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IV Answer the questions:

1. What is the essence of costume designer’s work?

2. What is the main task of a stage costume?

3. What can we get to know from the costume?

4. How do costume props help the overall design?

5. How does costume designer’s work start?

6. What is a costume plot?

7. How do final designs look?

V Complete the sentences with the words from the text:

1. … such as hats, masks, gloves, etc. are very important for costume design.

2. Before starting his work a designer should know the number of … .

3. … shows the overall movement throughout the play.

4. When the show opens the work of … starts.

VI Find the English equivalents to the words:

вистава, попередній, проблема, брати напрокат, забезпечувати, зовнішній вигляд, загальний, сценарій, придатний, інвентар.

VII Make up sentences with the terms:

costume designer, costume props, rough sketch, costume plot, lighting designer, visual statement, accessories.

VIII Give definitions to the words:

jewelry, sketch, accessory, to revamp, visual, to distinguish, fashion.

IX Translate the sentences into English:

1. Художник по костюмам працює разом з художником-декоратором, художником освітлення, групою акторів та режисером.

2. Аксесуари допомагають створити завершений образ акторів.

3. Художник по костюмам повинен передбачити всі можливі проблеми з костюмом.

4. З костюму ми можемо дізнатися про вік, соціальний статус, професію та смак героя.

5. Робота художника по костюмам починається з вивчення сценарію.

6. Після того як режисер схвалить попередні ескізи костюмів, художник по костюмам може створювати остаточний дизайн.

7. Остаточний дизайн відображає стиль, силует, аксесуари та особливості кожного костюму.

X Speak on the topic using the following words and word-combinations:

costume designer, rough sketch, accessory, creative collaboration, to provide, final design, costume challenges, performance, character, to integrate, to reflect, costume props, costume plot.


I Read and remember:

1. brand-new – абсолютно новий

2. niche – ніша

3. chainmail – кольчуга

4. rivet – зáклепка

5. pliers – щипці

6. audacity – сміливість

7. to expel – виключати (з якої-небудь організації)

8. “Chambre Syndicale” – франц. профспілка підприємців

9. freelance – позаштатний

10. coup – вдалий хід

11. to succumb – піддаватися

12. mauve – рожево-бузковий

II Read the text and define the main idea of it: Paco Rabanne

“Don’t seduce, shock!” was the motto of fashion designer Paco Rabanne. He radically broke with the past which Dior had so successfully revived. For Rabanne the future meant brand-new materials.

He found his niche when he began designing plastic jewelry. His next step led to independence: in February 1966 Rabanne showed 12 “unwearable dresses” made of plastic disks and in September he presented his first garments made of aluminum with leather and ostrich feather trimming.

In the 1960s his futuristic metal dresses became to show business celebrities what white satin dresses had been to the Hollywood sirens of the 1930s.

Every modern girl wore Paco Rabanne’s chainmail, which was stitched not with thread and needle but with hooks, rivets and pliers.

Paco Rabanne has never gave up his experiments with unusual materials.

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