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Фрагмент навчання аудіювання тексту “Stone soup” (English through communication: Книга для вчителя, 1998, с. 25) Stone Soup

One day a tramp came to an old woman’s house. “Excuse me,” said the tramp. “I’m very hungry. Can you give me something to eat?” But the old woman was very mean. “Go away,” she said. “I haven’t got any food.” “Oh,” said the tramp. “That’s a pity. I’ve got a magic stone. I can make soup with it. But I need some water.” “Well, I’ve got a lot of water,” said the mean old woman. “A magic stone, eh?”

She fetched a big saucepan of water. The tramp put the stone into it. After a while he tasted the soup. “Mmm. It’s very good,” he said. “It just needs a bit of salt and pepper.” The old woman fetched some salt and pepper.

“Mmm. That’s better,” he said. “It really needs a few vegetables. It’s a pity you haven’t got any vegetables.” “Oh, I can find some vegetables,” said the woman. She ran into the garden and brought back some potatoes, carrots, beans and a big onion. The tramp put the vegetables into the saucepan.

“Is it ready now?” asked the woman. “Almost,” said the tramp. “It really needs a bit of meat. It’s a pity you haven’t got any meat.” “Oh, I can find some meat,” said the old woman. She ran into the kitchen and came back with some ham and some sausages. The tramp put them into the saucepan.

“Right,” said the tramp. “I can’t see the stone anymore. So the soup is ready. Bread is very good with stone soup. It’s a pity you haven’t got any bread.” “Oh, I’ve got a bit of bread,” said the woman. She ran into the kitchen and came back with a loaf of bread, some butter and a piece of cake. She put them on the table.

The old woman tasted the soup. “Mmm. This stone soup is delicious, and you made it with just that magic stone.”

When the tramp left, he said. “Here is the magic stone. You can keep it.” “Oh, thank you,” said the old woman. “But remember,” said the tramp. “For the best stone soup, you need a bit of meat, a few vegetables and a bit of salt and pepper, too.”

Етап, методичний прийом

Зміст роботи

1. Дотекстовий етап.

Створення в учнів установки на сприйняття і розуміння тексту.

Відповіді на запитання.

Активне слухання учнями зв’язної розповіді учителя, здогадка про значення нових лексичних одиниць в опорі на наочність, контекст, хорове проговорювання нових лексичних одиниць.

2. Текстовий етап.

Постановка супровідного запитання.

Аудіювання учнями тексту.

3. Післятекстовий етап.

Відповіді на супровідне запитання.

True/false test.

Повторне прослуховування тексту.

Написання учнями рецепту.

Вибір відповіді.

Доповнення речень.

Упорядкування речень у хронологічній послідовності.

Третє прослуховування тексту.

Інсценізація діалогу.

T.: What’s your favourite meal?

P.1,P.2 …

Do you like soup? What food do we need to cook soup?

P.1: To cook soup we need some water, onion, carrot, potatoes, salt, meat and vermicelli.

T.: Do you like soup with beans? (Учитель демонструє малюнок) Beans – горох. Everyone!

Cl.: Beans (3 times).

T.: I like soup with beans. It’s delicious. Delicious. Yamee, yamee. Delicious. Everyone!

Cl.: Delicious (3 times).

T.: Have you ever tasted stone soup? (малюнок) Today we are going to listen to a story “Stone soup”. Stone. Everyone!

Cl.: Stone (3 times).

T.: The story is about one tramp. A tramp is a person who doesn’t have any home. A tramp – бродяга. Everyone!

Cl.: A tramp (3 times).

T.: One day a tramp came to an old woman’s house. The woman was mean. She wasn’t kind. She didn’t want to give anything to the tramp. Mean – скупий. Everyone!

Cl.: Mean (3 times).

T.: The tramp decided to make soup and asked her to fetch a saucepan. To fetch – приносити. Everyone!

Cl.: To fetch (3 times).

T.: Listen to me again. (Учитель показує демонстраційні картки з графічною формою нових лексичних одиниць, промовляє їх, учні повторюють хором, індивідуально і перекладають їх).

Listen to the story and answer the question: was the woman really very poor? Did she have any food? (Запитання записані на дошці). Translate the questions, please.

Учитель читає текст.

T.: Answer the question. Was the woman really very poor? Did she have any food?

P.: No, she wasn’t poor. She had all the food necessary to cook soup. She was mean.

T.: Open your exercise-books, take your pens and do the following task. Read the sentences, put “+” if the sentence is true, put “-“ if the sentence is false. Correct the false sentences.

  1. The tramp wanted to make soup with magic beans (F).

  2. The tramp put salt and pepper into the soup (T).

    1. The old woman gave the tramp only beans and a big onion (F).

    2. The old woman didn’t have any meat (F).

    3. The soup was ready when a magic stone became red (F).

    4. The old woman brought some bread, butter and a piece of cake (T).

    5. The stone soup was delicious (T).

    6. The tramp didn’t give the old woman his magic stone (F).

T.: Split into two teams. Listen to the story again and write the recipe of a stone soup. The first team to finish will be the winner.

Учні зачитують і порівнюють записи.

T.: Which of the following ingredients didn’t go into the stone soup?

a) water, salt, pepper;

b) vegetables, meat, stone;

c) fish and fruit.

T.: Complete my sentences:

- One day a tramp came … (to an old woman’s house).

- The tramp said: “I can make …” (stone soup with a magic stone).

- The tramp put the vegetables into … (a saucepan).

- The soup was ready when the tramp couldn’t … (see the stone anymore).

- For the best stone soup, you need … (some water, a bit of meat, a few vegetables, a bit of salt and pepper).

- When the tramp left, … (he gave the magic stone to the woman).

T.: Arrange the following sentences in the correct order. (Команди одержують набір речень, які необхідно розташувати у хронологічному порядку). The first team to finish, will be the winner. (Учні зачитують і порівнюють свої історії):

1. One day a tramp came to an old woman’s house.

2. The old woman was very mean.

3. “I haven’t got any food”, the woman said.

4. “I’ve got a magic stone. I can make soup with it”, said the tramp.

5. The woman fetched a big saucepan of water.

6. Then she ran into the garden and brought some potatoes, carrots, beans and a big onion.

7. After that the tramp put some ham and sausages into the saucepan.

8. “I can’t see the stone anymore. So the soup is ready”, said the tramp.

9. The woman tasted the soup. It was delicious.

10. When the tramp left, he gave the magic stone to the woman.

T.: Listen to the story and be ready to act out the talk between the tramp and the lady.