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Фрагмент введення граматичної структури Reported Speech (о. Karpiuk, English 8, Unit 1, Lesson 2, p. 14)

Мета: навчити учнів розуміти на слух і вживати у мовленні висловлювання у непрямій мові на рівні фрази

Етап, методичний прийом

Зміст роботи

1. Підготовка до сприйняття і введення граматичної структури “Reported Speech”.

Повідомлення узагальненої комунікативної задачі.

2. Ознайомлення учнів з функцією нової граматичної структури.

Аудіювання учнями повідомлення учителя.

Контроль розуміння нової граматичної структури.

Ознайомлення з правилами вживання непрямої мови.

3. Ознайомлення учнів з формою нової граматичної структури.

Запис мовленнєвих зразків з підкреслюванням граматичних ознак.

Порівняння учнями речень у прямій та непрямій мові.

Формулювання та запис правила-інструкції.

Запис схеми побудови речень з новою граматичною структурою.

4. Автоматизація дій учнів з новою граматичною структурою на рівні фрази.

Умовно-комунікативна вправа на імітацію зразка мовлення.

Умовно-комунікативна вправа на підстановку у зразок мовлення.

T.: Сьогодні на уроці ми з вами навчимося розповідати один одному про те, що сказали нам зранку батьки, що цікавого ми дізналися у школі, про що ви говорили по телефону.

For example, yesterday my friend telephoned me and said: “Hello, what are you doing?” I answered: “I am cooking at the moment”. Yes, I told her that I was cooking pizza.

She asked me: “Why didn’t you come to my place yesterday?” I answered: “I was busy”. Yes, I told her that I had gone on a business trip to Kyiv that day.

She asked me to visit her some day. She said: “We are going to have a party soon. Will you join us?” I said: “Sure thing, I will”. I told her that I would join them with pleasure.

Now listen to me again and compare the sentences:

I said: “I’m cooking at the moment”. I told her that I was cooking.

What’s the difference between these two sentences?

Cl.: У першому реченні вживається пряма мова, а у другому непряма.

T.: Right you are. Open your books at page 13 and read out the rules.

Direct speech is the words that people actually say. When we write direct speech, we use speech marks (“ ”). We usually use said when we write direct speech: “I’m very happy,” she said. “What about you?”

Reported speech is used to express what others say (said, have said, etc). When we report statement (твердження) in the present we can use say or tell: My friends say I am lucky. (It means they always say this about me). When we report statements in the past we use said or told: My friends told me I was lucky. (It means they say this about the situation in the past. With tell the object pronoun must be used: They told me (that) … She told me (that) …

T.: Open your exercise-books and write down more examples.

Direct Speech Reported Speech

I said: “I’m cooking I told her that I was

at the moment”. cooking.

I said: “I went on a I told her that I had

business trip yesterday.” gone on a business trip

that day. .

I said: “I will join you I told her that I would

with pleasure”. join them with pleasure.

(Учитель разом з учнями аналізують всі зміни часових форм дієслів у реченнях з непрямою мовою і формулюють правила).

Якщо в головному реченні вживається дієслово в минулому часі, у підрядному додатковому реченні треба дотримуватися таких правил узгодження часів:

Present Simple Past Simple

am/is/are was/were

do did

Present Continuous Past Continuous

is doing was doing

Present Perfect Past Perfect

have done had done

Past Simple Past Perfect

did had done

Future Simple Future-in-the-Past

shall/will do should/would do

Present Perfect Past Perfect

Continuous Continuous

have been doing had been doing

said V2

S1 knew (that) S2 + had V3 … .

was sure would V0

При перетворенні прямої мови в непряму відбуваються такі лексичні зміни:

Пряма мова Непряма мова

here there

now then

today that day

last night the night before

yesterday the day before/the

previous day

two days ago two days before/two

days earlier

this that

these those

T.: Say that your friend told you the same.

Model: T.: - Jane said that she liked tea.

Cl.: - My friend told me that he liked tea too.

  1. Tom said that he was fond of playing football.

  2. Alice said that she helped her mother about the house.

  3. Mary said that she went shopping every day.

  4. James said that he had spent his summer holidays in the country.

  5. Richard said that he had bathed in the river the previous summer.

  6. William said that they had moved to a new flat the week before.

  7. Richard said that he had been working at the factory for about two years.

  8. Charles said that he would invite his friends to the party.

  9. Alec said that he would post the letter himself.

  10. Betty said that her grandmother would bake a delicious cake.

T.: Let’s see how well you remember my story. If I’m mistaken, say “You didn’t say that” and correct the statement.

Model: T.: - My friend called on me yesterday.

Cl.: - You didn’t say that. You said that he had

phoned you the day before.

1. I cooked soup yesterday.

2. I visited my friend the day before yesterday.

3. I went on an excursion the day before yesterday.

4. I was free the whole day.

5. My friend is going to have a birthday party.

6. I’m not going to the party.