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III Make up a plan of the text.

IV Translate the paragraphs in italics in a written form.

V Questions for discussion:

1. Was Charles Frederick Worth the first to employ the principles of design?

2. Who were the clients of Worth?

3. What was Worth’s childhood like?

4. What idea did he introduce in Paris?

5. How were dresses made before Worth’s career?

6. How did he become the court designer?

7. What fabrics did Frederick Worth use for his dresses?

8. What were his contributions to design?

9. How did Worth make high fashion more available?

VI Render the text in brief in a written form.


I Mind the following words and word-combinations:

1. fashion trend – модна тенденція

2. nobleman – дворянин

3. doll – лялька

4. fashion plate – сторінка мод

5. Parisian printer – паризький друкар

6. engraving – гравюра

II Listen to the text. Decide if the statements are true or false:

1. Fashion trends were set up by the middle class.

2. Tailors went round the country with life-sized dolls to spread new trends.

3. The first fashion magazines appeared in London.

4. Fashion plates are illustrations of the latest clothing.

5. Nowadays fashion magazines are not so popular as they were in the seventeenth century.

III Listen to the text again and be ready to answer the questions:

1. How were fashion trends spread around the country in the seventeenth century?

2. What are fashion plates?




I Listen and remember the following words:

1. to constitute – складати

2. digital – цифровий

3. width – ширина

4. thickness – товщина

5. wavy – хвилястий

6. wheel – колесо

7. surface – поверхня

8. to describe – описувати

9. to measure – вимірювати

10. value – тон, насиченість

ІІ Read and remember the following phrases:

1. visual design – візуальний дизайн

2. piece of art – витвір мистецтва

3. type of space – види простору

4. to draw attention – звертати увагу

5. continuous movement – безперервний рух

6. complementary colours – кольори, що поєднуються

ІІІ Read and translate the following text:

Design elements

Design elements and principles describe fundamental ideas about the practice of good visual design. The elements form the vocabulary of the design, while the principles constitute the broader structural aspects of its composition.

The elements of design play an important role in the creation and success of a piece of art, whether it’s for outdoor, indoor, digital or print medium. These elements are: space, line, colour, shape, texture, form, value.

Space may have two dimensions or in other words flat (length and width), such as a floor. There are two types of space: positive and negative space. Positive space refers to the space of a shape representing the subject matter. Negative space refers to the open space around the subject matter.

Shape is an area enclosed by lines. Shapes are two-dimensional or in other words flat.

Shapes in house decor and interior design can be used to add interest, style, theme to a design like a door. Shape in interior design depends on the function of the object like a kitchen cabinet door. Natural shapes forming patterns on wood or stone may help increase visual appeal in interior design. In a landscape, natural shapes, such as trees contrast with geometric such as houses.

Line is a mark on a surface that describes a shape or outline. It can create texture and can be thick and thin. Line is the basic element of art that refers to the continuous movement of a point along a surface, such as a pencil or brush. Every line has length, thickness, and direction. There are curve, horizontal, vertical, diagonal, zig-zag, wavy, parallel, dash, and dotted lines.

Colour is the most expressive element of art and is seen by the way light reflects off a surface. Colour can be mixed from red, yellow, and blue, can be combined to make new colours, can be mixed for intensity and value, can express moods and feelings, can be warm or cool, can give the illusion of distance.

Colour, and particularly contrasting colour is also used to draw attention to a particular part of the image.

There are primary colours, secondary colours, and tertiary colours.

Primary colours consist of red, blue, and yellow. Secondary – of orange, purple, and green. Secondary colour is made by mixing two primary colours on either sides of the colour wheel. Tertiary colours consist of red-orange, red-purple, blue-purple, blue-green, yellow-orange, and yellow-green. Tertiary colours are made by mixing a primary and secondary colour. Complimentary colours are colours that are opposite to each other or the colour wheel. They are used to create contrast.

Warm colours are a group of colours that remind us of warm places and things. Such are red, yellow, and orange. For example fire, sun and fireworks. Cool colours are group of colours that remind us of cool places and things such as purple, green and blue: ice, cool sky blue, and the sea.

Texture is the way the surface of an object actually feels of the fabrics, colours, and room accessories. It can be real or simulated, can form a surface, can be natural or man-made, can be affected by lighting conditions.

Form is any three dimensional object. Form can be measured, from top to bottom (height) side to side (width), and from back to front (depth). There are two types of forms, geometric and natural. Form may be created by combining of two or more shapes.

Value is an element of art that refers to the relationship between light and dark on a surface or object. It gives objects depth and perception. Value is also referred to as tone.

These elements are used to create the principles of design.

ІV Answer the questions:

1. What elements of design do you know?

2. Why is colour the most expressive element of graphic design?

3. What is the role of shape?

4. What can line create?

5. What do we use to draw attention to a particular part of the image?

6. What are primary colours?

7. What colours are called secondary colours?

8. How do you create contrast?

9. What is texture?

10. What gives the objects depth and perception?

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