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Netters Atlas Of Human Anatomy (5th Ed.).pdf
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39 Testis, Epididymis & Ductus Deferens


At the end of your study, you should be able to:

Describe the gross structure of the testes

Understand the organization of the ducts of the testes: seminiferous tubes, rete testis, efferent ductules Describe the basic structure of the epididymis

Describe the course of the ductus deferens from the testes to the urethra

Understand the anatomyof the seminal vesicles and their ducts in relation to the formation of the ejaculatoryduct Know the location of the ejaculatoryducts and where theyenter the urethra

Know the anatomyand organization of the prostate gland

Outline the contents of semen and the factors that control ejaculation

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Pelvis and Perineum: Testes, Epididymis, and Ductus Deferens

[Plate 364, Prostate and Seminal Vesicles]

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[Plate 398, Male Pelvis: Bladder-Prostate Junction]


Ovoid structure, approximately5 cm long

Site of sperm production

Contains 200 to 300 lobules separated byconnective tissue septa

Two to 3 highlycoiled seminiferous tubules in each lobule, 1 meter in length

Tubules converge toward posterior testis and discharge contents into duct network of rete testis

Mediastinum testis

Posterior region of testis where vessels and nerves enter and leave

Not covered bytunica vaginalis

Contains rete testis

Contains efferent ductules connecting rete testis to head of epididymis

Suspended byspermatic cord and located in scrotum

Is covered bythree distinguishable layers:

Tunica albuginea-tough fibrous layer

Visceral layer of tunica vaginalis-serous layer

Applied to testis, epididymis, and distal spermatic cord

Parietal tunica vaginalis

Parietal and visceral tunica vaginalis derived from peritoneal outpocketing in embryonic life

Separated bysmall amount of serous fluid that allows testis to move in scrotal sac

Deficient posteriorlyto transmit epididymis and blood vessels

Blood supply: Testicular artery

Venous drainage: Pampiniform plexus


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Formed from convolutions of narrow duct of the epididymis

Located on posterior aspect testes within scrotum

Consists of a head, a body, and a tail

Head formed from ends of approximately12 efferent ductules from the testis

Tail is continuous with ductus deferens

Where sperm are stored, mature, and become motile

Blood supply: Testicular artery

Venous drainage: Pampiniform plexus

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Ductus deferens (Vas deferens)

Twenty-five cm long

Connects tail of epididymis to ejaculatoryduct Course:

Commences at tail of epididymis

Travels in spermatic cord (where it can be palpated) through superficial inguinal ring and through inguinal canal

Emerges at deep inguinal ring and crosses over external iliac vessels to run along the lateral pelvic wall

Crosses above and medial to the ureter where it becomes dilated and forms the ampulla

Ampullae converge with each other on the posterior aspect of the bladder and narrow before uniting with duct of the seminal vesicle to form ejaculatoryduct

Ejaculatoryduct opens into the prostatic urethra

Blood supply: Branch of inferior vesical artery= deferential artery

Venous drainage: Deferential vein(s) to prostatic venous plexus to internal iliac veins.

Seminal vesicles

Elongated, coiled structures between fundus of bladder and rectum

Separated from rectum byrectovesical pouch

Do not store sperm

Secrete alkaline fluid that mixes with sperms in ejaculatoryducts and urethra

Duct of each seminal vesicle joins ductus deferens to form ejaculatoryduct

Supplied bybranches and tributaries of inferior and middle rectal vessels

Ejaculatory ducts

Formed from union of ductus deferens with duct of seminal vesicle

Short, approximately2.5 cm

Converge and open on seminal colliculus of prostatic urethra as two slits

Supplied bydeferential arteries

Drained byprostatic and vesical plexuses


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Encapsulated gland surrounding urethra between neck of bladder and pelvic floor Directlybehind inferior edge of pubic symphysis

Composed of

Two lateral lobes

Anterior lobe or isthmus connecting lateral lobes anteriorly

Posterior lobe below ejaculatoryducts and posterior to urethra

Middle lobe between urethra and ejaculatoryducts Contains glands that produce 20% of volume of semen

Ducts of glands combine to form prostatic ducts opening into prostatic sinuses on either side of seminal colliculus in prostatic urethra Dense fascia sheath outside capsule contains prostatic venous plexus that drains to internal iliac veins

Supplied byprostatic arteries from several sources including internal iliac or inferior vesical arteries

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