 9. Якби він не схопив мене за руку, я б пройшла повз, не помітивши його 10. Було б непогано поговорити про сучасний живопис із художником. 11. Цей фільм варто дивитися тільки після того, як ви прочитаєте книгу. 12. Якби фільм був кольоровий, він би справляв більше враження. 13. Якби ви дали їй знати, що ви хочете поговорити з нею, вона б зайшла до вас. 14. Він подумав, що він теж не знав би, як би він вдіяв, якби він був на її місці. 15. Ми вважали, що даремно говорити з ним на цю тему, він однаково зробив би по-своєму.

§ 37.

Mixed conditionals.

A combination of type 2 and 3 is possible. A past condition can have a present or present continuous result:

The plane I intended to catch crashed and everyone was killed.

If I had caught the plane, I would be dead now.

past condition present result

If I hadn’t come to the U.S., I would be living with my parents.

past condition present continuous result

A present condition can have a past result:

If I were you, I wouldn’t have left my country.

present condition past result

§ 38.

Verb forms in hypothetical conditions are back-shifted as in indirect speech. So when we refer to present or future time, the if-clause takes the simple past tense and the main clause the past tense form of the modal. When we refer to past events, the if-clause takes a verb in the past perfect tense and the main clause modal usually takes the past perfect form.

More often than open conditions, hypothetical structures can delete if and have an inverted word order:

Were you in my place you’d behave in the same way.

Had he known what was about to happen he would have acted differently.

41. Paraphrase the following sentences according to the model:

Model: He is a very careless driver. The police stopped his car again yesterday.

If he weren't a careless driver, the police wouldn't have stopped his car again yesterday.

1. I shan't paint the house this year. It was given a fresh coat of paint only a year ago. 2. The windows face a noisy street. I was unable to sleep in the room. 3. She is very absent-minded. She forgot all about our arrangement for the afternoon. 4. This question was not discussed at yesterday's meeting; we are not clear about it. 5. The engine doesn't pull properly. We didn't quite manage the hill. 6. He didn't become a professional musician. He is not talented enough. 7. The man is too proud. He didn't ask us for help. 8. The new assistant is difficult to deal with. They refused to work with him.